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Choctaw Nation
Choctaw Nation Papers
Records and printed materials 1868-1936
17 feet
Indian tribe. Acts, laws, bills, and resolutions (1896-1910) of the Choctaw Nation; typescripts of newspaper articles (1868-1936), mainly about political matters such as elections, allotment, and the Dawes Commission, along with four ledgers (1902-1911) which were the journals of record and contain the minutes of the Choctaw Nation Council.
Box 1
1A summary of the problems confronting the Choctaw Nation, September 1869.
2A proposal to permit but two election precincts in Sugarloaf Co. Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 14, 1869, passed Senate October 15, 1869, approved October 15, 1869.
3A proposed act for the location of election precincts of Scullyville Co. Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 14, 1869. Passed Senate October 15, 1869, approved October 15, 1869.
4A proposed act referring to the changing of the election precinct then located in Nani Lakali, Blue Co., Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 18, 1869. Passed Senate October 18, 1869. Approved October 18, 1869.
5A proposed act for establishing an additional election precinct in Goins Co., Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 18, 1869, passed Senate October 16, 1869. Approved October 21, 1869.
6A resolution for the joint meeting of both Houses of the General Council in 1869. Passed House October 21, 1869. Passed Senate October 21, 1869. Approved October 21, 1869.
7A resolution proposed to appoint a committee to consider and report on the proposition offered by certain railroad companies to build a railroad. Passed House October 22, 1869. Passed Senate and approved October 23, 1869.
8A resolution regarding payment of Choctaw ball players. Passed Senate October 19, 1869. Passed House October 23, 1869. Approved October 23, 1869. (Written in Choctaw)
9Proposed bill to prohibit the carrying of fire arms of any kind to any public gathering of the people. Passed Senate October 21, 1869. Passed House October 12, 1869. Approved October 23, 1869.
10A proposed act to repeal the act which entitled the National Attorney to attend the claims set up against the Nation. Passed House October 23, 1869, passed Senate October 23, 1869. Approved October 26, 1869.
11A proposal to remove Sakit County and Probate Court in Kiamitia County. Passed House October 25, 1869, passed Senate October 26, 1869. Approved October 26, 1869.
12A proposed act authorizing the National Treasurer to borrow money of Green W. Thompson to pay the expenses of the General Council then in session. Passed House October 25, 1869. Passed Senate October 25, 1869. Approved October 26, 1869.
13A proposed act to establish an additional election precinct in Sanbois Co., Choctaw Nation to be called "Hancocks Election Precinct". Passed House October 26, 1869. Passed Senate October 27, 1869. Approved October 27, 1869.
14A proposed act to pay one dollar and a half per day for expenses to the members then attending the General Council. Passed House October 27, 1869. Passed Senate October 27, 1869. Approved October 27, 1869.
15A proposed resolution that the report of the National Auditors for the year of 1869 be accepted. Passed House October 27, 1869. Passed Senate October 28, 1869. Amended by House October 28, by Senate October 28, 1869. Approved October 28, 1869.
16A proposed act for the legalizing of the child of Ben Lewis and Phebe Hampton which was born out of wedlock. Passed House, Senate and was approved on October 28, 1869.
17An act for the legalizing of the children of Nico Colbert and Lewis Colbert which were born out of wedlock. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1869. Approved same.
18A proposed act to authorize the borrowing of $5000 from Green W. Thompson to pay the expenses of the General Assembly then in session. Passed House October 29, 1869. Passed Senate October 29, 1869. Approved October 29, 1869.
19A proposed act to relieve the National Treasurer of his bond for the year 1867 to 1868. Passed House, Senate, and was approved October 29, 1869.
20A report of the special committee on the report of the Treasurer.
21A proposed act to pay Wilbur Hampton $30. 80 to pay for the board of his two children attending school. Passed House, Senate and was approved October 29, 1869.
22A proposed act to pay $72.00 to Fisher Frazier to pay the board of his son attending school. Passed Senate October 29, 1869. Passed House and was approved October 29, 1869.
23A proposed act to repeal the approved resolution on Nov. 1, 1860. Passed and approved October 29, 1869.
24Indian language. Passed House October 29, 1869. Passed Senate and approved same.
25A proposed act to divide the annual funds among the three districts. Passed Senate and was approved October 30, 1869. Passed House October 29, 1869.
26A proposed act to lay the report of the Committee over to the next General Council. Committee composed of I.P. Folsom, Ed D. Night and Campbell Leflore. Passed and approved October 30, 1869.
27A proposed act directing the superintendent of schools to advertise to sale the property belonging to the "Good Water School". Passed and approved October 30, 1869.
28A proposed act authorizing the principal chief to employ a competent translator to translate all laws into Choctaw language. Passed and approved, October 30, 1869.
29A joint resolution proposed in regard to the possession of any liquors in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 30, 1869.
30A proposed act protecting against the use of public money of the Choctaw for the building of railroads. Passed House October 29, 1869. Passed Senate and approved October 30, 1869.
31A proposed act for the adjournment of the council then assembled. Passed and approved October 30, 1869.
32A proposed act authorizing the principal chief to appoint three people to inspect the printed laws and to see if they could be compiled as directed by an act approved October 17, 1867. Passed and approved October 30, 1869.
33A proposed act directing the Superintendent of Schools to advertise to sale the buildings and fields of the Fort Coffee School. Passed and approved October 30, 1869.
34A proposed act for making appropriations for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1870. Passed and approved October 30, 1869.
35A proposed act appropriating $1500.00 for repairing the Capitol building at Chahta Tomaha. Passed October 30, 1869. Approved same.
36A proposed act to relieve William Robuck of his bond as school trustee. Passed House and approved October 30, 1869.
Box 2
1A proposed act to pay $2.00 per day to all Lighthorsemen attending the special session of the council for their expenses. Passed House March 30, 1870. Passed Senate and approved March 31, 1870.
2An amendment proposed for the Superintendent of the public school to carry out the provisions of this act.
3A proposed act requiring the principal chief to send a responsible person to the National Treasurer and receive all the money then in his hands and to defray in part the expenses of the Council then in session. Passed House March 30, 1870. Passed Senate March 31, 1870. Approved April 2, 1870.
4A proposed act to repeal the second section of the law passed December 31, 1866. Passed House March 31, 1870. Passed Senate April 2, 1870. Approved April 2, 1870.
5An act proposed for the calling of special election to determine the sentiment in regard to surveying the County. Passed House April 1, 1870. Passed Senate and approved April 2, 1870.
6A proposed resolution for borrowing from the school funds to defray in part the expenses of the extra session of the General Council. Passed and approved April 2, 1870.
7A proposed resolution to express sympathy for the deaths of Samuel Garland, Fisher Frazier, and Ellis Frazier to their families. Passed House March 30, 1870. Passed Senate March 31, 1870. Approved April 1, 1870.
8A resolution proposed in regard to reading and interpreting the joint committee report on Choctaw and Chickasaw Thirty Fifth Parallel Railroad Bill. Passed House, Senate, and approved April 5, 1870.
9A resolution supporting the protest against a territorial government by the Indian legation at Washington. Passed House and Senate April 4, 1870. Approved April 5, 1870.
10A proposed resolution for the adjournment of the council for April 1870. Passed and approved April 7, 1870.
11A proposed resolution for the addition of $2.00 to the pay of members of the extra session of the council, per day. Passed House March 30, 1870. Passed Senate March 31, 1870. Repassed House April 6, 1870. Repassed Senate April 7, 1870.
12Proposed act appropriating money to pay for scrubbing and cleaning the Capitol Building. Passed and approved April 8, 1870.
13Proposed act appropriating money to pay Mr. A. Nichols for scrubbing and cleaning the Capitol Building. Passed and approved April 8, 1870.
14Resolution authorizing the National Secretary to have Charters of the thirty-fifth parallel and the Central, Choctaw and Chickasaw Railroad Companies translated into Choctaw. Passed and approved April 8, 1870.
15Proposed act to pay officers attending the General Council. Passed House, Senate and approved April 8, 1870.
16Proposed act for the financial relief of Joseph H. Thompson. Passed and approved April 8, 1870.
17Report of Committee who had charge of the account of Joseph H. Thompson.
18Proposed act granting R.L. Ream permission to build a bridge over Rock Creek in Tobocksy Co. and establish a toll gate. Passed and approved April 8, 1870.
19Act proposed to prevent citizens of the Choctaw Nation from leasing the Public domain for grazing and other purposes. Passed House April 6, 1870. Passed and approved April 8, 1870.
20An act proposed authorizing the appropriation of money to enable Albert Carney, Jacob Jackson, and Ella Byington to continue in school. Passed House April 5, 1870. Passed Senate and approved April 8, 1870.
21An act proposed authorizing the National Government to borrow money to defray, in part, expenses of the session of the General Council. April 1870. Passed and repassed April 8, 1870.
22Amendment to foregoing act.
23Resolution authorizing the appointment of a Treasurer Protem to receive and receipt money in the hands of Olmstead. Passed House October 11, 1870. Passed Senate and approved October 12, 1870.
24Resolution to instruct the National Secretary to produce the original manuscripts of the two charters granted in 1870 to two sets of railroad companies. Passed and approved October 10, 1870.
25A report and resolution pertaining to the surveying of Chickasaw District. Passed House and approved with amendment October 13, 1870.
26A proposed act to appropriate $102.50 for repair on a public building at Chahta Tamaha. Passed and approved October 15, 1870.
27A proposed act to repeal the act entitled "An act to incorporate the Choctaw and Chickasaw Central Railroad Company" and to repeal on act entitled "An act to incorporate the Choctaw and Chickasaw Thirty-fifth Senate October 20, 1870, approved October 21, 1870.
28An account to William Gardner forwarded to the General Council of the Choctaw Nation by Allen Wright. Passed and approved October 21, 1870.
29A bill supplementary to an act entitled "An act regulating the manner of constituting juries and establishing pay" April 16, 1858. A proposed act regarding the manner of selecting and paying jurors. Passed House October 21, 1870. Passed Senate October 22, 1870 and approved October 26, 1870.
30A proposed resolution for the adjournment of the General Council of October Passed House October 24, 1870. Passed Senate with amendment October 24, 1870. Repassed Senate with amendment October 26, 1870. Approved October 26, 1870.
31A proposed act to legalize the illegitimate child of Iavis Annatambe. Passed House October 28, 1870. Passed Senate and was approved October 29, 1870.
32Indian language. Passed House October 27, 1870. Passed Senate and approved October 28, 1870.
33A proposed act concerning a tax to be levied on stock being driven through Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate with amendment October 27, 1870. Approved same.
34Proposed act to permit witnesses to correct any testimony which he may have given in court. Passed House October 26, 1870. Passed Senate and approved October 27, 1870.
35Proposed act concerning the salary to be paid members during the session of the General Council. Passed House October 26, 1870. Passed Senate October 27, 1870. Approved October 29, 1870.
36An act proposed for the appropriating of money for the fiscal year commencing August 1, 1870 and ending July 31, 1871. Passed Senate October 29, 1870. Passed 1870.
37A proposed act granting to Joshua Pusley and James Cheadle the right to build a bridge over Coral Creek in Toboksy Co. Passed House October 28, 1870. Passed 1870.
38A proposed resolution to continue the General Council then in session to Nov. 2, Passed House, Senate and was approved on October 29, 1870.
39A proposed resolution for the paying of the General Council members during their stay at the session. Passed Senate and was approved October 28, 1870.
40A proposed act to give Mitchell, an orphan, to Samuel Ott for adoption. Passed House and approved October 29, 1870.
41A proposed act for legalizing the children of John and Lisey Hoyabi. Passed House October 28, 1870. Passed Senate and was approved October 31, 1870.
42Proposed act for changing the place of holding circuit and County court in Kiamichia Co. Passed House October 28, 1870. Passed Senate and was approved October 31, 1870.
43A portion of Bill No. 19, regarding payments to individuals for running the line 98th meridian, October 1870.
44Proposed act providing for the appointment of fifteen Choctaw delegates to attend the General Assembly. Passed House, Senate, and was approved on October 31, 1870.
45Proposed act for the changing of two election precincts in Nashoba Co. Passed House October 24, 1870. Passed Senate and approved on October 31, 1870.
46The report of a joint committee stating that the report of the National Auditor and Treasurer are correct. Resolution approving this report of National Auditor and Treasurer. Passed Senate October 29, 1870. Passed House October 31, 1870. Approved October 13, 1870.
47A proposed act for legalizing the child of Thomas L. Ellis and Sinie. Passed and approved October 31, 1870.
48Proposed act for legalizing the illegitimate children of Jonas and Peggy Hoteka. Passed and approved Nov. 1, 1870.
49A proposed act to grant Wilson Jones a charter to erect a steam saw mill in Atoka Co. Passed House October 38, 1870. Passed Senate October 29, 1870. Approved Nov. 1, 1870.
50Proposed act legalizing Sila Potts, illegitimate child of Mr. and Mrs. Pott's. Passed and approved Nov. 1, 1870.
51A proposed act for the erection of two boarding school; one for boys and one for girls. Location for boy's school is at Spencer and girl's school New Hope. Passed and approved Nov. 2, 1870.
52Report of committee appointed to investigate the report of the Superintendent of Public Schools, also the proposed resolution to instruct to principal Chief to appoint two persons to examine the accounts etc...of the schools in Spuckchunubbee District. October 29, 1870.
Box 3
1A proposed act to establish three election precincts in Boktoklo Co. Passed and approved October 9, 1871.
2A proposed act for legalizing the illegitimate child of Gooding Nelson and Susan Parker. Passed Senate October 10, 1871. Passed House and approved October 11, 1871.
3A proposed act locating the election precinct of Boggy Depot to New Boggy Depot in Blue County. Passed House and approved October 11, 1871. Passed Senate October 10, 1871.
4A proposed act to adopt as citizens the illegitimate children of Elizabeth Frazier and Coleman Folsom. Passed and approved October 11, 1871.
5An act proposed prescribing the limit to actions, indictments, etc. Passed House October 13, 1871. Passed Senate October 13, 1871. Approved October 14, 1871.
6A report for the adoption of the statute of limitations on certain prosecutions.
7A proposed resolution to direct the treasurer to pay the expenses of the General Council of $8000.00. Passed and approved October 14, 1871.
8A proposed resolution to order both Houses to meet in the House of Representatives on October 19, 1871 to hear the Okmulgee Delegation Report. Passed and approved October 18, 1871.
9A proposed act to renew the charter for a toll bridge granted to George W. Riddle in 1866. Passed House October 18, 1871. Passed Senate October 17, 1871. Approved October 18, 1871.
10An act proposed to grant David McCurtain, Sheriff of Scullyville Co., money to employ an attorney in his defense against John Ingle. Passed House October 16, 1871. Passed Senate October 18, 1871. Approved October 19, 1871.
11A committee report in regard to the ratification of the Okmulgee Constitution.
12A proposed resolution for the ratification of the Okmulgee Constitution adopted Dec. 20, 1870. Passed House October 21, 1871. Passed Senate October 23, 1871. Approved October 24, 1871.
13A proposed act locating the circuit and County court grounds of Jacks Fork Co. Passed and approved October 24, 1871.
14A proposed resolution to appoint two committees from each house to meet Chickasaw committees. Passed and approved October 24, 1871.
15A report to adopt the suggestion of a committee to meet with a Chickasaw committee. October 24, 1871.
16A resolution proposed for the adjournment of the session of the General Council then in session on Nov. 1871. Passed House October 25, 1871. Passed Senate and approved October 26, 1871.
17A proposed act concerning the regulations by which children could be adopted. Passed and approved October 26, 1871.
18A proposed resolution to grant Billy Williams, Sheriff of Towson Co., money to employ an attorney for his defense. Passed and approved October 26, 1871.
19A proposed act for changing the location of the election precinct at Hashukwa, Blue Co., to Fisher Durants Meeting House. Passed and approved October 28, 1871.
20A proposed act to repeal the act approved Nov. 20, 1867, concerning the granting of permits for trade. Passed House October 24, 1871. Passed Senate October 26, 1871. Approved October 28.
21A proposed act for moving the County Site of Blue Co. from Chahta Tamaha to the Store House occupied by William Gardner in Chahta Tamaha. Passed House and approved October 30, 1871.
22An act proposed to move the election precinct from Coleman Cole's old place in Cedar Co. to Barnett Devenpot's place in Cedar Co. Passed House October 28, 1871. Passed Senate and approved October 30, 1871.
23A report of the Superintendent of Public Schools and District Trustees reports and an act proposed to appropriate money to keep certain children in school. Passed and approved October 30, 1871.
24A proposed act authorizing the principal chief to order the National Secretary to distribute Law books in his possession, printed by J.P. Folsom. Passed House October 30, 1871. Passed Senate October 31, 1871. Approved October 31, 1871.
25A proposed act to pay members of the council a certain amount of money for expenses during their stay. Passed House and Senate October 38, 1871. Became a law by limitation Nov. 1, 1871.
26An act providing for the protection of timber and stone in the Choctaw Nation.
27An act proposed to make appropriations for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1871. Passed House October 31, 1871. Passed Senate and was approved Nov. 1, 1871.
Box 4
1An act to provide that the Principal Chief of the Nation shall transfer the remaining funds from Washington and place it in the Treasury as National funds. Passed and approved March 7, 1872.
2A resolution that the General Council of the Choctaw Nation adjourn in respect to the memory of the deceased, Col. Sampson Folsom. Passed and approved March 9, 1872.
3A resolution asking the two houses of the General Council of the Choctaw Nation to meet in joint session, to interpret and pass the committee report. Passed Senate March 9, 1872. Passed House March 12, 1872. Approved March 12, 1872.
4A proposed act to pay the board of Alfred Wight, W. W. Hampton, Alex Benton, and Sam McGee, for October term of the General Council for 1871. Passed House March 8, 1872. Passed Senate March 15, 1872. Approved March 15, 1872.
5A proposed act to give the Principal Chief of the Nation the power to aid in the removal of the Freedom beyond the limits of the Nation. Passed House March 12, 1872. Passed Senate March 11, 1872, approved March 14, 1872.
6A proposed act to give two dollars per day to certain officers so that they might pay their board session of the General Council. Passed and approved March 18, 1872.
