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Digital Collections > Western History Collections > Native American Collections > Choctaw Nation > Acts, Bills, and Resolutions of the Choctaw Nation, 1909-1910
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Acts, Bills, and Resolutions of the Choctaw Nation, 1909-1910
Description:  A memorial of the Choctaw people asking for the sale of the Unallotted lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaws in accordance with the supplementary agreement and petitioning the Congress of the U.S. to provide for the distribution of the funds arising therefrom immediately upon sale thereof. Passed Senate October 15, 1910. Passed House and approved October 6, 1910.
Date:  10-06-1910
Collection:  Choctaw Nation
Choctaw Nation
Document Location:  Box 45, Folder 17

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