7A proposed act to exchange for currency the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in bonds of the United States, which are to be issued to authorities of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate, passed House March 16, 1872. Approved March 18, 1872.
8A report by a joint committee to allow merchants to continue to expose merchandise for sale within the limits of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate and approved March 19, 1872.
9A proposed act to allow L.S.W. Folsom to negotiate a loan of $5000.00 for use of the Council. Passed and approved March 19, 1872.
10A proposed act to appropriate $1000.00 so that Forbis LeFlore, Superintendent of Public Schools, might carry out the provision of the law paper of November 1871. Passed House, Senate was approved March 19, 1872.
11A report asking for authority to collect toll for the use of a certain bridge owned by the council of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate March 19, 1872. Passed House and was approved March 20, 1872.
12A proposed act to authorize the Supreme Judges of the Choctaw Nation to take evidence and fix the pay of persons claiming to be of Choctaw or Chickasaw descent. Passed House March 18, 1872. Passed Senate and approved March 20, 1872.
13An act directing the Principal Chief to notify the United States Indian Agents for the Choctaws and Chickasaws of an act approved March 20, 1872. Passed House March 20, 1872. Passed Senate with amendment on same date. Approved March 20, 1872.
14A resolution to allow and pay $4.00 a day to Joseph P. Folsom substitute journalist. Passed and approved March 20, 1872.
15A proposed act asking William Bryant, Principal Chief of the Nation, to request of the Secretary of the Interior a complete copy of all claims under the 12th article of Treaty of 1855. Passed House March 18, 1872. Passed Senate and was approved March 20, 1872.
16A resolution to adjourn the 20th of March 1872, at 4 o'clock p.m. Passed and approved March 20, 1872.
17A proposed act to pay S.W. Bailey $60.00 for medical attention during the present session. Passed House March 19, 1872. Passed Senate and was approved March 20, 1872.
18A proposed act to provide pay for the Commissioners of the Court of Claims. Passed House March 19, 1872 and approved March 20, 1872.
19A resolution concerning money, bonds, or securities in the hands of the United States belonging to and payable to the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 24, 1872. Passed Senate October 26, 1872.
20A proposed act to change the place of holding County court and establishing a circuit ground court in Gains County. Passed Senate October 21, 1872. Passed House October 28, 1872. Approved.
21A proposed act to change the Election Precinct in Cedar County. Passed Senate, House and was approved October 28, 1872.
22A proposed act to change the name of the court ground in Red River County to "Kallih Court Ground". Passed and approved October 28, 1872.
23A proposed act to change the election precinct in Eagle County. Passed House October 28, 1872. Passed Senate October 28, 1872. Approved October 29, 1872.
24A proposed act to appropriate and pay $400.00 to Tandy Walker and Campbell LeFlore for defending the Nation against claims of Choctaws. Passed Senate October 25, 1872. Passed House October 28, 1872. Approved October 28, 1872.
25A proposed act to change the Court of Kiamitia County. Passed House, Senate, and approved October 28, 1872.
26A resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Choctaw Council concerning the election of the Supreme Judges, Superintendent of Public Schools, and District Trustees of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 31, 1872.
27A proposed act granting to James S. Johnson the privilege of establishing a toll bridge near the crossing of Boggy Depot and Ft. Gibson Road. Passed and approved October 31, 1872.
28A resolution to pay $56.60 to Simon P. Willis. Passed and approved October 31, 1872. (missing)
29A proposed act to establish two election precincts in Sugar Loaf County. Passed House October 31, 1872. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 1, 1872.
30A proposed act to establish additional election precincts in Red River County. Passed Senate October 31, 1872. Passed House and approved Nov. 1, 1872.
31A resolution that a member from each house be appointed to make arrangements for the funeral of the Sergeant and Arms, Imachaya. Passed Senate, House, and was approved, November 1, 1872.
32A report of a special committee saying that the report of the National Treasurer is correct. Passed Senate October 28, 1872. Passed House November 4, 1872.
33A proposed act to allow $2.00 a day for the National Officers, Lighthorsemen, officers of the Council and members of the General. Passed House November 1, 1872. Passed Senate November 1, 1872. Approved November 4, 1872.
34A resolution to send an expression of sympathy to the family of the late Sergeant at Arms, Imachaya. Passed House November 1, 1872. Passed Senate November 2, 1872. Approved November 4, 1872.
35A proposed act locating the circuit and County court ground in Scullyville County. Passed House November 1, 1872. Passed Senate November 2, 1872. Approved November 4, 1872.
36A resolution to employ an accountant to examine the books, vouchers, and certificates of the National Auditor from October 5, 1872. Passed House and approved November 4, 1872.
37A proposed act to give William Roebuck, the National Auditor, his bond. Passed Senate October 28, 1872. Passed House and approved November 4, 1872.
38A resolution for the Principal Chief to appoint three persons to examine Forbis LeFlore's books in regard to the deficiency of $1,638.00. Passed Senate, November 1, 1872. Passed House, November 2, 1872. Approved November 4, 1872.
39A resolution authorizing the Superintendent of School Trustees to collect the money from the sale of Fort Coffee. Passed Senate, November 1, 1872. Passed House November 2, 1872. Approved November 4, 1872.
40A resolution to pay William Roebuck $145.85, so that he can pay his daughter's tuition. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1872. Passed House Nov. 2, 1872. Approved Nov. 4, 1872.
41A resolution authorizing the Superintendent of Public Schools to divide the balance of funds in his hands between three districts for neighborhood schools. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1872. Passed House Nov. 2, 1872. Approved Nov. 4, 1872.
42A resolution to pay $350.00 to Ella Byington so that she might pay her tuition bills. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1872. Passed House Nov. 2, 1872. Approved Nov. 4, 1872.
43A proposed act to receive the report of Apuckcuabbee district trustee. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1872. Passed House Nov. 2, 1872. Approved Nov. 4, 1872.
44A proposed act to appropriate $27,534.94. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1872. Passed House Nov. 2, 1872. Approved Nov. 4, 1872.
45A proposed ac to receive the report of Moosholatubbee district trustee. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1872. Passed House Nov. 2, 1872. Approved Nov. 4, 1872.
46A report showing that the report of Forbis LeFlore, Superintendent of Public Schools, has been examined; that the superintendent of the New Hope Seminary has drawn $5000.00; that the report of Edmund McCurtain, trustee of Mosshoatubbee, has been examined; that the reports of Timothy Dwight, Pushmataha district trustee and Simon P. Willis, Apuchanubbee district trustee have been examined; and that the total amount of money on hand is $2291.34. This report also recommends that ten certain acts and resolutions be adopted. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1872. Passed House Nov. 2, 1872. Approved Nov. 4, 1872.
47A proposed act to receive the report of Pushmataha District Trustee. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1872. Passed House Nov. 2, 1872. Approved Nov. 4, 1872.
48A proposed act to receive the report of the National Treasurer. Passed House Nov. 4, 1872. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 5, 1872.
49A resolution authorizing the National Treasurer to cancel warrants numbered from 374 to 385 Inc. Passed House Nov. 4, 1872. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 5, 1872.
50A proposed act and amendment to appropriate money for printing the laws. Passed House Nov. 4, 1872. Passed and amended by Senate Nov. 4, 1872. Approved with amendment Nov. 5, 1872.
51A resolution to authorize National Treasurer to pay interest on borrowed money. Passed Nov. 5, 1872. It becomes a law by its own limitation.
52A proposed act to repeal an act locating the County and Circuit Court, and furthermore to locate the courts at a certain place. Passed Senate October 31, 1872. Passed House and approved Nov. 6, 1872.
53A resolution to adjourn. Passed and approved Nov. 6, 1872.
54A proposed act to repeal an act passed October 1871, and to reenact the act granting and regulating permits which were approved Nov. 29, 1867. Passed House Nov. 6, 1872. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 7, 1872.
55A proposed act to pay money to the guardian of Kennedy Lawrence so that he may attend school one year at Paris, Texas. Passed Senate Nov. 7, 1872. Passed House and approved Nov. 8, 1872.
56A proposed act making appropriation for the fiscal year commencing Aug. 1, 1872 and ending July 31, 1873. Passed House, Senate, and approved Nov. 8, 1872.
57A proposed act to appropriate $11,502.00 to pay commissioners of the Court of Claims and its officers. Passed and approved Nov. 8, 1872.
58A resolution to authorize the National Treasurer to exchange the United States bonds for the currency in order that the Choctaws may settle the just liabilities. Passed and approved Nov. 8, 1872.
Box 5
1A resolution that a committee of six be appointed to wait on the committee of Indian Affairs. Passed House October 11, 1873. Passed Senate and approved the same.
2A resolution to send sympathy to the following families of the deceased: R.M. Jones, Bacon Blevin, William Jackson, and Samuel Hotimambe. Passed Senate and House October 15, 1873. Passed by its own limitations.
3A resolution to send sympathy to the family of the later Henry Clay. Passed October 16, 1873. Passed Senate October 17, 1873. Approved October 17, 1873.
4A resolution calling on J.P. Folsom to give a statement on how many law books were printed and disbursed. Passed and approved October 21, 1873.
5A report asking that the petition to change the Good Water Court Ground to Boiling Springs be granted. Passed Senate October 21, 1873. Passed House with amendment October 22, 1873. Passed Senate with amendment October 22, 1873. Approved October 22, 1873.
6A resolution to remove Ft. Coffee to New Hope Seminary for the purpose of benefit of the Seminary. Passed House and Senate October 21, 1873. Approved October 22, 1873.
7A proposed act to prevent the sale of merchandise or goods on Sunday. Passed House and Senate October 21, 1873. Approved October 22, 1873.
8A proposed act to prohibit the sale and shipment of timber, rock, stone, coal, etc. Passed and approved October 24, 1873.
9A proposed act defining claims. Passed Senate October 23, 1873. Passed House and approved October 24, 1873.
10A proposed act for the Commissioner to procure lists of claimants in the treaty of 1839. Passed with amendments October 23, 1873. Approved October 24, 1873.
11A report showing that National Treasurer's report is correct and a resolution that the report be accepted by the Council. Passed by the Senate October 23, 1873. Passed and approved October 24, 1873.
12An act proposed to pay Captain Shoney for his services as a member of the General Council in the year 1866. Passed Senate October 23, 1873. Passed House and approved October 24, 1873.
13A resolution authorizing the National Agent to settle all unsettled business in regard to material used in constructing and repairing the M.K. and T. Railroad within the limits of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 22, 1873. Passed House October 23, 1873. Approved October 24, 1873.
14A proposed act appointing the National Agent and defining his duties and fixing his pay. Passed Senate October 22, 1873. Passed House October 23, 1873. Approved October 24, 1873.
15A proposed act authorizing the principal chief to suspend the National Treasurer and auditor for the time being when his reports are not accepted. Passed and approved October 25, 1873.
16A proposed act to change the circuit and County court grounds in Cedar County from Davis Fraziers to one mile south of former place. Passed and approved October 25, 1873.
17A proposed act to require the present and future National Secretaries to give bond. Passed and approved October 25, 1873.
18A resolution authorizing the National Treasurer to turn over the money every three months to the Superintendent of Public Schools. Approved October 25, 1873.
19Committee to take all evidence who claim Choctaw descent to this Council. Passed House and approved October 25, 1873.
20Defining eastern boundary line of Cedar County. Passed Senate and House and was approved on October 25, 1873.
21Proposed act to amend the act approved Nov. 20, 1867 which prescribes the manner of executing convicts in Capitol cases. Passed House October 27, 1873. Passed Senate October 27, 1873 and approved on the same.
22A proposed act requiring County clerks to turn over all books for recording marks and brands to the ranger. Passed House October 24, 1873. Passed Senate and approved on October 28, 1873.
23A resolution allowing mileage to members of the Council appointed to go to Boggy Depot to confer with commissioners of Indian Affairs. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1873. Approved October 29, 1873.
24A resolution to cancel warrant No. 250 issued October 31, 1870 in favor of John Page, amount $343.50. Passed House and Senate and approved October 29, 1873.
25A proposed act to appropriate a certain amount of money for the benefit of David Perkins. Passed House and Senate October 29, 1873. Became a law by its own limitations.
26A resolution to adjourn October 31, 1873 at 3 p.m. Passed House October 28, 1873. Approved October 30, 1873.
27A proposed act to give relief of $2.00 per day to Lighthorsemen. Passed House and Senate October 29, 1873. Approved October 30, 1873.
28A proposed act to appoint a committee to effect a settlement with the delegates and attorneys of 1853 and 1854. Passed and approved October 30, 1873.
29A proposed act permanently locating the circuit and County court ground in the several counties of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 28, 1873. Passed Senate and approved October 30, 1873.
30An act prescribing and defining the duties of National Treasurer in relation to net proceed claims. Passed by the House October 30, 1873. Approved October 30, 1873.
31A proposed act making appropriation for the fiscal year from Aug. 1, 1873 to July 31, 1874. Passed and approved October 31, 1873.
32A proposed act for the relief of the executive National Treasurer, National Auditor, and National Secretary. Passed and approved October 31, 1873.
33A proposed act to locate additional election precincts in Scullyville County. Passed and approved October 31, 1873.
Box 6
1A resolution protesting against the survey and allotment of land held in common by the Choctaw. Passed Senate February 2, 1874. Passed House and approved February 3, 1874.
2A proposed bill protesting against territorial form of government to be extended over to the Choctaw Tribe of Indians. Passed Senate February 2, 1874. Passed House and approved February 3, 1874.
3A proposed act relating to the eastern boundary line, authorizing compensation for the strip of land supposed to be embodied in the state of Arkansas. Passed Senate and approved February 3, 1874.
4A proposed act revoking Cochrane's contract. Passed and approved February 3, 1874.
5A resolution protesting against the allotment of lands in the Chickasaw district as provided by a resolution of the Chickasaw Legislature. Approved September 24, 1872. Passed Senate February 2, 1874. Passed House and approved February 3, 1874.
6A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to communicate with the government of the Chickasaw Nation. Passed and approved February 3, 1874.
7A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to urge Joseph P. Folsom to complete translating and printing the laws in the Choctaw language as soon as practicable. Passed and approved February 4, 1874.
8A resolution to borrow $5000.00 out of the funds appropriated by the Council to defray the expenses of the Court of Claims. Passed Senate February 3, 1874. Passed House and approved February 4, 1874.
9A proposed act to relieve the executive, National Officers, Lighthorsemen, and members of the General Council and its officers. Passed and approved February 4, 1874.
10Resolution to adjourn at 9:30 February 5, 1874. Passed Senate February 4, 1874. Approved February 5, 1874.
11A proposed act to appoint three delegates to Washington City and defining their duties. Passed Senate February 2, 1874 and approved February 5, 1874. Passed House and approved February 3, 1874.
12A resolution that the unexpended funds in the hands of the Ex-principal chief, William Bryant, be turned over to the National Treasury. Passed Senate October 16, 1874.
13A resolution for a joint meeting of the Senate and House so that the delegation might explain the Net Proceeds Claim. Passed Senate and approved October 19, 1874.
14A proposed act granting to William Impson the privilege to turnpike the Jacks Fork Mountain and establish a toll gate thereon. Passed House October 19, 1874. Passed Senate October 20, 1874. Approved October 20, 1874.
15A resolution authorizing the committee of schools and school reports of the present General Council to investigate the books and vouchers of Forbis Leflore, former Superintendent of Schools. Passed House October 19, 1874. Passed Senate October 21, 1874 and approved October 21, 1874.
16A resolution that one person be appointed to go to Sedelia, Missouri, the headquarters of the M.K. & T Railroad Co. to get the statistics of the amount of money given by the Railroad Co. Passed and approved October 22, 1874.
17A proposed act removing Shinuk Tobbi election precinct in Blue County to Pigeon Roost. Passed and approved October 24, 1874.
18A resolution to request the Principal Chief to notify Joseph P. Folsom to make a report and explain his business in translating and printing the Choctaw Laws. Passed and approved October 26, 1874.
19A proposed act to remove Ephesus election precinct in Blue County to New Ephesus. Passed and approved October 27, 1874.
20A resolution referring the examination of the reports of Superintendent of Public Schools, Superintendent of Boarding Schools and the district trustees to the next regular session of Choctaw Council. Passed and approved October 29, 1874.
21A proposed act to appropriate $27,534.95 for school purposes. Passed and approved October 29, 1874.
22A proposed act to receive the report of Apuckshunubbe District Trustee. Passed and approved October 29, 1874.
23A proposed act granting to D.R. Welch the privilege to erect a bridge on Bayouzil and establish a toll gate thereon. Passed and approved October 29, 1874.
24A proposed bill authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint two additional delegates to the General Assembly. Passed and approved Nov. 2, 1874.
25A resolution to adjourn Nov. 4, 1874 at 12:00 noon. Passed and approved Nov. 2, 1874.
26a proposed act granting James McCauley the privilege to turnpike the narrows and establish a toll gate thereon. Passed House October 31, 1874. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 2, 1874.
27A proposed bill that no citizen of this nation has the right to grant a right a way to any railroad company or corporate community. Passed Senate October 31, 1874. Passed House Nov. 2, 1874 and approved the same.
28A proposed act conferring citizenship upon certain persons descendants of the Choctaw People. Passed Senate October 19, 1874. Repassed Senate Nov. 2, 1874. Repassed House Nov. 2, 1874.
29A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of James Thompson, National Treasurer, for the year, 1873-1874. Passed Senate October 30, 1874. Passed House October 30, 1874. Approved Nov. 3, 1874.
30A proposed act authorizing the Superintendent of Public Schools to transfer Fort Coffee to New Hope Seminary. Passed Senate Nov. 2, 1874. Passed House Nov. 3, 1874. Approved Nov. 3, 1874.
31A resolution to authorize the National Auditor to issue a warrant for $55.00 in favor of Captain John Martin. Passed Senate Nov. 2, 1874. Passed House and approved Nov. 3, 1874.
32A proposed act to relieve the delegates to Washington City from any further duties as delegates. Passed House October 30, 1874. Passed Senate Nov. 2, 1874. Approved Nov. 3, 1874.
33A proposed bill in regard to J.P. Folsom's contract with W.P. Lyon and Son for printing business. Passed and approved Nov. 4, 1874.
34A proposed act memorializing to the Congress of the U.S. on Net Proceed's Claim. Passed Senate October 29, 1874. Passed House October 31, 1874. Approved Nov. 3, 1874.
35A proposed act making appropriation for the fiscal year 1874 and 1875. Passed Senate Nov. 3, 1874. Passed House Nov. 3, 1874. Repassed Senate Nov. 4, 1874. Approved Nov. 4, 1874.
Box 7
1A resolution authorizing five commissioners to be appointed to meet the Chickasaw Commissioners. Passed House and Senate October 13, 1875. Approved October 14, 1875.
2A resolution calling upon the Secretary of the Interior for copies of Charter Bond and plot of the M.K. and Texas Railroad Co. Approved October 14, 1875. Passed House and Senate the same.
3An act declaring and defining the status of the soil and its materials appurtenance belonging to Choctaws and Chickasaws. Passed House and Senate October 26, 1875. Approved October 26, 1875.
4A resolution requesting the suspension of working on coal, lumber, and ship. Approved when Choctaws and Chickasaws agree on the terms of Royalty. Approved October 26, 1875. Passed the House and Senate on the same day.
5A memorial of General Council of Indian Territory to the President and Congress of the U.S. Passed Senate October 26, 1875. Passed House October 27, 1875 and approved on the same.
6Council approving Choctaw Nation of able report of House Committee of Indian Affairs. Passed Senate October 27, 1875. Passed House and approved October 29, 1875.
7An act stating that there shall be a toll bridge over Gaines Creek and Nicholas Pusley has control. Passed by the House October 29, 1875. Passed and approved by the Senate Nov. 1, 1875.
8A resolution to dismiss a case of injunction or write of ejectment with Superintendent of Public Schools as plaintiff and G.T. Lincoln as defendant. Passed and approved Nov. 1, 1875.
9Resolved that the General Council of Choctaw Nation adjourn on the 12th day of November, 1875. Approved Nov. 5, 1875.
10An act translating and publishing the laws of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate with amendment and approved on Nov. 8, 1875.
11An act prohibiting Indian or Citizens of the Choctaw or Chickasaw from hunting, trapping, or destroying game. It also tells what the penalty will be. Approved Nov. 9, 1875.
12An act entitled "an act making appropriations for fiscal year commencing Aug. 1, 1873 and ending July 31, 1876. Passed Senate Nov. 8, 1875. Passed House and approved Nov. 10, 1875.
13Report of National Treasurer and National Auditor are accepted by the Council. Passed Senate Nov. 8, 1875. Passed House and approved Nov. 11, 1875.
14An act regulating the granting of permits to trade, expose goods, wares, or merchandise for sale within the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate Nov. 10, 1875. Passed House and approved Nov. 11, 1875.
15Superintendent of Public School send reports to Trustee Reports have been received satisfactory. Passed Senate Nov. 6, 1875. Passed House and approved Nov. 11, 1875.
16An act defining the office of National Revenue Collectors. Approved Nov. 11, 1875.
17An act for the relief to Simeon Gardner Sheriff of Blue County. Passed Senate Nov. 11, 1875. Passed House and approved Nov. 12, 1875.
18Appointment of David F. Harkins for National Agent of the Choctaw Nation. Approved Nov. 12, 1875.
19A resolution authorizing the payment of Hon. C.E. Holson and Wilson Jones for services as commissioners on the Freedom Man Question. Passed Senate Nov. 10, 1875. Passed House and approved Nov. 12, 1875. J. White Speaker.
20An act prescribing the duties of the National Agent. Passed House Nov. 11, 1875. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 12, 1875.
21Dispossessing Geo T. Lincoln from Ft. Coffee. Passed Senate Nov. 8, 1875. Approved Nov. 12, 1875. J. White Speaker.
Box 8
1A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to procure suitable paper and a sufficient quantity on which to make copies of the Script roll and other papers for the use of Court of Claims and other purposes. Passed House March 4, 1876. Passed Senate March 4, 1876, approved on the same.
2A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation to employ a sufficient number of clerks to copy the Script roll for the Court of Claims and for other purposes. Passed and approved March 4, 1876.
3act extending the time for holding the Court of Claims. Approved March 4, 1876.
4A supplement to an act approved Nov. 12, 1875 in reference to the duties of Choctaw National Agent. Passed House March 6, 1876. Passed Senate and approved March 7, 1876.
5A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation to appoint three commissioners on the part of Choctaw Nation to meet like commissioners on the part of the Chickasaw Nation and adjust mutual interests. Passed House, Senate and approved March 8, 1876.
6A resolution for General Council of Choctaw Nation to adjourn. Passed and approved March 8, 1876.
7Resolution to pay the officers and members of the present General Council, National Officers, and National Lighthorsemen. Passed House March 6, 1876. approved March 8, 1876.
8Acts passed for Circuit Court and National Secretary. Passed Senate, House, and approved March 8, 1876.
9A resolution authorizing and requesting the Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation to forward one authenticated copy of a certain memorial to each of certain parties in Washington City. Passed House March 5, 1876. Passed Senate March 4, 1876, and approved March 8, 1876
10A memorial to the Government of the United States. Passed House and Senate March 4, 1876 and repassed March 8, 1876.
11Resolution authorizing and directing the National Treasurer to reimburse the appropriation set apart to defray the expenses of the Court of Claims. Passed and approved March 8, 1876.
12Resolution authorizing part payment on translating and publishing the laws of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House March 8, 1876. Passed Senate and approved March 9, 1876.
13An act levying a tax upon railroad and other kinds of property within the limits of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate March 6, 1876. Passed House and approved March 9, 1876.
14An act to provide for the collection of fines and bonds within the limits of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved March 9, 1876.
15Resolution requesting the Principal Chief to communicate with the Interior Department. Passed and approved October 7, 1876
16Report to Senate and House. Also recommendations to appoint a Special Law Committee to take care of the problems which may arise. Passed Senate October 11, 1876 and approved October 12, 1876.
17Report of Special Law Committee for Claims of citizenship. Passed Senate October 18, 1876. Passed House October 19, 1876, and approved October 19, 1876.
18Report of Special Law Committee providing an act for holding election in this Nation, and for other purposes. Passed House October 18, 1876. Passed Senate October 16, 1876. Approved October 19, 1876.
19A resolution requiring both Houses of the General Council to elect certain officers. Passed House, Senate and approved October 20, 1876.
20Report of Committee accepting the School Report of Edmund McCurtain, District School Trustee for Moosholatubbie District of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 20, 1876.
Box 9
1Proposed act to appropriate money to defray the expenses of twelve boys attending Roanoke College, Salem, VA. Passed and approved October 9, 1877.
2Note of Coleman Cole, Principal Chief, stating his readiness to deliver his message to the Senate on October 4, 1877.
3Proposed resolution to require D.F. Harkins, National Agent, to turn over to the committee on Finance, all records etc. Passed and approved October 9, 1877.
4Proposed act to have all students of the New Hope and Spencer Academy Public Schools given a thorough physical examination. Passed and approved October 11, 1877.
5Act proposed to increase pay per dime of $2.00 to member of the General Council. Passed House and Senate October 9, 1877. Approved October 11, 1877.
6Proposed act for the establishing of an additional election precinct in Jacks Fork Co. Passed House October 13, 1877. Passed Senate and approved October 16, 1877.
7Act proposed to move the election precinct in Jack's Fork Co. from Yotubee to Sardis Church. Passed Senate October 15, 1877 and approved October 16, 1877.
8An act proposed to grant William Pusley to establish a toll gate on the public road in Tobucksy County. Passed and approved October 17, 1877.
9An act proposed to grant Mrs. M.E. Rogers the right to build a toll bridge over McGee Creek on the Fort Smith and Boggy Depot Road. Passed House October 16, 1877. Passed Senate and approved October 17, 1877.
10An act proposed locating election precincts in Scullyville County. Passed House October 15, 1877. Passed Senate October 17, 1877.
11An act proposed to establish an election precinct at Caddo Blue Co. Passed House October 16, 1877. Passed Senate with amendment October 18, 1877. Repassed House and approved October 18, 1877.
12Act proposed appropriating money to Albert Pike for service rendered. Passed Senate October 16, 1877. Passed House and approved October 18, 1877.
13Report on Chief's message referring to many different subjects. Passed and adopted October 19, 1877.
14An act proposed to move the election precinct of Kiamichi Co. from Big Spring. Passed and approved October 19, 1877.
15Act proposed to locate an additional election precinct in Wade County. Passed and approved October 19, 1877.
16Act proposed to accept the reports of the National Treasurer and auditor for the year 1876-1877. Passed and approved October 19, 1877.
17Act proposed to appropriate $500.00 for the defense of Josiah Bryant for the killing of two prisoners when they tried to escape. Passed House October 19, 1877. Passed Senate and approved October 20, 1877.
18Proposed act to give citizenship to Mrs. Selina Dunn, Mrs. Belinda Toole, and others. Passed Senate October 18, 1877. Approved October 20, 1877.
19Proposed act granting L.W. Cobb the right to build a road and toll gate between Jack's Fork and Gaines County. Passed House October 22, 1877. Passed Senate and approved October 23, 1877.
20Proposed resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to attend to the permit business. Passed Senate October 20, 1877. Approved October 23, 1877.
21Proposed resolution to show respect to Governor Overton of the Chickasaw Nation and his cabinet. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1877.
22Resolution proposed to select a more suitable site for Spencer Academy. Passed and approved October 25, 1877.
23Proposed resolutions of respect to the memory of Rev. Moses Perry, Representative of Atoka County. Passed and approved October 25, 1877.
24Proposed resolution in regard to the carrying out of the treaty which granted the Choctaws and Chickasaws the right to self government. Passed House October 26, 1877. Passed Senate and approved October 26, 1877.
25Proposed act renewing the grant of Co. Jack McCurtain to turnpike the Narrows between Ft. Smith and Boggy Depot. Passed House October 25, 1877. Passed Senate and approved October 26, 1877.
26Proposed resolution to pay Lighthorsemen $2.00 per day for expenses during attendance at the General Council. Passed and approved October 26, 1877.
27Proposed resolution to pay Benjamin Wesley for services rendered while Sheriff of Atoka County. Passed Senate October 25, 1877. Passed and approved October 26, 1877.
28Proposed act authorizing the principal chief to apply to the Secretary of the Interior for copies of public printed documents. Passed Senate October 25, 1877. Passed House and approved October 26, 1877.
29Act proposed for the removal of the Watkins Precinct in Atoka Co. to the town of Atoka. Passed and approved October 27, 1877.
30Proposed act to sell the old Capitol Bell at auction. Passed and approved October 27, 1877.
31Proposed act authorizing the National Secretary to dispose of surplus volumes of the Choctaw Code. Passed and approved October 27, 1877.
32Proposed resolution for the adjournment of the Council October 31, 1877. Passed and approved October 27, 1877.
33A proposed act to prevent African-Americans from selling timber. Passed and approved October 27, 1877.
34Proposed act for making appropriation for the current expenses of the Choctaw Nation for the year Aug. 1, 1877 to July 31, 1878. Passed and approved October 29, 1877.
35Proposed act to increase the pay of County judges. Passed House October 30, 1877.
36Proposed act to increase the pay of sheriffs. Passed House October 29, 1877. Passed Senate and approved October 30, 1877.
37Proposed act to prohibit the leasing of lands to Non-Citizens. Passed House October 29, 1877. Passed Senate and approved October 30, 1877.
38Proposed act permitting non-citizens to sell their improvements within a given time. Passed and approved October 30, 1877.
39Proposed act providing for the paying of Pettit Jurors. Passed House October 29. Passed and approved October 30, 1877.
40Itemized account of the expenditures of the Principal Chief. Passed Senate October 31, and became law by its own limitations.
41Proposed resolutions providing pro rate payment of outstanding court claims, warrants. Passed House October 30, 1877. Passed Senate and approved October 31, 1877.
42Proposed act for establishing the pay of officers and members of the General Council. Passed and approved October 31, 1877.
Box 10
1Proposed act to repeal the act which created Hushukwa Precinct in Blue Co. Passed and approved October 16, 1878.
2Proposed resolution to appoint a joint committee on relations with the U.S. Government. Passed and approved October 18, 1878.
3Proposed resolution stating that no one except the General Council was authorized to give an account of the U.S. Senate Committee concerning lands, government or money to the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 15, 1878.
4Proposed act for removing the County and circuit court in Atoka Co. from Nanih Bokboki to the town of Atoka. Passed House October 17, 1878. Passed Senate October 18, 1978.
5Proposed act to establish an additional precinct in San Bois County. Passed and approved October 18, 1878.
6Proposed act for the collection of royalty on stone, coal, lumber and shingles, that may be shipped out. Passed Senate October 19, 1878. Passed House October 21, 1878.
7Proposed act to repeal the act which limited criminal prosecution to two years. Passed Senate and House October 25, 1878.
8Proposed act to pay Stone and Thompson for printing the acts and proceedings of the General Council. Passed Senate October 24, 1878. Passed House with amendment October 24, 1878. Repassed Senate with amendment October 26, 1878.
9Proposed act to change the election precinct in San Bois Co. to the school house on the Little San Bois Creek. Passed House October 24, 1878. Passed Senate October 26, 1878.
10Proposed act to changing the election precinct of Spencer Academy to Cedar Co. Passed House October 23, 1878. Passed Senate October 28, 1878.
11Proposed resolution calling for the records in the National Agent's office. Passed and approved October 29, 1878.
12Proposed act prohibiting the Principal Chief from making appointments. Passed House October 26, 1878. Passed Senate October 29, 1878.
13Proposed act for making appropriations to pay certain court of claim warrants. Passed House October 17, 1878. Passed Senate October 30, 1878.
14Proposed act to renew the act granting M.J. Coons the privilege of turnpiking mountain station and to establish a toll gate. Passed House October 30. Passed Senate October 31, 1878.
15Proposed act to locate the circuit court ground of Scullyville Co. at Buck Creek School House. Passed and approved October 31, 1878.
16Proposed resolution authorizing the appointment of a special committee to examine the net proceeds claim for other purposes. Passed and approved October 31, 1878.
17Proposed act to amend the act of Dec. 1, 1866, which authorized James D. Davis to build a toll bridge. Passed Senate October 31, 1878. Passed House Nov. 1, 1878.
18A note regarding the petition of James D. Davis, 1878.
19Proposed act appropriating $1500 to be equally divided among three districts for the support of neighborhood schools. Passed House and Senate Nov. 1, 1878.
20Proposed resolution to accept the report of the National Treasurer for the year ending October 1, 188. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1878. Passed House Nov. 2, 1878.
21Proposed resolution to accept the National Auditor's report when he complies with the first section of this resolution. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1878. Passed House Nov. 2, 1878.
22Proposed resolution for adjournment, Nov. 9, 1878. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1878. Passed House Nov. 2, 1878.
23Proposed act authorizing the National Secretary to dispose of the surplus volumes of the Choctaw Code. Passed Senate and House Nov. 4, 1878.
24Proposed act authorizing the principal chief to take steps to recover thirty-five hundred dollars from Albert Carney who failed to carry out his part of a contract with the government. Passed and approved Nov. 5, 1878.
25Proposed act establishing a uniform system of neighborhood schools and regulating the pay of teachers. Passed House Nov. 4, 1878. Passed Senate Nov. 5, 1878.
26Proposed act to pay W.J. Hemby for the publication of the Choctaw Laws of 1876 and 1877. Passed House October 30, 1878. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 5, 1878.
27Proposed resolution made by the committee on relations with the U.S. Passed House Nov. 4, 1878. Passed Senate Nov. 5, 1878.
28Proposed act to repeal the laws passed to create County lighthorsemen. Passed House Nov. 5, 1878. Passed Senate Nov. 4, 1878.
29Proposed resolution for the paying of Lighthorsemen during the session of the General Council. Passed House Nov. 6, 1878. Passed Senate Nov. 7, 1878.
30Proposed act authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint persons to revise and codify the laws of the Nation. Passed House Nov. 6, 1878. Passed Senate Nov. 7, 1878.
31Proposed Joint resolution regarding the removal of intruders. Passed and approved Nov. 7, 1878.
32Proposed act to change the word "Two Thousand" to "One Thousand" in and act defining the duties of circuit clerks. Passed House Nov. 4. Passed Senate Nov. 7, 1878.
33Proposed act to require all males over eighteen years old and under fifty years to work on the road. Passed and approved Nov. 7, 1878.
34Proposed act for making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses for the year of 1878-1879.
35Proposed act for paying $88.00 to E.S. Fendall for the tuition of five Choctaw students. Passed and approved Nov. 7, 1878.
36Act proposed to grant J.G. Ainsworth the right to construct a turnpike road across the Poteau swamps and to establish a toll gate. Passed Senate and House Nov. 7, 1878.
37An act to provide for the sale of improvements made by citizens of the U.S. Passed and approved Nov. 7, 1878.
38Proposed resolution to accept the reports of the Principal Chief on account of contingent funds. Passed and approved Nov. 7, 1878.
39Proposed resolution authorizing the continuation of the National Agents report. Passed Nov. 8, 1878.
40Proposed act to appoint 3 competent people to revise and clarify the laws of the Choctaw Nation. Approved by the Senate Nov. 8, 1878.
41Proposed act to authorize Coleman Nelson and James D. Davis to construct a railway switch or tramway and granting the right of way. Passed Senate Nov. 6, 1878. Passed House with amendment Nov. 7, 1878. Repassed Senate with amendment Nov. 7, 1878.
42Act proposed to prohibit the disposition of timber within the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved Nov. 8, 1878.
43Part of Folder 42, continued.
44Resolution proposed authorizing the principal chief to appoint five commissioners to confer with like commissioners on the part of the Chickasaw Nation. Passed and approved Nov. 8, 1878.
45Proposed act locate the County and Circuit Court ground in Tobusky Co. Passed and approved Nov. 8, 1878.
46Act proposed concerning the citizenship of persons marrying citizens of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House Nov. 6, 1878. Passed Senate Nov. 9, 1878. Passed and approved Nov. 9, 1878.
Box 11
1A resolution for the relief of Alfred Wright for taking care of the Capitol Building during the years 1877 and 1878. Passed House and Senate October 14, 1879.
2An act admitting to citizenship, Margaret and Letitia Overstreet and their families. Passed and approved October 15, 1879.
3An act establishing an additional election precinct in Tobucksy County, Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 17, 1879. Approved October 18, 1879.
4An act allowing $13.20 for Sheriff J. Bryant to pay funeral expenses of Silas Peters. Passed House October 20, 1879. Passed Senate and approved October 18, 1879.
5Committee on petitions rejecting Mrs. Elizabeth Moran and others to become citizens of Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 20, 1879.
6An act to declare the skinning of dead animals on the range a felony. Passed House October 23, 1879. Passed Senate October 24, 1879.
7Reports of B.F. Smallwood, collector at Atoka and Fred Thompson McKinney accepted by General Council. Passed and approved October 28, 1879.
8Greenwood McCurtain reports excused by the council. Passed and approved October 30, 1879.
9Resolution directing the Principal Chief to suspend S.P. Willis, District Trustee. Passed October 30, 1879.
10A resolution to reject the revision of the laws. Passed Senate October 30, 1879. Passed House and approved October 31, 1879.
11W.N. Jones report approved and no further consideration of case shall be considered. Passed and approved October 31, 1879.
12Report of Ed McCurtain accepted, Sup. of Public Schools. Passed and approved October 31, 1879.
13Report of W.B. Pitchlynn declared by General Council a Defaulter. Passed and House and Senate October 28, 1879.
14A resolution to provide per diem for the National Lighthorsemen during the present session of the General Council of Choctaws. Passed House October 29, 1879. Passed Senate and approved October 31, 1879.
15An act to remove the Choctaw Court Ground of Boktuklo County. Passed House October 31. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 1, 1879.
16An act locating County and circuit court ground, and election precinct in Jack Fork County. Passed House October 31, 1879. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 3, 1879.
17An act to regulate the manner of making the auditors and Treasurer's reports. Passed House October 31, 1879. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 3, 1879.
18Resolution appropriating money to pay witnesses for the Choctaw Nation before special commissioners Jackson and Rice at Fort Smith, Ark. in 1866. Passed Nov. 4, 1879.
19A resolution to withdraw charges against W.B. Pitchlynn as defaulting collection. Passed House Nov. 3, 1879. Passed and approved Nov. 5, 1879.
20Resolution for the relief of W.N. Jones for taking care of the Capitol Building during the year 1879. Passed and approved Nov. 5, 1879.
21An act for the relief of New Hope Seminary. Passed and approved Nov. 5, 1879.
22Resolved that the Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation shall bring suit against Forbis Leflore for the deficit in the settlement of his accounts. Approved Nov. 7, 1879.
23A resolution to postpone time of adjournment. Passed Senate and House Nov. 5, 1879. Approved Nov. 6, 1879.
24An act changing the location of the Court Ground of Wade County by Choctaw Council. Approved Nov. 6, 1879. Passed Senate Nov. 5. Passed House Nov. 6, 1879.
25A resolution discharging the Caddo Committee from further duty. Passed and approved Nov. 6, 1879.
26An act granting Choctaw children living in Chickasaw Nation School privileges. Passed Senate Nov. 6, 1879. Passed House and approved Nov. 7, 1879.
27General Council of the Choctaw Nation resolved to hold the Treasurer's report over for final acceptance, till the next session of the Council. Approved Nov. 7, 1879.
28An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Choctaw Government for the fiscal year commencing Aug. 1, 1879, and ending July 31, 1880. Approved Nov. 7, 1879.
29General Council of Choctaw Nation resolved to borrow money from W.N. Jones to meet deficiency in the treasury. Passed and approved Nov. 7, 1879.
30Choctaws resolved to readjust the settlement of the auditor's account for 1878. Passed and approved Nov. 7, 1879.
31Appropriations for Choctaw school purposes for the scholastic year of 1879-1880. Passed and approved Nov. 7, 1879.
32Resolution to provide for the settlement of collection at Stringtown. Passed and approved Nov. 7, 1879.
33An act to improve the neighborhood school system of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved Nov. 7, 1879.
34A resolution to let out a log cabin to Joe Bryant for 5 years. Passed Senate Nov. 7, 1879. Passed House and approved Nov. 8, 1879.
Box 12
1Resolution concerning the report of the committee on the special message of the principal chief. Passed House October 14, 1880. Passed Senate and approved October 15, 1880.
2Resolution proposed to appropriate $50.00 to Edmund McCurtain for extra services given while Superintendent of Public Schools. Passed and approved October 16, 1880.
3Act proposed to change the election precinct in Jack's Fork County. Passed and approved October 25, 1880.
4Proposed resolution for the amending of the constitution. Passed Senate with amendment October 22, 1880. Passed House October 22, 1880.
5Report of the Committee on Finance on the reports of T. McKinney and J.H. Bryant. Passed and approved October 26, 1880.
6A proposed act changing two election precincts in Sugar Loaf County. Passed Senate October 26, 1880. Passed House and approved October 27, 1880.
7Proposed act accepting the report of the Trustees. Passed House October 26, 1880. Passed Senate and approved October 27, 1880.
8Proposed act to prevent the cutting and shipping of Prairie or Wild Grass Hay out of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 27, 1880. Passed House and approved October 28, 1880.
9Proposed act to legalize the marriage of David H. Folsom and Permelia A. Carney, both minors. Passed and approved October 28, 1880.
10Proposed act to prohibit citizens to carry fire arms within the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 28, 1880.
11Act proposed for a substitute to the proposed amendment of the constitution. Passed and approved October 29, 1880.
12Proposed resolution providing for a mode of selecting a new site for the Capitol of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 29, 1880.
13Proposed act limiting the jurisdiction of circuit courts wherein the Nation is interested. Passed and approved Nov. 1, 1880.
14A resolution requesting judge Ward to revoke or suspend a certain right of injunction granted by Honorable James Thompson. Passed and approved Nov. 1, 1880.
15Bill No. 16 Freedmen Bill or a memorial to U.S. Government. Passed and approved Nov. 2, 1880.
16Bill No. 17 a proposed adjournment Act, Saturday, Nov. 6, 10:00 o'clock A.M. Passed House and Senate Nov. 1, 1880. Approved Nov. 2, 1880.
17Bill No. 20 a resolution making appropriation to pay treasurer certificate made to M. Leflore. Passed and approved Nov. 3, 1880.
18Bill No. 29 report of Committee on Finance on report of Contingent Fund of Principal Chief. Passed and approved Nov. 3, 1880.
19Bill No. 18 proposed act preventing disturbance of religious worship. Passed Senate Nov. 2, 1880. Passed House Nov. 3, 1880. Approved Nov. 3, 1880. Above act was repealed on October 26, 1883.
20Bill No. 21 report of Committee on Finance on report of Treasurer and collectors for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1879. Passed and approved Nov. 3, 1880.
21Bill No. 22 proposed act declaring embezzlement of public money to a felony. Passed and approved Nov. 3, 1880.
22A resolution for relief of National Lighthorsemen. Passed and approved Nov. 3, 1880.
23Bill No. 24 a resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution for a change of Capitol. Passed House Nov. 3, 1880. Passed Senate Nov. 4, 1880.
24Bill No. 25 a resolution for the relief of J.S. Standley for expenses while attending international convention. Passed and approved Nov. 4, 1880.
25Bill No. 26 a resolution to change the location of Spencer Academy. Passed and approved Nov. 4, 1880.
26Proposed resolution providing for the manner of contracting with Foreign Mission Boards for the conduct and management of New Hope Seminary and Spencer Academy. Passed House and Senate Nov. 4, 1880. Repassed House and Senate Nov. 5, 1880. Approved Nov. 5, 1880.
27Proposed resolution providing for the prosecution of D.L. Payne before the U.S. Court at Fort Smith. Passed House Nov. 4, 1880. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 5, 1880.
28Proposed act to provide for the collecting of royalties on the natural resources in the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate Nov. 4, 1880. Passed House and approved Nov. 5, 1880.
29Proposed resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to submit the proposition of the Choctaw Nation to adopt Freedman. Passed and approved Nov. 5, 1880.
30Proposed act abolishing an election precinct in Atoka County. Passed and approved Nov. 5, 1880.
31Resolution proposed for making appropriations for school purposes for the ensuing year. Passed House and Senate Nov. 4, 1880. Repassed House and Senate Nov. 5, 1880. Approved Nov. 5, 1880.
32Proposed resolution for the relief of C.E. Nelson delegate to the Convention in May of 1879. Passed House Nov. 4, 1880. Passed Senate and approved November 5, 1880.
33Proposed act to pay Turner Brashears. Passed and approved Nov. 5, 1880.
34Resolution proposed for general appropriation for the fiscal year from Aug. 1, 1880 to July 31, 1881. Passed and approved Nov. 5, 1880.
35Proposed resolution providing for the care of the Capitol. Passed and approved Nov. 5, 1880.
36Act proposed to prohibit non-citizens from engaging in the stock business. Passed and approved Nov. 5, 1880.
37Resolution proposed authorizing the treasurer to pay a part of the appropriation for New Hope, Seminary out of the Royalty to be refunded. Passed Senate Nov. 5, 1880. Passed House and approved Nov. 6, 1880.
38Supplement to an act passed Nov. 3, 1879 to regulate the manner of making the auditor report and treasurer report. Passed House Nov. 4, 1880. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 6, 1880.
39Resolution proposed to provide for the registration of freedman. Passed Senate Nov. 5, 1880. Passed House and approved Nov. 6, 1880.
Box 13
1A receipt of National Treasurer for $15.00 to Thompson McKinney. October 3, 1881.
2A resolution to make grateful recognition of the services of Col. P. Pitchlynn who died at Washington, D.C. Feb. 17, 1881. Passed and approved October 13, 1881.
3A proposed act to prescribe the duties of the National Secretary and to establish his salary. Approved October 16, 1860. Passed House October 13, 1881. Passed Senate and approved October 17, 1881.
4A resolution making appropriation to pay D.W.C. Duncan for legal services in the trial of D.L. Payne, Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Passed Senate, House, and approved October 19, 1881.
5A resolution expressing gratitude to the United States for the efficient services of the military in expelling intruders. Passed and approved October 19, 1881.
6A report of the National Secretary in regard to selling law books. Read and interpreted in Senate and House October 19, 1881.
7A resolution authorizing the Principal of Chief to appoint one person to proceed with the prosecution of the claim of the Choctaw Nation against the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railway. Passed House October 19, 1881. Passed Senate and approved October 20, 1881
8A resolution making appropriation of a reward for the arrest of the murderer of the late sheriff of Scullyville County. Passed Senate, House, and approved October 20, 1881.
9Bill No. 3 a resolution expressing profound gratitude to the U.S. for the efficient service of the military in expelling intruders. Passed and approved October 19, 1881.Bill No. 4 same as "Bill No. 3." Passed and approved October 19, 1881.Bill No. 5 a resolution making an appropriation of a reward for the arrest of the murderer of the late Sheriff of Scullyville County. Passed and approved October 20, 1881.Bill No. 6 an act granting J.N. Hodges to build a bridge and collect toll thereon.
10A nomination by the Principal Chief of Hon. Allen Wright to represent the Choctaw Nation in the prosecution of the claim of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation. Approved October 21, 1881.
11A proposed act to grant to M. Hodges the privilege to build a bridge over Clear Boggy Creek and establish a toll gate thereon. Passed and approved October 21, 1881.
12A proposed act removing the Big Lake precinct in Atoka County to Sulphur Springs. Passed and approved October 25, 1881.
13A resolution to appropriate $79.94 to pay John Freeny for repairs on the Capitol Building. Passed Senate October 26, 1881. Passed House and approved October 27, 1881.
14A recommendation to accept the report of the National Secretary in regard to the sale of law books. Passed and approved October 27, 1881.
15A proposed act to amend an act prohibiting the obstructing of public roads approved October 8, 1836. Passed House October 29, 1881. Passed Senate and approved October 29, 1881.
16A resolution making appropriation to pay John Freeney for cleaning the Capitol Building. Passed and approved October 31, 1881.
17A proposed act to establish the citizenship of John A. Mitchell and his brothers and sisters and their children. Passed and approved Nov. 1, 1881.
18A proposed act removing Nanih Takali precinct in Blue County to Philadelphia meeting house. Passed and approved Nov. 1, 1881.
19A resolution to provide for the erection of a new building for Spencer Academy. Passed House Nov. 3, 1881. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 5, 1881.
20A proposed act to amend an act to increase the pay of County Judges, approved October 30, 1877. Passed House Nov. 1, 1881. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 7, 1881.
21A resolution to authorize Rev. O.P. Stark to take charge of all property belonging to Old Spencer Academy and to sell all perishable property. Passed Senate and House with amendment Nov. 9, 1881.
22A resolution for the relief of the National Lighthorsemen. Passed House Nov. 8, 1881. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 9, 1881.
23A proposed act to supplement the School Law approved Nov. 4, 1879. Passed and approved Nov. 9, 1881.
24A proposed act to establish a series of textbooks for use in the neighborhood schools of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Congress Nov. 10, 1881. Approved same.
25A resolution for the auditor to make a report. Passed and approved Nov. 10, 1881.
26A resolution for the district trustee to pay certain school accounts. Passed and approved Nov. 10, 1881.
27A proposed bill to instruct the National Agent to make all future contracts for furnishing ties to the railroad with Choctaw citizens exclusively. Passed and approved Nov. 10, 1881.
28A resolution to adjourn Nov. 12, 1881 at ten o'clock a.m. Passed Senate Nov. 7. Passed House Nov. 8, 1881, and approved Nov. 10, 1881.
29Removing a precinct to Ephesus meeting house. Passed and approved Nov. 10, 1881. Written in Choctaw.
30A report concerning Missouri Bonds. Passed and approved Nov. 10, 1881.
31A report showing that the report of the National Treasurer for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1881, had been examined and found to be substantially correct. Passed Senate Nov. 9, 1881. Passed House and approved Nov. 10, 1881.
32A resolution for the district trustee of Moosholatubbee district to pay W.P. Morris $48 for teaching school in Sugar Loaf County. Passed House Nov. 10, 1881. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
33A resolution to pay Miss Shook $277.60 for teaching Caddo Neighborhood School from September 6, 1880, to May 31, 1881. Passed House November 11, 1881, and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
34A report stating that the reports of the superintendent of public schools and of the District Trustees have been examined and found to be correct. Passed Senate Nov. 10, 1881. Passed House Nov. 11, 1881, and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
35A resolution to appropriate on thousand dollars to repair the Old Spencer Academy so that an orphan school might be temporarily established. Passed and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
36A proposed act granting to A. Emerson Folsom the right to make a switch on the tramway to his coal mine. Passed House Nov. 10, 1881. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
37A proposed act to establish an orphan school at Old Spencer Academy. Passed and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
38A report stating that the reports of Sampson Cole, Sheriff of Tobaksy, are correct. Passed and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
39A resolution to provide pay and expenses of Militia, Lighthorsemen, etc... Passed and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
40A proposed act to make equal the number of boys and girls at school in the state known as the Royalty Scholars. Passed and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
41A resolution making appropriation for school purposes for the current year. Approved Nov. 11, 1881.
42A resolution providing expenses for a special agent to Washington to attend to the case against the Railroad. Passed and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
43A resolution to appropriate $3000 so as to advance same to John B. Luce for preparing the case of the claims of the Choctaw Nation against the United States now pending before the United States Court of Claims. Passed and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
44A resolution with an amendment to appropriate school funds. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 1881. Passed House with its amendment Nov. 11, 1881. Approved Nov. 11, 1881.
45A proposed act authorizing the appointment and pay of a private secretary to the Principal Chief. Passed and approved Nov. 11, 1881.
46A proposed act providing the manner of becoming missionaries in the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate Nov. 11, 1881. Passed House and approved Nov. 12, 1881.
47An act amending an act requiring persons to work on the roads. Approved Nov. 7, 1881. Passed House Nov. 11, 1881. Passed Senate and approved Nov. 12, 1881.
48A resolution making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Choctaw Government for the fiscal year commencing Aug. 1, 1881, passed House and approved Nov. 12, 1881.
Box 14
1A resolution accepting as true and correct the report of E.W. Tims, District Trustee of Apuckshenubbee District. Passed and approved October 18, 1882.
2A resolution to accept as true and correct the school report of Isaac McClure, District Trustee of Pushmataha District. Passed and approved October 18, 1882.
3A resolution to appropriate $6000.00 to pay claims against the Choctaw Nation for relief furnished indigent Choctaws. Passed Senate October 18, 1882. Passed House and approved October 19, 1882.
4A resolution submitting an amendment to the constitution changing the seat of government. Passed Senate October 1882. Passed House and approved October 20, 1882.
5A resolution submitting an amendment to the constitution changing the seat of government. Passed Senate October 19, 1882. Passed House and approved October 20, 1882.
6Bill No. 7. A proposed act to abolish Lexington Precinct in Tewson County. Passed and approved October 20, 1882.
7A resolution to appropriate $390.04 dollars to Rev. O.P. Stark for expenses of Old Spencer Academy and New Spencer Academy and further appropriate money to Rev. O.P. Stark for repairing building at New Spencer Academy. Passed House October 21. Passed Senate October 23, 1882 and approved October 24, 1882.
8Bill No. 8. A proposed bill to request the Secretary of the Interior to prohibit the United States Commissioner acting upon citizenship petitions; to request the United States Indian Agent to determine citizenship of petitioners; and to ask the United States Indian Agent to have all new citizens to prove their rights as citizens. Passed House and Senate October 20, 1882. Approved October 21, 1882.
9A resolution to accept the report of Ellis Austin, District Trustee of Mosholatubee District. Passed and approved October 21, 1882.
10A proposed act to amend the act approved October 19, 1860, in reference to district attorneys. Passed House and Senate October 26, 1882. Approved October 27, 1882.
11A proposed act to remove an election precinct in Tobucksy County. Passed and approved October 27, 1882.
12Bill No. 11, regarding Jack’s Fork County. Passed House and Senate October 26, 1882. Approved October 27, 1882. (Written in Choctaw)
13A proposed act to establish a contingent fund for the National Secretary. Passed October 27, 1992. Approved October 31, 1882.
14A resolution to adjourn November 4, 1882 at ten o'clock A.M. Passed October 28, 1882. Approved October 30, 1882.
15A proposed act to give a Charter for the toll bridge. Passed House October 30, 1882. Passed Senate October 31, 1882. Approved (Date missing from document).
16A proposed act to weigh all coal mined in the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 31, 1882. Passed House and approved November 1, 1882.
17A proposed act for the relief of the sheriff of the several counties of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 31, 1882. Passed House November 1, 1882.
18A proposed act to provide for the appointment, duties, and pay of certain district collectors. Passed Senate October 31, 1882. Passed House and approved November 1, 1882.
19A proposed act to appoint and define duties of local trustees. Passed Senate October 30, 1882. Passed House with amendment November 1, 1882. Passed Senate with amendment November 1, 1882.
20A proposed act to allow citizens to cut, ship, or sell prairie or wild grass from the common domain. Passed and approved November 1, 1882.
21A proposed act to fix royalty on timber of all kinds. Passed Senate, House and approved November 1, 1882.
22A proposed act to impose a tax on drivers passing through the Choctaw Nation. Passed House November 1, 1882. Passed Senate and approved November 2, 1882.
23A proposed act to regulate the granting of County permits. Passed and approved November 2, 1882.
24A proposed act to establish an additional election precinct in Wade County. Passed and approved November 2, 1882.
25A proposed act requesting the principal chief to secure the approval of the Interior Department to certain laws. Passed and approved November 2, 1882.
26A resolution making an appropriation of $50.00 for John Freeney for cleaning the Capitol from October 1881 to October 1882. Passed Senate November 2, 1882. Passed House and approved November 3, 1882.
27A resolution to allow $2.00 per day to the Lighthorsemen who have attended the present session of the General Council. Passed and approved November 3, 1882.
28A resolution of November 3, 1882 that Daniel Miller, district trustee of Pushmataha District be allowed until next October to make his report. Passed and approved November 3, 1882.
29A resolution to send sympathy to the McKee Kings family because of the death of McKee King. Passed and approved November 3, 1882.
30A resolution of November 3, 1882 to repeal the resolution approved October 30, 1882 and to fix the date of adjournment November 4, 1882 at 5 o'clock p.m. Passed and approved November 3, 1882.
31A proposed act establishing the rights of Martha Elizabeth Quinton and her children as citizens of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House November 2, 1882. Passed Senate and approved November 3, 1882.
32A resolution making appropriation for school purposes for the ensuing year. Passed and approved November 3, 1882.
33A resolution authorizing the appointment of two delegates to Washington. Passed and approved November 3, 1882.
34A resolution to pay $20,000 to Willis Marble and Sam Ward for services as Militia men. Passed House November 3, 1882. Passed Senate and approved November 4, 1882.
35A resolution of November 3, 1882, that the report of John T. Standley, collector at McAlester be accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved November 4, 1882.
36A resolution of November 3, 1882, that the reports of Basil S. LeFlore, National Auditor, and Coleman Nelson, National Treasurer, for the fiscal year of August 1, 1881 to July 31, 1882 be accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved November 4, 1882.
37A resolution appropriating $4.45 to pay John Freeney for repair work on the Capitol. Passed and approved November 4, 1882.
38A proposed act to change the Hobert Quincy precinct in Tobucksy County to Double Spring meeting place. Passed and approved November 4, 1882.
39Bill #30. Contingent fund for Stark. Passed and approved November 3, 1882.
40A resolution providing pay for copying the laws of the present session. Passed and approved November 4, 1882.
41A resolution appropriating $1720.00 money to be paid Allen Wright and J.S. Standley. Passed and approved November 4, 1882.
42A resolution making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses for the fiscal year. August 1, 1882 until July 31, 1883. Passed and approved November 4, 1882.
43A resolution of November 3, 1882 that the report of J.S. Standley, National Agent for the fiscal year August 1, 1881 until July 31, 1882 be accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved November 4, 1882.
44A resolution of November 3, 1882 that the report of the Principal Chief's expenditures of the contingent fund be accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved November 4, 1882.
45A resolution requesting Judge Parker to dismiss the case against Robert Love and Robert Jones. Passed and approved November 4, 1882.
Box 15
1An act to adopt the freedmen of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved May 21, 1883.
2Provision that the freemen of Choctaw Nation must register. Passed and approved May 22, 1883.
3Resolution directing the principal chief to form negotiations with the Secretary of the Interior Department, Washington, D.C. Passed and approved May 22, 1883.
4A resolution for the relief of Light Horsemen. Passed and approved May 22, 1883.
5A resolution borrowing funds of the National agent to defray expenses of special May session 1883. Passed and approved May 22, 1883.
6Resolve that Campbell Delfor shall go as delegate of Choctaw Nation to Washington D.C. Passed and approved May 23, 1883.
7An act to aid J.B. Luce, Choctaw attorney. Passed with amendment and approved May 23, 1883.
8A resolution to adjourn. Passed and approved May 23, 1883.
9A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint Special Delegates. Passed and approved May 23, 1883.
10A resolution to appoint an attorney. Passed Senate and House May 23, 1883. Became law by its own limitation on the 25th of May, 1883.
11A resolution authorizing the allowance of a months pay to Hon. James Thompson, Senator from Scullyville County. Passed and approved October 6, 1883.
12The General Council of the Choctaw Nation accepts the report of Hon. Edmund McCurtain, Supt. of Public Schools. Passed and approved October 12, 1883.
13An act amendatory of an act fixing royalty on timber of all kinds. Passed and approved October 12, 1883.
14W.B. Robe reports are accepted. Passed and approved October 12, 1883.
15An act establishing election precinct at Folsom Station in Toboksey County. Passed House and Senate October 9, 1883. Approved October 12, 1883.
16An act changing an election precinct in San Bois County. Passed and approved October 12, 1883. Passed Senate October 10. Passed House October 11.
17H.C. Harris' report accepted. Passed House October 11, 1883. Passed Senate October 10, 1883. Approved October 12, 1883.
18An act establishing an election precinct in Wade County. Passed House and Senate October 9, 1883. Becomes a law by its own limitation on October 12, 1883.
19An act to change the location of Hockubee Precinct and Hockubee Court Ground in Sugar Loaf County. Passed House and Senate October 9, 1883. Approved October 12, 1883.
20Reports of James S. Gardner district Trustee of the 2nd District be accepted. Passed and approved October 12, 1883.
21Edmund McCurtain is authorized to make a final settlement with E.R. Shaphard. Passed and approved October 12, 1883.
22Choctaw nation giving due thanks to Presbyterian Board of Publication at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Passed October 12, 1883. Approved October 13, 1883.
23Choctaw Nation Permitting J.H. Dickerson as Missionary. Passed October 12, 1883. Approved October 13, 1883.
24Election precinct to be established in Toboksey County of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 13, 1883. Passed Senate October 12, 1883. Approved October 15, 1883.
25A new election precinct to be established in Atoka County at "Round Lake" in the Choctaw Nation. Passed October 12, 1883. Approved October 15, 1883. Approved October 15, 1883.
26An act to establish an additional precinct in Gaines County at Riddle. Passed House October 10, 1883. Passed Senate October 11, 1883. Approved October 15, 1883.
27Incorporating amendment for changing the capitol in the Constitution. Passed Senate October 15, 1883, and approved October 16, 1883.
28An act to prevent hunting in Choctaw Nation on Sunday. Passed October 16, 1883. Approved October 17, 1883.
29A resolution instructing Principal Chief to send for a copy of Supreme Court Record in case of citizenship of Jephtha N. Moore. Passed and approved October 17, 1883.
30An act to regulate the attendance of Scholars at the Boarding School. Passed Senate October 17, 1883, and approved October 19, 1883.
31A resolution ratifying Douglas Cooper's settlement of 1866. Passed House October 19, 1883. Passed Senate, House and approved October 19, 1883.
32Requiring County Judge of Atoka to take Census in Atoka County. Passed and approved October 22, 1883.
33An act to establish an Orphan School for boys at Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved October 22, 1883.
34An act to prevent the building of railroads and railroad branches without authority from the General Council of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 22, 1883.
35An act establishing the number of Scholars to be assigned to each Boarding school. Passed and approved October 22, 1883.
36Appropriating pay for Thomas Edward as a witness before special commissioners. Passed and approved October 22, 1883.
37Jerry Folsom's report district Trustee of first district is accepted. Passed and approved October 23, 1883.
38Accepting Reverend O.P. Stark's report of Spencer Academy. Passed and approved October 23, 1883.
39An act to remove the County seat and precinct in Blue Count from Chahta Tamaha to Good Spring in Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 24, 1883.
40An act requiring witnesses to register their names. Passed and approved October 25, 1883.
41An act appropriating salary for the Light Horsemen of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 25, 1883.
42A resolution for Principal Chief to appoint three commissioners to locate a new seat for Choctaw Nation which has been named "Tushkahumma." Passed and approved October 25, 1883.
43An act defining the Crime of Assault with intent to kill and fixing the penalty in the Choctaw Nation. Approved October 25, 1883.
44An appropriation made to pay T.H. Byington and his militia men in 1881. Passed Senate October 24, 1883, and approved October 25, 1883.
45An act providing for removal of Choctaw Orphan School to Wheelock in Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 25, 1883. Passed Senate October 24, 1883. Approved October 25, 1883.
46An act granting a charter to the Poteau Slack Wate Navigation Co. Passed and approved October 26, 1883.
47An act to prevent disturbances of Schools of Religious Devotion or families of the Choctaw Nation. Passed October 25, 1883. Approved October 26, 1883.
48An act to repeal Section Eight of a Freedmen bill approved May 21, 1883. Passed House and Senate October 25, 1883. Approved October 26, 1883.
49An act providing pay of witnesses summoned to attend court. Passed House October 17, 1883. Passed Senate October 25, 1883. Approved October 26, 1883.
50An act to prevent the carrying of pistols and fixing the penalty in the Choctaw Nation. Passed house October 31, 1883. Passed Senate November 1, 1883.
51A County act against employing non-citizens of the Choctaw Nation and the penalty. Approved November 1, 1883.
52A resolution authorizing the appointment of two Choctaw Delegates to Washington D.C. Passed and approved November 1, 1883.
53An act to raise and equip a force of militia in the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 30, 1883. Passed Senate October 31, 1883. Approved November 1, 1883.
54A resolution providing for copying laws of the present session of General council of Choctaw Nation. Passed House, Senate, and approved on November 1, 1883.
55An act establishing the rights of Joseph R. Plummer as a Choctaw Citizen. Passed and approved November 2, 1883.
56An act providing the manner of selecting orphan children for attendance of the orphan schools. Passed and approved November 2, 1883.
57A resolution of adjournment. Passed House and Senate November 1, 1883. Approved November 3, 1883.
58An act to organize and establish the circuit courts of the Choctaw Nation and to define their power and jurisdiction in law and to fix the salary of the judges thereof. Passed and approved with amendment November 3, 1883.
59Report of E.J. Bergiven accepted by General Council of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 5, 1883.
60An act supplementary to an act fixing a royalty on timber of all kinds in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 5, 1883.
61An act supplementary to an act fixing a royalty on timber of all kinds in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 5, 1883.
62An act amendatory of Section 10 of "An act to define certain duties of the Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation, and to fix his salary." Passed House November 3, 1883. Passed Senate November 5, 1883. Approved November 5, 1883.
63Report of N.B. Hinsworth, National Weigher at McAlester be accepted. Passed and approved November 5, 1883.
64Atoka Coal and Mining Company at Savanna owes Choctaw Nation $615.40. Passed and approved November 5, 1883.
65Report of W. Garvin is accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved November 5, 1883.
66Report of L.W. Oakes, District collector is accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved November 5, 1883.
67Report of A. Tell, National Weigher, be accepted and true and correct. Passed and approved November 5, 1883.
68A resolution authorizing the canceling of Allen Wrights Bond as Supt. of Public Schools. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
69An act to secure the Choctaw Nation against misstatements of royalty and taxes. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
70An act establishing a newspaper which shall be known as the organ of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
71A resolution providing pay for extra services of J.F. McCurtain, Principal Chief of Choctaw Nation. Passed House November 2, 1883. Passed Senate November 3, 1883. Became a law three days after it was passed by Senate.
72Principal Chief report accepted. Passed House and Senate November 6, 1883.
73An act in reference to Neighborhood School fund of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
74An act accepting the auditors report of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
75A resolution accepting the report of National Secretary about sales of law books. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
76A resolution in reference to report of Daniel Miller, District Trustee, of Pushmataha District of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
77An act appropriating pay for John Freeney for the care of the Capitol of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
78An act in relation to stock pasture of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
79An act to establish the Inspector and to define his duties and pay. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
80An act granting a charter for a switch or switches on the M.K. and T. Railroad of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
81A resolution in reference to burial and other expenses of P.P. Pitchlynn, his last illness. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
82Providing for enlarging Capitol Building. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
83An act establishing the circuit court grounds of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
84Report of a Gov. J.F. McCurtain contingent fund of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
85A resolution stating that the Osage Coal and Mining Company has not paid the royalty on coal mined by them from November 1882 to August 1, 1883. Passed Senate November 5, 1883. Passed House November 6, 1883. Approved November 6, 1883.
86An act defining the duties of the Clerks of the Circuit Court of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House November 5, 1883. Passed Senate and approved November 6, 1883.
87An act providing for operating in petroleum oil and salt. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
88An act regulating the manner of Constituting Jurors and establishing the pay the Jurors. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
89An act accepting treasurer's report of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
90An act to remove County seat of Blue County from Good Spring court Ground To Caddo. Passed and approved November 6, 1883.
91$148 due Campbell Aflore, late delegate to Washington, D.C., for expenses incurred. Passed and approved November 7, 1883.
92The Committee on Finance discharged in Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 7, 1883.
93Committee on Schools has completed their report and wishes to be discharged from further duty. Passed and approved November 7, 1883.
94General appropriation from August 1, 1883, to July 31, 1884. Passed and approved November 7, 1883.
95An act providing for the building of circuit court houses in the several districts of this Nation. Passed and approved November 7, 1883.
Box 16
1A meeting of the General Council to elect Supreme Judges, Supt. of Schools, and District Trustees. Passed and approved October 11, 1884.
2A joint resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint an attorney to represent the national interests before the Committee on Citizenship and for other purposes. Passed House October 14, 1884. Passed Senate October 13, 1884. Approved October 14, 1884.
3Report of H.C. Harris be accepted as correct provided he will pay to the Choctaw Nation $8.28. Passed and approved October 16, 1884.
4A resolution to appropriate the balance due on the Capitol of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 17, 1884. Passed Senate October 18, 1884. Approved October 21, 1884.
5An act to amend an act to prevent the carrying of pistols and fixing the penalty thereof. Passed House October 17, 1884. Passed Senate October 18, 1884. Approved October 21, 1884.
6Accepting W.B. Robes' report, Supt. of Wheelock Seminary Orphan School. Passed House October 21, 1884. Passed Senate October 20, 1884. Approved October 21, 1884.
7Appropriation of fund to pay for services and expenses to Simon E. Lewis. Passed House October 21, 1884. Passed Senate October 20, 1884. Approved October 21, 1884.
8An act granting a charter to extend the Lehigh Branch of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad. Passed and approved on October 21, 1884.
9Relief of Thompson McKinney for removing archives and public papers belonging to the Nation. Passed and approved on October 21, 1884.
10A resolution approving James Gardner's report, Trustee of the Ind. District of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 23, 1884. Passed House October 24, 1884. Approved October 24, 1884.
11An act creating the Choctaw Oil and Refining Company for the purpose of finding petroleum for rock oil, and increasing the revenue of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 21, 1884. Passed House and approved October 23, 1884.
12Edmund Burgevin's report accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved October 24, 1884. Passed Senate October 23, 1884.
13National Weigher, S.W. Garvin's report is accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved October 24, 1884.
14Reports of S.W. Oaks District collector of 3rd district, is accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved October 1884. Passed Senate October 23, 1884.
15Reports of W.N. Jones, District Trustee of 3rd District, is accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved October 25, 1884.
16Reports of O.P. Stark, and H.R. Schemerhorn, Supt. of Spencer Academy is accepted as true and correct. Passed House October 20, 1884. Passed Senate October 24, 1884. Approved October 25, 1884.
17An act changing the place of holding the court of Blue County. Passed House, Senate, and approved on October 25, 1884.
18Report of J.B. Lloyd, Supt. of Armstrong Academy, is accepted as true and correct. Passed House, Senate, and was approved on October 25, 1884.
19an act to renew a charter granted to Charles Leflore to keep a toll bridge over Simertone Creek. Passed and approved October 25, 1884.
20An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the collection of royalty in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 25, 1884.
21An act to amend the act in relation to stock pastures. Passed House October 28, 1884. Passed Senate October 27, 1884. Approved October 28, 1884.
22The General Council of the Choctaw Nation accepts the report of E.A. Gray, Supt. of New Hope Seminary. Passed Senate October 27, 1884. Passed House and approved on October 28,
23A resolution to adjourn. Passed House October 27, 1884. Passed by Senate and approved October 28, 1884.
24A resolution providing for the sale of the Spencer Academy property. Passed House October 28, 1884. Passed Senate and approved October 29, 1884.
25An act to regulate the practice of medicine in the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate and approved October 29, 1884.
26An act amendatory of the acts of November 7, 1878, and November 12, 1881, in reference to working the roads. Passed and approved October 29, 1884.
27Resolution requesting the Public Council to appoint two persons to negotiate with Wesley Anderson, to relinquish certain portions of his claim to the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 29, 1884. Passed Senate and approved October 30, 1884.
28A resolution concerning N.B. Aimsworth, Assisting Attorney, in regard to violation of permit law to be paid. Passed House October 25, 1884. Passed Senate and approved October 30, 1884.
29A resolution declaring report of Edmund McCurtain, Supt. of Public Schools, accepted as true and correct. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1884. Became a law by its own limitations.
30An act accepting Jackson Jones, Harriet Hunter, Vernett Taylor, Mary James, and William Grubbs as citizens of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 31, 1884. Passed House and approved November 1, 1884.
31Relief of National Light Horsemen of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 31, 1884. Passed Senate and approved November 1, 1884.
32Resolution appropriating $5000 to J.B. Luce at Washington. Passed Senate October 31, 1884. Passed House and approved on November 1, 1884.
33An act changing the location of the County seat of sugar Loaf County. Passed and approved November 3, 1884.
34A resolution accepting the report of Daniel Miller, former District Trustee, 3rd District, of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate November 1, 1884. Passed House and approved November 3, 1884.
35A resolution directing the Principal Chief to vacate the commission of Jeremiah Ward, who was declared elected circuit judge of the First Judicial Circuit, Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 3, 1884.
36An act providing for a contingent fund for the District Trustee of $50.00. Passed and approved November 4, 1884.
37An act establishing an additional election precinct in Sugar Loaf County of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate November 3, 1884. Passed House and approved November 4, 1884.
38An act defining certain duties of the National Agent of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 4, 1884. Passed Senate November 1, 1884.
39An act providing for the sale of law books at $.50 each. Passed and approved November 4, 1884.
40An act supplementary to the School Laws of Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate November 5, 1884. Passed House November 6, 1884. Approved November 6, 1884.
41An act making appropriations for the relief of Captain Amos Henry's company of militia. Passed and approved November 5, 1884.
42A resolution authorizing a loan of $1500 to the heirs of the late Israel Folsom. Passed and approved November 5, 1884.
43A resolution authorizing 1st Dist. Trustee, Jerry Folsom, to make his full report at the next General Council of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate November 4, 1884. Approved November 5, 1884.
44An act to increase pay of Deputy Sheriff of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 5, 1884.
45A resolution for the relief of Light Horsemen of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 5, 1884.
46An act establishing an election precinct at Lockstone in Kiamitia County of Choctaw Nation. Passed House November 5, 1884. Passed Senate and approved November 6, 1884.
47A resolution to continue the cases of certain persons claiming rights of Citizenship until the next session of the General Council. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
48An appropriation to pay J.R. Harris for services rendered to the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
49A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to confer with the Governor of the Chickasaw Nation upon certain matters in which both Nations are interested. Passed House November 6, 1884. Passed Senate and approved November 6, 1884.
50An act appropriating additional compensation to Campbell Leflore and J.S. Standley, National Delegates of the Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
51An act changing the time of holding circuit court in Third Judicial District of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
52Report of J.M. Hodges, Inspector, accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
53An act appropriating pay for H.L. Jackman for sinking a well. Passed and approved November 6, 1884. Passed House October 31, 1884.
54Report of Jefferson Gardner, National Treasurer, is accepted. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
55Report of Jefferson Gardner, National Treasurer, is accepted. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
56An act repealing Sec. 4 of an act to raise a force of militia. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
57Report of A. Telle, National Weigher, is accepted. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
58Report of ex-governor, J.F. McCurtain, accepted. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
59An act providing for and directing the manners of taking a census of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
60Report of Basil Leflore accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
61An act conferring citizenship in the Choctaw Nation upon James and Walton Patterson, and their families also Babe Thompson. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
62An act to increase Neighborhood School Fund. Passed and approved November 6, 1884.
63An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Choctaw Nation for the fiscal year commencing August 1, 1884, and ending July 31, 1885. Passed and approved on November 7, 1884.
64A resolution stating that committee on finances of Choctaw Nation are discharged. Passed and approved November 7, 1884.
65A resolution of adjournment. Passed and approved November 7, 1884.
66Appropriations of $1268 for Mrs. P. P. Pitchlynn. Passed and approved November 7, 1884.
67A resolution accepting the report of J.S. Standley, former National Agent. Passed and approved November 7, 1884.
68An act discharging school committee of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 7, 1884.
69An act amending an act to create a corps of Light Horsemen, defining their duties and fixing their pay. Passed House November 6, 1884. Passed Senate and approved November 7, 1884.
70An act changing election precinct of Pusley's precinct to "Freeny" Precinct. Passed and approved November 7, 1884.
71An act to amend an act providing the holding of elections in this Nation for other purposes. Passed Senate November 1, 1884. Passed House and approved November 3, 1884.
Box 17
1A letter from A.H. Garland, Attorney General, to Secretary of Interior concerning a contract dated November 8, 1883, between Mrs. A.G. Ream and Robert L. Ream, Jr., her husband and the Atoka Coal and Mining Company. July 29, 1885.
2Bill No. 4. Proposed act to change Double Spring Election Precinct to Brazil Station. Passed and approved October 14, 1885.
3Bill No. 2. Proposed act to move County court grounds and election precinct of Gaines County from Boiling Spring to a point about five hundred yards south. Passed Senate October 13, 1885. Passed House and approved October 14, 1885.
4Bill No. 3. Proposed act removing Hampton, election precinct in Red River County to Bok Chito Church meeting house. Passed House with amendment October 14, 1885. Passed Senate with amendment October 14, 1885. Approved October 14, 1885.
5Bill No. 8. A resolution approving the report of S.W. Garvin, and J.S. Lowery, Coal Weighers at Lehigh. Passed and approved October 15, 1885.
6Bill No. 9. A resolution approving the report of A. Telle, and H.W. Adams, National Weighers at Lehigh. Passed and approved October 15, 1885.
7Bill No. 6. Resolution approving report of Henry Harris, District Collector, District #2. Passed and approved October 15, 1885.
8Bill No. 7. A resolution approving reports of N.B. Ainsworth and R.S. McCartey, Coal Weighers at McAlester. Passed and approved October 15, 1885.
9Bill No. 5. A resolution approving J.S. Merriman's report, District Collector, District #1. Passed and approved October 15, 1885.
10Bill No. 10. Proposed act moving election precinct in Blue County at Ephesus, to Kalli Kapasa. Passed and approved October 16, 1885.
11Bill No. 11. Proposed act changing the date of holding circuit court of the 2nd District from the 1st Monday in June to the first Monday in July. Passed House with amendment October 16, 1885. Passed Senate with amendment October 16, 1885. Approved October 16, 1885.
12Bill No. 12. Proposed act granting to Thompson Cooper privilege to turnpike portion of Scullyville and McAlester road, and to establish a toll gate at a place where a road leading from McAlester to Scullyville crosses at or about Ok-Cha-Muk-Chito. Passed and approved October 17, 1885.
13Bill No. 13. A resolution approving the report of Mitchell Harrison, District Trustee, 1st District. Passed October 20, 1885. Approved October 22, 1885.
14Bill No. 16. A resolution approving the action for International Convention held at Eufaula, June 15 and 16, 1885. Passed and approved October 22, 1885.
15Bill No. 15. A resolution accepting report of J.B. Jeter District Trustee, 3rd. Passed and approved October 22, 1885.
16Bill No. 17. A resolution to appoint three delegates to Eufaula, Indian Territory, to international council on December 10, 1885. Passed Senate October 16, 1885. Passed House and approved on October 23, 1885.
17Bill No. 19. Proposed act changing Martin Chukmubbi in Atoka County to "Tiak Heli" Church House. Passed and approved an October 23, 1885.
18Bill No. 21. A resolution approving the report of Jefferson Gardner, National Treasurer. Passed and approved October 23, 1885.
19Bill No. 18. Proposed act changing circuit court ground of Pushmataha District. Passed and approved October 23, 1885.
20Bill No. 22. A resolution approving the report of B.L. LeFlore's report, National Auditor. Passed and approved October 23, 1885.
21Bill No. 20. A resolution approving report of W.J.B. Loyd, Supt. of Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved October 23, 1885.
22Bill No. 23. A resolution accepting J.S. Gardner's report, District Trustee of 2nd District. Passed Senate October 23, 1885. Passed House and approved October 26, 1885.
23Bill No. 24. A resolution authorizing District Attorney, 1st District, to enter suit against Jerry Folsom's Bond and his sureties. Passed and approved October 27, 1885.
24Bill No. 26. A resolution approving E.A. Gray's report, Supt. of New Hope Seminary. Passed and approved October 28, 1885.
25Bill No. 27. A resolution authorizing National Secretary to have desks made for his office. Passed Senate October 28, 1885. Passed House and approved October 29, 1885.
26Bill No. 25. Proposed act changing election precinct of Cold Spring to Sulphur Spring Meeting Ground, Cedar County. Passed House October 27, 1885. Passed Senate and approved October 28, 1885.
27Bill No. 29. Proposed act removing election precinct of Post Oak Grove to Sulphur Springs in Nashoba County. Passed and approved October 30, 1885.
28Bill No. 30. A resolution in reference to L.H. and R.M. Roberts printing press at Atoka. Passed and approved on October 30, 1885.
29Bill No. 30. A resolution approving Principal Chief's contingent fund. Passed and approved October 30, 1885.
30Bill No. 28. A resolution of respect to the memory of Hon. Coleman Cole, Hon. W.M. Robuck and Rev. Peter Folsom. Passed and approved October 30, 1885.
31Bill No. 32. Proposed act setting the salary of the District Chiefs and for other purposes. Passed House with amendments October 30, 1885. Passed Senate and approved October 31, 1885.
32Bill No. 33. Proposed act proposed to pay delegates attending the International Convention at Eufaula County, June 15 and 16, 1885. Passed Senate October 31, 1885. Passed House and approved November 2, 1885.
33Bill No. 34. Proposed act to provide for better collection of royalties. Passed Senate with amendment October 30, 1885. Passed House and approved with amendment November 2, 1885.
34Bill No. 39. Proposed act in reference to one-fourth of the royalty in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 3, 1885.
35Bill No. 40. A proposed act to amend an act to prevent the burning of prairies, woods, etc. Passed and approved November 3, 1885.
36Bill No. 36. A resolution to adjourn Wednesday, November 11, at 4 o'clock. Passed and approved November 3, 1885.
37Bill No. 37. Proposed act to change Anderson Precinct in Wade County to Tushka Homma Precinct. Passed and approved November 3, 1885.
38Bill No. 41. A memorial to Congress. Passed and approved on November 3, 1885.
39Bill No. 38. A resolution in reference to the rights of the M.K. and T. Railroad in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 3, 1885.
40Bill No. 43. A resolution that the Principal chief is instructed to press on the Commissioners of Indian Affairs and the U.S. Indian Agent the necessity for the removal of intruders. Passed November 3, 1885. Approved November 4, 1885.
41Bill No. 42. Proposed act reviving the duties and powers of the Court of Claims. Passed House and Senate November 3, 1885. Approved November 4, 1885.
42Bill No. 44. Proposed act for appropriation to pay warrants on hand. Passed and approved November 5, 1885.
43Bill No. 48. A resolution approving the report of W.B. Robe, Supt. of the Wheelock Seminary. Passed and approved November 5, 1885.
44Bill No. 46. A resolution appropriating $25 to National Secretary to copy the Freedman registry. Passed and approved November 5, 1885.
45Bill No. 45. A resolution authorizing National Auditor to stop payment on illegal certificates. Passed and approved on November 5, 1885.
46A resolution accepting the books of registry to be true and correct on Freedman with exception thereto attached. Passed and approved November 5, 1885.
47Bill No. 97. Proposed act providing for the paying of Freedman per capita as set apart under the 3rd act of Treaty of 1866. Passed and approved November 5, 1885.
48Bill No. 50. A resolution that the bond of L.W. Oaks be put in suit by District Attorney of the 3rd Judicial District. Passed and approved November 5, 1885.
49Bill No. 54. Proposed act making an appropriation for students in the States. Passed House November 7, 1885. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1885.
50Bill No. 51 Proposed act changing Konchat Owaka election precinct to Davis Anderson place in Wade County. Passed Senate November 5, 1885. Passed House and approved November 6, 1885.
51Bill No. 53. Proposed act to amend an act concerning Divorce and Alimony. Passed and approved November 6, 1885.
52Bill No. 52. Proposed act to prevent intermarriage between Choctaw and Freedman. Passed and approved November 6, 1885.
53Bill No. 55. A resolution repealing the contract with Presbyterian Board, that is, the management of Spencer Academy. Passed Senate November 5, 1885. Passed House November 6, 1885. Approved November 9, 1885.
54Bill No. 56. Proposed act regulating the appointment of Deputy Sheriffs of Choctaw Nation to attend Circuit Courts, also designating their pay while attending. Passed House November 7, 1885. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1885.
55Bill No. 58. Proposed act providing appropriations for neighborhood schools. Passed and approved November 10, 1885.
56Bill No. 52. Proposed act prohibiting citizens to hire non-citizens to take charge of their cattle. Passed and approved November 10, 1885.
57Bill No. 60. Proposed act making appropriations for the support of their several academies, seminaries and orphan asylums. Passed House November 7, 1885. Passed Senate with amendment and approved November 10, 1885.
58Bill No. 63. A resolution directing Mitchell Harrison, 1st District Trustee to pay certain accounts. Passed and approved November 10, 1885.
59Bill No. 61. A proposed act increasing the royalty on Railroad cross ties. Passed House and Senate November 6, 1885. Approved November 10, 1885.
60Bill No. 62. A proposed act requiring the resignation of C.J. Stewart, Commissioner of the 2nd Judicial District. Passed and approved November 10, 1885.
61Bill No. 76. A proposed act requiring all non-citizens claiming to be missionaries to present their Commission before the General Council. Passed and approved November 10, 1885.
62Bill No. 66. A proposed act requiring the appointment of the Supt. of New Hope and Spencer Academies to be appointed by the Principal Chief. Passed and approved November 10, 1885
63Bill No. 64. A proposed act making a special appropriations for school and school accounts in the 1st District of Choctaws. Passed House, Senate and approved November 10, 1885.
64Bill No. 65. A resolution to adjourn Wednesday, November 11, at 10 o'clock. Passed and approved November 10, 1885.
65Bill No. 57. A proposed act claiming jurisdiction in certain cases mentioned. Passed and approved November 10, 1885.
66Bill No. 72. A proposed act making appropriations for the fiscal year August 1, 1885, to July 31, 1886. Passed and approved November 11, 1885.
67Bill No. 71. A proposed act authorizing Principal Chief to appoint committee to investigate amount of money paid Judge Stewart for Court House. Passed and approved November 11, 1885.
68Bill No. 70. A resolution for relief of Wesley Anderson ($55) for taking charge of Capitol. Passed and approved November 11, 1885.
69Bill No. 68. A resolution approving report of Captain J.S. Standley, National Agent for the year of 1883 and 1882. Passed Senate November 10, 1885. Passed House and approved November 11, 1885.
70Bill No. 69. A proposed act appropriating money to pay militia. Passed November 11, 1885. Approved November 11, 1885.
Box 18
1Bill No. 1. A resolution for electing Superintendent of Public Schools and District Trustees. Passed and approved October 11, 1886.
2Bill No. 2. A proposed act increasing the salary of Superintendent of Public Schools. Passed House October 12, 1886. Passed Senate with amendment October 12, 1886. Approved October 12, 1886.
3A resolution accepting report of J.B. Jeter, Trustee of 3rd District. Passed and approved October 14, 1886.
4Bill No. 7. A proposed act establishing Bayon Precinct in Red River County. Passed Senate with amendment October 16, 1886. Passed Senate with amendment October 18, 1886. Approved October 18, 1886.
5Bill No. 5. A resolution for relief of Thompson cooper, allowing pay and expenses for the removal of intruders. Passed House, Senate, and approved October 15, 1886.
6Bill No. 4. A resolution authorizing Principal Chief to appoint two delegates to the Chickasaw Nation. Passed and approved October 15, 1886.
7Bill No. 6. A resolution to compensate Campbell LeFlore for services rendered as attorney for Nation in disputed citizenship cases. Passed and approved October 16, 1886.
8Bill No. 9. A resolution appropriating $30 to pay J.W. Everidge for removing intruders from Kiamitia County, Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 16, 1886. Passed House and approved October 18, 1886.
9Bill No. 8. A proposed act prohibiting the sale or manufacture of Choctaw beer and etc. Passed and approved October 18, 1886.
10A proposed act establishing Pleasant Hill Election Precinct in Red River County. Passed and approved October 19, 1886.
11Bill No. 13. A proposed act changing election precinct at Boggy Depot to Black Jack Grove. Passed and approved October 20, 1886.
12Bill No. 12. A proposed act granting Abner Pusly and James Brown the privilege to turnpike the Winding Stair Mountain. Passed and approved October 20, 1886.
13Bill No. 11. An act changing Wheelock election precinct to Bon Ton precinct. Passed and approved October 20, 1886.
14Bill No. 15. A resolution to respect the memory of the Hon. J.F. McCurtain, Allen Wright and Basil LeFlore. Passed and approved October 21, 1886.
15Bill No. 14. An act establishing Jackson County. Passed Senate October 19, 1886. Passed House and approved October 21, 1886.
16Bill No. 17. A proposed act to establish Spring Hill precinct in sugar Loaf County. Passed and approved October 22, 1886.
17A resolution accepting report of J.S. Merriman, District Collector, 1st Judicial District Court. Passed and approved October 22, 1886.
18Bill No. 19. A resolution accepting report of H.C. Harris, District Collector, 2nd Judicial District. Passed and approved October 22, 1886.
19A resolution accepting report of L.D. Ainsworth, Inspector. Passed and approved October 22, 1886.
20Bill No. 22. A proposed act to appoint two additional inspectors. Passed and approved October 22, 1886.
21Bill No. 21. A resolution authorizing appointment of three commissioners to meet Chickasaw commissioners. Passed and approved October 22, 1886.
22Bill No. 20. An act for relief of Jesse Yotah. Passed and approved October 22, 1886.
23Bill No. 24. A resolution accepting report of J.S. Gardner, District Trustee, 2nd District of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 25, 1886.
24Bill No. 23. A resolution accepting report of J.W. Everidge, District Collector, 3rd Judicial District. Passed and approved October 25, 1886.
25Bill No. 29. A resolution accepting report of J.S. Lowery, National Weigher at Savanna. Passed and approved October 26, 1886.
26Bill No. 28. A proposed act establishing the citizenship of H.R. Smith and family. Passed and approved October 26, 1886.
27Bill No. 27. A resolution instructing the commissioners who meet the Chickasaw Commissioners at Atoka on October 26, 1886. Passed and approved October 26, 1886.
28Bill No. 26. A resolution accepting report of J.P. Turnbull, Supt. of Public Schools. Passed Senate October 25, 1886. Passed House and approved October 26, 1886.
29Bill No. 25. A resolution accepting report of R.S. McCarty, National Weigher, at Lehigh. Passed and approved October 26, 1886.
30Boll No. 33. A resolution authorizing examination of the report of W.J.B. Lloyd, Supt. of Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved October 27, 1886.
31Bill No. 32. A resolution accepting report of Jefferson Gardner, National Treasurer. Passed and approved October 27, 1886.
32Bill No. 31. A financial statement for year of 1885-1886. Passed and approved October 27, 1886.
33Bill No. 30. A resolution accepting report of H.W. Adams, National Weigher at Lehigh. Passed and approved October 27, 1886.
34Bill No. 34. A resolution of respect in the memory of Hon. Rufus Folsom and Hon. Harris Franklin. Passed and approved October 28, 1886.
35Bill No. 40. A proposed act granting Jackson County one representative. Passed Senate October 27, 1886. Passed House and approved October 29, 1886.
36Bill No. 39. A proposed act establishing an election precinct in Jackson County. Passed Senate October 27, 1886. Passed house and approved October 29, 1886.
37Bill No. 37. A proposed act establishing Big Lick precinct in Jackson County. Passed House October 29, 1886.
38Bill No. 38. Proposed act establishing Tiak Hilli precinct in Jackson County. Passed Senate October 27, 1886. Passed House and approved October 29, 1886.
39Bill No. 36. A proposed act establishing County Court Ground of Jackson County. Passed Senate October 27, 1886. Passed House and approved October 29, 1886.
40Bill No. 35. A resolution authorizing Principal Chief to appoint officers for Jackson County. Passed Senate October 27, 1886.
41Bill No. 41. An act creating a senatorial District in Pushmataha District. Passed and approved on October 29, 1886.
42A resolution inspecting suits now pending in 3rd District. Passed Senate October 28, 1886. Passed House and approved October 29, 1886.
43A resolution authorizing appointments of claimants for their adjudication. Passed Senate October 28, 1886. Passed House and approved October 30, 1886.
44A resolution accepting the report of Mitchell Harrison, District Trustee of the first District. Passed Senate, House and approved October 30, 1886.
45An act establishing an election precinct at South Canadian. Passed and approved October 30, 1886.
46A tabular report of all the schools and number of children in neighborhood schools of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 30, 1886.
47A resolution to adjourn on November 6, 1886. Passed and approved October 29, 1886.
48An act amending an act relative to jurors in the third District. Passed Senate October 29, 1886. Passed House and approved October 30, 1886.
49A resolution endorsing the appointment of Robert L. Owen to the U.S. Indian Agent as fit and just. Passed and approved October 30, 1886.
50An act amending an act relative to Deputy Sheriffs. Passed and approved October 30, 1886.
51A resolution to reestablish the dividing line between Apuck Shunnbbee and Pushmataha District. Passed and approved October 30, 1886.
52An act authorizing the sheriff of Jackson County to act as sheriff of the circuit court in Pushmataha District. Passed and approved November 1, 1886.
53An act changing the circuit court of Pushmataha District from Atoka County to Jackson County. Passed and approved November 1, 1886.
54A resolution authorizing the national Secretary to purchase a bell for the Capitol. Passed Senate November 1, 1886. Passed House and approved November 2, 1886.
55Resolution appropriating $500 for defense of John Bohnnon and Thompson Nowahaya. Passed and approved November 2, 1886.
56An act to establish an additional precinct in San Bois County. Passed and approved November 2, 1886.
57Resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to cause enclosure of the Capitol Building. Passed Senate November 1, 1886. Passed House November 2, 1886. Approved November 3, 1886.
58An act to increase the salary of the sheriffs of the several counties of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate November 2, 1886. Passed House and approved November 3, 1886.
59An act changing the County court ground of Blue County. Passed and approved November 4, 1886.
60A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to contract for the painting of the brick work of the Capitol building on the outside and the papering of the same on the inside. Passed and approved November 4, 1886.
61An act appropriating $4500 to build jails in each district. Passed Senate with amendment November 4, 1886. Passed House and approved November 4, 1886.
62An act establishing an election precinct at Durant Station, Blue County. Passed and approved November 4, 1886.
63An act defining quantity of blood necessary for citizenship. Passed and approved November 5, 1886.
64An act to repeal a resolution of the General Council approved November 9, 1885, and for other purposes. Passed and approved November 5, 1886.
65A resolution to appropriate the sum of $1226.45 to pay improvement done to Wheelock Seminary. Passed and approved November 5, 1886.
66Report of the Board of Trustees be approved as corrected. Passed and approved November 5, 1886.
67An act making appropriations for the support of neighborhood schools of several of several districts of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 5, 1886.
68Resolution appropriating $361.30 to pay debt on Wheelock Seminary. Passed and approved November 5, 1886.
69An act supplementary to the school law regulating school age. Passed and approved November 5, 1886.
70An act making appropriation for the support of the several academies and seminaries in the Choctaw Nation for the scholastic year of 1886. Passed and approved November 5, 1886.
71An act allowing the Rangers a salary of $50.00. Passed Senate with amendment November 4, 1886. Passed House and approved November 5, 1886.
72A resolution ratifying action of Commissioner who met with Chickasaw Commission. Passed and approved November 6, 1886.
73An act ratifying and confirming the action of the Joint commission of Choctaw and Chickasaw.
74An act making appropriations for current and contingent expenses of the Choctaw Nation for the fiscal year of 1886 and 1887. Passed and approved November 6, 1886.
75A resolution making appropriation for students in the state for the scholastic year of 1886-1887. Passed and approved November 6, 1886.
Box 19
1Letter to Thompson McKinney, Principal Chief, concerning the validity of Cochrane's contract. Dated July 7, 1887.
2Act granting Simon E. Lewis the right to turnpike the Rock Creek Mountain and establish a toll gate. Passed Senate October 11, 1887. Passed House with amendment October 12, 1887. Repassed Senate with amendment October 12, 1887. Approved October 13, 1887.
3Resolution appropriating $200 dollars to pay C.N. Dugger for the capture of Joshua Campbell, and escaped convict. Passed and approved October 13, 1887.
4Resolution assigning the subjects embraced in the chief's message to committees of the several subjects. Passed and approved October 13, 1887.
5Act granting Jessie Riddle to turnpike Backbone Mountain and establish a toll gate. Passed and approved October 17, 1887.
6Resolution to pay militiamen for serving in the militia. Passed House October 18, 1887. Passed Senate and approved October 19, 1887.
7Resolution to pay J.C. Hampton and Jesse Yota, clerk and door keeper of the Freedmen commissioners. Passed Senate October 18, 1887. Passed House and approved October 19, 1887.
8Resolution to approve and adopt the memorial demanding payment of a judgment. Referred to Senate by House October 25, 1887. Referred to financial committee by Senate October 25, 1887.
9Resolution to pay Jesse Yota for taking care of the capitol. Passed Senate October 25, 1887. Passed House and approved on October 26, 1887.
10An itemized bill of Jesse Yota. Referred to committee on Finance October 26, 1887.
11Act to establish an election precinct at Big Spring, Atoka County. Approved October 27, 1887.
12Act to provide for the protection of the public domain. Passed House October 27, 1887. Passed Senate and approved October 28, 1887.
13Resolution to accept the report of H.C. Harris, inspector. Passed House October 27, 1887. Passed Senate and approved October 29, 1887.
14Act to establish the citizenship of Lavinia L. Lewis and family. Passed house October 28, 1887. Passed Senate and approved October 29, 1887.
15Act to establish the citizenship of Charles A. Bilbo. Passed House October 28, 1887. Passed Senate and approved October 21, 1887.
16Resolution authorizing the selection of a committee to examine and report upon the condition of Spencer Academy. Passed Senate October 29, 1887. Passed House and approved October 31, 1887.
17Resolution providing pay to L.S.W. Folsom for services rendered in building a court house. Passed House October 28, 1887. Passed Senate and approved October 31, 1887.
18A resolution of instructions to National agent concerning the contracting for railroad ties. Passed House October 25, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 1, 1887.
19Resolution to accept the report of the District trustee of the 3rd District. Passed and approved November 1, 1887.
20Act locating an election precinct at Cache, Skullyville County. Passed and approved November 1, 1887.
21An act defining the duties of the officers who deal with intruders. Passed House October 31, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 1, 1887.
22Act changing an election precinct in Jacks Fork County. Passed and approved November 2, 1887.
23Resolution to pay McKinney Cobb for services as sheriff. Passed and approved November 2, 1887.
24An act amending an act authorizing district judges to have jails built. Passed House October 31, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 2, 1887.
25Resolution to pay Kanomonotubee, sheriff of Nashoba County. Passed Senate November 1, 1887. Passed House November 2, 1887. Approved November 2, 1887.
26An act to change the County site of Skullyville County. Passed and approved November 3, 1887.
27Resolution to accept the report of H.C. Harris and J.G. Farr, collectors. Passed and approved November 3, 1887.
28Resolution accepting report of W.B. Robe, superintendent of Wheelock Seminary. Passed and approved November 3, 1887.
29A resolution making appropriation to pay Jesse Yotah for certain services. November 2, 1887.
30Resolution to accept the report of H.W. Adams and E.N. Wright, weighers at Lehigh. Passed House November 2, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 3, 1887.
31Resolution the annual report of the superintendent of New Hope Seminary. Passed and approved November 4, 1887.
32Resolution to accept the report of R.S. McCarty and J.R. James, coal weighers at McAlister. Passed and approved November 4, 1887. Passed House November 2, 1887.
33Resolution to accept the report of J.S. Forrest, district collector, as correct. Passed house October 28, 1887. Passed Senate October 31, 1887. Approved November 4, 1887.
34Resolution to accept the report of J.W. Everidge, district collector. Passed House November 2, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 4, 1887.
35Resolution accepting the report of J.T. Lowery and Simon Hampton, coal weighers. Passed House November 2, 1887. Passed Senate November 4, 1887.
36Resolution to accept the report of T.D. Ainsworth, inspector on the M., K., and T. Railway. Passed House November 2, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 4, 1887.
37Resolution to accept the last annual report of J.B. Lloyd, superintendent of Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved November 4, 1887.
38A resolution providing pay to G.W. Dukes for services rendered in connection with building the court house in 2nd District. Passed and approved November 4, 1887.
39A resolution accepting the annual report of the district trustee of the 1st District. Passed Senate November 4, 1887. Passed house and approved November 5, 1887.
40Supplementary act to an act in relation to wire fence pastures. Passed House November 4, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 7, 1887.
41Resolution to pay C.E. Nelson and J.S. Standley for services under appointments. Passed and approved November 7, 1887.
43A proposed act defining the duties of the National Auditor. Passed House November 3, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 7, 1887.
44Act defining the manner of trying impeachment cases. Passed Senate November 4, 1887. Passed House and approved November 8, 1887.
45A proposed act constructing the treaty of 1866 in reference to missionaries. Passed House November 7, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1887.
46A proposed act to provide for the security of the national treasury. Passed House November 8, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1887.
47A proposed act changing election precincts in Skullyville County. Passed House October 31, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1887.
48A proposed act prohibiting citizens to employ non-citizens to take charge of stocks of any kind or gather them from the range. Passed Senate November 1, 1887. Passed House November 7, 1887. Passed over veto of Principal Chief November 9, 1887.
49A resolution accepting the report of J. Gardner, National Treasurer. Passed House November 10, 1887. Approved November 10, 1887.
50A resolution accepting the report of the national auditor for the year 1886 and 1887. Passed House, Senate and approved November 10, 1887.
51A proposed act making appropriation for the support of the neighborhood schools of the several districts of the Choctaw nation. Passed and approved November 10, 1887.
52A resolution to adjourn November 10, 1887. , at 4 o'clock P.M. Passed house and Senate October 26, 1887.
53A resolution authorizing the national secretary to have the roof of the Capitol soldered and painted. Passed House November 1, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 10, 1887.
54A resolution of October 29, 1887, accepting as true and correct the annual report of the superintendent of Spencer Academy. Passed Senate November 9, 1887. Passed House and approved November 10, 1887.
55A resolution in reference to an overdraw of Joe Lawrence, inspector of the north end of Frisco Railway. Passed and approved November 10, 1887.
56A resolution to approve and adopt the judgment of $2,858,798.62 in favor of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House November 8, 1877. Passed House November 8, 1887. Passed Senate with amendment November 10, 1887. Passed House with amendment and approved November 10, 1887.
58A proposed act to amend the law of November 1, 1882, in reference to wild or prairie hay. Passed House and Senate November 9, 1887. Approved November 10, 1887.
59An act amendatory to the act of November 9, 1875, in reference to intermarriage. Passed House November 9, 1887. Passed Senate and approved November 10, 1887.
60A proposed act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1888. Passed and approved November 10, 1887.
61A resolution accepting the report of J.H. Bryant, district trustee, and N.B. Ainsworth, accountant. Passed and approved November 10, 1887.
62A resolution requiring J.M. Hodges to make a report of the settlement made with the Gulf, Colorado, and the Santa Fe Railroad Company. Passed Senate and approved November 10, 1887.
63A resolution of November 10, 1887, in reference to the annual report of the district trustee 2nd District. Passed and approved November 10, 1887.
64A proposed act for the protection of the public buildings.
65A resolution of October 28, 1887, to accept as true and correct the annual report of the superintendent of public schools. Passed and approved November 10, 1887.
66A proposed act supplementary to the act of October 26, 1883, in reference to the pay of witnesses. Passed Senate November 8, 1887. Passed House November 9, 1887. Passed Senate with amendment November 10, 1887.
67A proposed act supplementary to an act of 1881 in regard to neighborhood schools. Passed and approved November 10, 1887.
68A proposed act to provide for the erection of a building at New Hope Seminary. Passed and approved December 7, 1887.
69A proposed act appropriating $30 to pay expenses of the National Secretary in attending extra session of the Council in 1887. Passed and approved December 7, 1887.
70A proposed act to defray the expenses of the extra session of the Council. Approved December 8, 1887.
71A proposed act amending the duties of the National Agent. Passed and approved December 8, 1887.
72A proposed act making appropriation of $1000 as an advance to Campbell LeFlore. Passed and approved December 8, 1887.
73A resolution to adjourn December 8, at five thirty o'clock. Passed and approved December 8, 1887.
Box 20
1A proposed act to authorize a requisition to be made for the payment of the judgment of the United States Court of Claims. Passed and approved February 25, 1888.
2Bill No. 5. A proposed act making requisition for certain funds under the judgment of the Court of Claims as the U.S. in favor of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved February 25, 1888.
3Bill No. 2. A proposed act to authorize a requisition for the payment of the five per cent to be paid to John B. Luce according to the contract of April 26, 1881. Passed and approved February 25, 1888.
4A proposed act asking for the payment of the judgment of the Court of Claims of the United States in favor of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved February 25, 1888.
5A resolution authorizing the appointment of a delegate. Passed and approved with amendment February 25, 1888.
6A proposed act to provide for the payment of the delegation of 1853 for their services in the prosecution of the Net Proceeds Claim and for other purposes. Passed and approved February 25, 1888.
7A proposed act making appropriation for the expenses of the present session of the General Council. Passed and approved February 25, 1888.
8A resolution for the relief of the members and officers connected with the present extra-session of the General council. Passed and approved February 25, 1888.
9A resolution appropriating $287.50 to have lightening rods placed upon the capitol building. Passed Senate February 24, 1888. Passed House February 25, 1888.
10A resolution to adjourn February 25, at eight o'clock p.m. Passed and approved February 25, 1888.
11A proposed act to authorize requisition to be made for the payment of a portion of what may be appropriated by congress in satisfaction of the judgment of the U.S. Court of Claims in favor of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved February 25, 1888.
12A proposed act making provision for the payment of amounts due under the contracts made by the delegation of 1853 with Luce, McKee and Blunt, and directing the National Treasurer to pay to said persons the amount due each. Passed and approved February 25, 1888.
13A proposed act appropriating $500.00 for the relief of James King. Passed Senate and House October 12, 1888. Approved October 13, 1888.
14A proposed act to amend an act of November 6, 1880 in reference to the time coal contracts shall run. Passed Senate October 12, 1888. Passed House October 13, 1888. Approved October 15, 1888.
15A proposed act to amend an act to provide for the security of the national treasurer. Passed and approved October 16, 1888.
16A resolution making appropriation to pay A.R. Durant $325.00 for building a court house, passed and approved October 19, 1888.
17A resolution to appropriate and pay $50.00 to Joseph W. Everidge. Passed and approved October 17, 1888.
18A proposed act to appropriate money to pay $145.00 for building a court house in the third district. Passed Senate October 20, 1888. Passed House and approved October 22, 1888.
19A proposed act to pay $10.00 to Simon McCoy for services in arresting a fugitive. Passed House October 20, 1888. Passed Senate and approved October 22, 1888.
20A proposed act of October 19, 1888 to establish an election precinct in Atoka County. Passed House October 20, 1888. Passed Senate and approved October 22, 1888.
21A proposed act of October 19, 1888 denying the application of Lucia da Walker alias Napoleon and Philip Vaun. Passed and approved October 23, 1888.
22A resolution of October 18, 1888 to accept as true and correct the report of W.H. McKinney, district trustee of the second district. Passed Senate October 22, 1888. Passed House and approved October 23, 1888.
23A resolution of October 18, 1888 to accept as true and correct the report of J.H. Bryant, district trustee of the third district. Passed Senate October 22, 1888. Passed House and approved October 23, 1888.
24A resolution to accept as true and correct the annual report of the superintendent of New Hope Seminary. Passed and approved October 24, 1888.
25A resolution making appropriation to pay witnesses for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1888. Passed and approved October 24, 1888.
26A proposed act appropriating $30.00 to be paid the district trustee of the third district for extra services. Passed and approved October 24, 1888.
27A proposed act establishing the citizenship of T. Davis and family. Passed and approved October 24, 1888.
28A resolution to accept as true and correct the annual report of the superintendent of public schools. Passed Senate October 24, 1888. Passed House and approved October 25, 1888.
29A proposed act establishing an election precinct in Atoka County. Passed Senate and House October 25, 1888. Approved October 26, 1888.
30A proposed act to amend the law of November 1, 1882 in reference to coal weighers. Passed October 25, 1888. Approved October 26, 1888.
31A proposed act to pay to J.J. Hodges, sheriff of Atoka County the amount of $150.00. Passed Senate October 26, 1888. Passed House and approved on same.
32A proposed act to provide interpreters for both houses of the general council. Passed Senate October 25, 1888. Passed house and approved October 26, 1888.
33A proposed act amending the election law. Passed Senate October 26, 1888. Passed House and approved October 26, 1888.
34A proposed act declaring the late translation, compilation, and publication of the Choctaw laws to be the laws of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 29, 1888. Passed House and approved October 30, 1888.
35A proposed act to prohibit the leasing or renting of pastures. Passed House October 23, 1888. Passed Senate and approved October 26, 1888.
36A proposed act to prohibit introducing steer cattle in the Choctaw Nation except in the months of November and December. Passed House October 26, 1888. Passed Senate October 27, 1888. Became a law by its own limitation on October 30, 1888.
37A resolution accepting as true and correct the annual report of W.J.B. Lloyd, superintendent of Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved October 31, 1888.
38A resolution to adjourn November 7, 1888 at four o'clock p.m. Passed House October 29, 1888. Passed Senate and approved October 31, 1888.
39A proposed act providing for three more students to be sent to school in the states. Passed House October 31, 1888. Passed Senate and approved November 1, 1888.
40A resolution accepting the annual report of the district trustee first district. Passed Senate October 31, 1888. Passed House October 31, 1888. Approved November 1, 1888.
41A proposed act to reimburse the superintendent of the Armstrong Academy. Passed house and Senate October 31, 1888. Approved November 1, 1888.
42A proposed act to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the new building at New Hope Academy. Passed House October 31, 1888. Passed Senate and approved November 1, 1888.
43A proposed act establishing an election precinct in Tobuckskey County. Passed House October 29, 1888. Passed Senate and approved November 1, 1888.
44A proposed act appropriation $15.00 to pay S.W. Hampton for services as teacher in 1883. Passed House October 29, 1888. Passed Senate and approved November 1, 1888.
45A resolution appropriating $50.00 to pay Jesse Yota. Passed and approved November 2, 1888.
46A memorial to the General Council of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 2, 1888.
47A proposed act to prevent hunting, gathering, or running cattle on Sunday. Passed House October 26, 1888. Passed Senate November 2, 1888, approved November 2, 1888.
48A proposed act to grant a right of way to Henry L. Gooding for a tramway switch or branch railroad. Passed House November 2, 1888. Passed Senate and approved November 3, 1888.
49A proposed act making an appropriation on $112.00 for James M. Coleman. Passed Senate November 2, 1888. Passed House November 5, 1888. Approved on the same.
50A proposed act authorizing the treasurer to call upon the United States Indian Agent for balance of freedman money. Passed Senate November 3, 1888. Passed House and approved November 5, 1888.
51A resolution accepting as true and correct the annual report of W.B. Robe, superintendent of Wheelock Seminary. Passed and approved November 5, 1888.
52A resolution accepting as true and correct the report of J.R. Schermerhorn, late superintendent of Spencer Academy. Passed and approved November 5, 1888.
53A resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate November 1, 1888. Passed House November 5, 1888 and approved the same.
54A proposed act making appropriations for scholars at school in the states. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
55A proposed act regulating the manner of applications for citizenship. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
56A proposed act to appropriate and pay $237.00 to Frank Fobb and Aron Peter for services. Passed Senate November 5, 1888. Passed House and approved November 6, 1888.
57A resolution true and correct the annual report of H.C. Harris, inspector on south division of Frisco Railway. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
58A resolution accepting the report of John R. James, coal weigher at McAlester. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
59A proposed act of November 5, 1888 in reference to report J.S. Forrest, District Collector. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
60A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of J.W. Everidge, District Collector third district. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
61A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of Ben Hampton, inspector on M.K. and T. Railway. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
62A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of John G. Farr, district collector, second district. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
63A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of E.N. Wright, coal weigher at Lehigh. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
64A proposed act in reference to permits. Passed House November 5, 1888. Passed Senate and approved November 6, 1888.
65A proposed act declaring the time when officers shall qualify. Passed Senate November 5, 1888. Passed House and approved November 6, 1888.
66A resolution accepting as true and correct the report of G.W. Walker, coal weigher. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
67A proposed act in reference to pay of witnesses. Passed Senate with amendment November 5, 1888. Passed House and approved November 6, 1888.
68A proposed act requiring the sheriffs to take the census of non-citizens. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
69A proposed act of November 5, 1888 in reference to report of inspector of north division of Frisco Railway. Passed and approved November 6, 1888.
70A proposed act making distribution of the Net Proceeds money arising under judgment of the court of claims of the U.S. Passed Senate November 5, 1888. Passed House and approved November 6, 1888.
71A proposed act making appropriations for the neighborhood schools. Passed and approved November 7, 1888.
72A proposed act to grant the right of way to the Kavanaugh Coal and Mining Co. Passed and approved November 7, 1888.
73A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of inspector in the Chickasaw Nation. Passed Senate November 6, 1888. Passed House and approved November 7, 1888.
74A proposed act appropriating $30.00 to Jesse Yota. Passed and approved November 7, 1888.
75A resolution to accept as true and correct the reports of the auditor and treasurer. Passed and approved November 7, 1888.
76A proposed act appropriating money for the current and contingent expenses for the Choctaw Nation for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1889. Passed and approved November 7, 1888.
77A proposed act to suspend the militia law. Passed and approved November 7, 1888.
78A proposed act for the benefit of crippled, blind and idiotic children. Passed House November 1, 1888. Passed Senate and approved November 7, 1888.
79A proposed act of the relief of boarding schools. Passed and approved November 7, 1888.
Box 21
1A resolution to adjourn January 18, 1889, at 4 o'clock P.M. Passed and approved January 17, 1889.
2A resolution to appoint L.E. Bennett to fill a vacancy of the United States Indian Agent at Union Agency, Muskogee. Passed and approved January 17, 1889.
3A proposed act to amend the act making distribution of the net proceeds money arising under the judgment of the Court of Claims of the United States. Approved November 6, 1888. Passed Senate January 17, 1889. Passed house and approved January 18, 1889.
4A proposed act making appropriation of $3000 to pay expenses of the National Council and Light Horsemen. Passed and approved January 18, 1889.
5A proposed act to supply deficiency in appropriation for sheriffs during the current year. Passed and approved January 18, 1889.
6A proposed act to amend paragraph 4, section 7, Chapter 2, of the late published volume of laws of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved January 18, 1889.
7A proposed act making appropriation of $25 to pay expenses of the National Secretary during his attendance of the extra session in January 1889. Passed and approved January 18, 1889.
8An act to amend Paragraph 4, Section 7, Chapter 2 of the late published volume of the laws of the Choctaw Nation. (This is a copy of the original.)
9An act of October 11, 1889, supplementing an act creating the Court of Claims approved November 6, 1888, and amending an act approved January 18, 1889. Passed House October 11, 1889. Passed Senate October 12, 1889.
10A resolution of October 12, 1889, requiring the National Agent of the Choctaw Nation to make his report to the Principal Chief. Passed Senate October 14, 1889. Passed House and approved on October 14, 1889.
11A resolution October 12, 1889, requiring the fiscal agent, Robert L. Owen, to make his report to the Principal chief of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 14, 1889.
12A resolution of October 16, 1889, that the report of B.J. Hampton, National Inspector for the M., K., and T. Railway be accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved October 16, 1889.
13A resolution of October 16, 1889, that the report of E.H. Wright, National Weigher at Lehigh be accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved October 16, 1889.
14A resolution of respect tendered to the late Thompson McKinney, Ex-Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 16, 1889.
15A proposed act of October 14, 1889, to allow Rev. A.B. Johnson to live and labor within the limits of the Choctaw Nation Missionary. Passed House October 16, 1889. Passed Senate and approved October 17, 1889.
16A proposed act requiring the M., K., and T. Railroad Company to reduce the rates of mileage on their line of railroad through the Indian Territory. Passed and approved October 23, 1889.
17A proposed act requiring the M., K., and T. Railroad Company to reduce the rates of mileage on their line of railroad through the Indian Territory. Passed and approved October 23, 1889.
18A proposed act making an appropriation for the relief of Jessie Yotah. Passed Senate October 23, 1889. Passed house and approved October 24, 1889.
19A proposed act to change an election precinct in Kiamichi County of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 26, 1889. Passed Senate and approved October 28, 1889.
20A proposed act changing Clear Spring Court Ground in Kiamichi County of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 28, 1889. Passed House October 26, 1889.
21A resolution of October 28, 1889, that the report of S. E. Lewis, District Collector, be accepted as true and correct. Passed Senate October 28, 1889. Passed House and approved October 29, 1889.
22A resolution of October 26, 1889, to accept the report of the district collector, Thomas E. Oakes as true and correct. Passed Senate October 28, 1889. Passed House and approved October 29, 1889.
23A proposed act to suspend the act making distribution of the net proceeds money. Passed House and Senate October 29, 1889. Approved October 30, 1889.
24A resolution of October 26, 1889, accepting the report of William Ansley, coal weigher, at McAlester Mine No. 10. Passed Senate October 28, 1889. Passed House and approved October 30, 1889.
25A proposed act making an appropriation to refund $1000 borrowed of Skullyville County. Passed and approved October 30, 1889.
26A proposed act to make final the decision of the General Council on citizenship petitions and to repeal the act approved October 27, 1882. Passed Senate October 28, 1889. Passed House and approved October 30, 1889, with amendment.
27A resolution of October 31, 1889, to accept the report of B.L. Smallwood, on contingent disbursement. Passed and approved October 31, 1889.
28A resolution of October 31, 1889, accepting the report of H.W. Adams, inspector. Passed and approved October 31, 1889.
29A resolution of October 31, 1889, accepting the report of George W. Oakes, inspector on the St. Louis and San Francisco Railway, Choctaw Division. Passed and approved October 31, 1889.
30A proposed act granting a charter to John G. Farr to construct a tramway for the purpose of hauling logs, lumber, etc. Passed House October 31, 1889. Passed Senate and approved November 1, 1889.
31A resolution authorizing the president of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives to appoint a committee. Passed Senate November 1, 1889. Passed House and approved November 2, 1889.
32A resolution of November 1, 1889, to accept the report of D.A. Griffith, superintendent of New Hope Seminary, as true and correct. Passed Senate November 1, 1889. Passed House and approved November 2, 1889.
33A resolution of November 1, 1889, to accept as true and correct the report of R.C. Robe, superintendent of Wheelock Seminary. Passed Senate November 1, 1889. Passed House and approved on November 2, 1889.
34A resolution of November 1, 1889, to accept as true and correct the report of T.B. Turnbull, district trustee of the third district. Passed and approved November 2, 1889. Passed Senate November 1, 1889.
35A resolution of November 1, 1889, to accept as true and correct the report of H.C. Harris, trustee of the second district. Passed Senate November 1, 1889. Passed House and approved November 2, 1889.
36A resolution of November 1, 1889, to accept as true and correct the report of Peter Garland, district trustee of 1st district. Passed Senate November 1, 1889. Passed House and approved November 2, 1889.
37A resolution of November 2, 1889, to accept as true and correct the report of J.J. Brown, coal weigher at McAlester Mine No. 11.
38A resolution of November 2, 1889, to accept as true and correct the report of G.W. Walker, coal weigher and McAlester Mine No. 11. Passed Senate November 2, 1889. Passed House and approved November 4, 1889.
39A resolution of November 2, 1889, to accept as true and correct the report of L.C. Worcester, coal weigher at McAlester Mines No. 9. Passed Senate November 2, 1889. Passed House and approved November 4, 1889.
40A resolution of November 4, 1889, to accept as true and correct the report of J.J. Hodges, coal weigher at Lehigh Mine No. 5. Passed and approved November 5, 1889.
41A proposed act authorizing the appointment of three commissioners in reference to the leased district. Passed and approved November 5, 1889.
42A joint resolution to protest against the granting of the right-of-way asked for by the California and St. Louis Railway. Passed House November 4, 1889. Passed Senate and approved November 5, 1889.
43A resolution of November 4, 1889, to accept as true and correct the report of John Harrison, coal weigher at Lehigh Mine No. 4. Passed and approved November 5, 1889.
44A joint resolution to invite Col. Robert L. Owen to deliver an address on November 6, 1889, to the members of the General Council. Passed and approved November 6, 1889.
45A proposed act appropriating $12 for the relief of Edward Spring. Passed and approved November 7, 1889.
46A proposed act appropriating $500 for the relief of Thompson Nowahaya and John Bohanan. Passed House November 7, 1889. Passed Senate and approved November 8, 1889.
47A proposed act to repeal a portion of the preamble of "an act authorizing the appointment of three commissioners to treat with U.S. Commissioners in reference to the Leased District, and for other purposes." Approved November 5, 1889. Passed Senate and approved November 8, 1889.
48A resolution to adjourn November 15, 1889, at 3 o'clock P.M. Passed Senate November 11, 1889. Passed House and approved November 12, 1889.
49A proposed act to permit Rev. Samuel P. Keam to be a Missionary in the Choctaw Nation. Passed House November 11, 1889. Passed Senate and approved November 12, 1889.
50A proposed supplement to a joint resolution authorizing the president of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives to appoint a special committee, approved November 2, 1889. Passed Senate November 12, 1889. Passed House and approved November 13, 1889.
51A proposed act to appropriate $78.90 for the relief of James Jacob. Passed and approved November 13, 1889.
52A proposed act to change the County court ground of Wade County. Passed and approved November 13, 1889.
53A proposed act to repeal "An act to prohibit introducing steer cattle in the Choctaw Nation." Passed House November 12, 1889. Passed Senate and approved November 13, 1889.
54A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of L.G. Folsom, District Collector of 2nd District. Passed Senate on November 12, 1889. Passed House and approved November 13, 1889.
55A proposed act to provide for protection of the rights of the Choctaw Nation and her citizens against increased encroachments by U.S. Courts. Passed Senate November 13, 1889. Passed House November 14, 1889.
56A proposed act instructing the Principal Chief to call upon the Interior Department for certain information. Passed and approved November 13, 1889.
57A proposed act appropriating $3,269.00 to pay for lightning rods. Passed and approved November 14, 1889.
58A proposed act of November 13, 1889 to appropriate $538.75 to pay the indebtedness of Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved November 14, 1889.
59A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of Dick Smallwood, coal weigher. Passed and approved November 14, 1889.
60A proposed act to increase the pay of County officers. Passed and approved November 14, 1889.
61A memorial to the Secretary of the Interior and Attorney General of the U.S. Approved November 14, 1889.
62A proposed act to appropriate fifty dollars to relieve G.W. Dukes for Superintendent of the building of a jail. Passed House November 13, 1889. Passed Senate and approved November 14, 1889.
63A proposed act to repeal an act requiring the sheriffs to take the census of non-citizens. Passed House and Senate November 14, 1889.
64A proposed act to provide for a special committee to investigate the condition of the finances of the Spencer Academy. Passed and approved November 15, 1889, with amendment.
65A resolution of November 14, 1889 asking for a full and correct report from A. Docking concerning the Spencer Academy. Passed and approved November 15, 1889.
66A proposed act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Choctaw Nation for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1890. Passed and approved November 15, 1889.
67A joint resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives to meet in the Senate Chamber December 17, 1889, at 3 o'clock. Passed and approved December 17, 1889.
68A proposed act appropriating $12.85 to pay for a seal for the Choctaw Nation. Passed House November 15, 1889. Passed Senate and approved December 18, 1889.
69A resolution accepting the Auditor's and Treasurer's reports. Passed house November 15, 1889. Passed Senate and approved December 18, 1889.
70A proposed act to amend an act in reference to the scholars attending Boarding schools. Passed Senate December 21, 1889. Passed House with amendment and repassed Senate December 21, 1889.
71A proposed act to change an election precinct in Kiamitia County. Passed House November 15, 1889. Passed Senate December 21, 1889.
72A proposed act appropriating money for scholars at school. Passed Senate December 19, 1889. Passed House December 20, 1889, with amendment.
73A resolution expressing the sentiments of the Choctaw Nation on the question of a United States territory or state for the five civilized tribes. Passed and approved December 20, 1889.
74A proposed act establishing the citizenship of Emma McClung and her brothers. Passed and approved December 21, 1889.
75A resolution expressing the sense of the Choctaw Nation in reference to the location of Federal Courts. Passed and approved December 20, 1889. Passed Senate December 19, 1889.
76A proposed act of November 15, 1889 in reference to the report of Turnbull, superintendent of public schools. This report shows his account is short $178.70. Passed Senate and House December 19, 1889. Approved December 20, 1889.
77A proposed act appropriating pay for Miss Road to the amount of $40.20. Passed and approved December 21, 1889.
78A proposed act to provide for the future development of the mineral resources of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House December 22, 1889. Passed Senate and approved December 23, 1889.
79A proposed resolution as to negotiations with the U.S. in relation to lands between 96th and 100th degree of west longitude. Passed House December 22, 1889. Passed Senate and approved December 23, 1889.
80A resolution to adjourn December 24, 1889, at 4 o'clock. Passed and approved December 24, 1889.
81A memorial to the Congress of the U.S. Passed House November 15, 1889. Passed Senate and approved December 24, 1889.
82A proposed act contracting to the delegation appointed to negotiate with the authorities of the U.S. to get one fourth of the recovery out of the leased district. Passed House and Senate December 23, 1889. Approved December 24, 1889.
83A proposed act authorizing the National Treasurer to pay certain certificates. Passed and approved December 24, 1889.
84A proposed act providing for the disposition of the interest of the Choctaw lands in the lands west of the 98th west longitude. Passed House and Senate December 23, 1889. Approved December 24, 1889.
85A proposed act granting to Simon Nelson, a charter for a toll bridge over Bushy Creek. Passed and approved December 24, 1889.
86A proposed act amending "An act to provide for protection of the rights of the Choctaw Nation and her Citizens against increased encroachments over Bushy County," approved November 14, 1889. Passed and approved December 24, 1889.
87A proposed act making an appropriation of $3325.60 to pay expenses of the extra session of the General Council. Passed and approved December 24, 1889.
88A proposed act for the betterment of the conditions of the orphans or Asylum Lottery Company. Passed Senate December 21, 1889. Passed House December 23, 1889. Approved December 24, 1889.
89A proposed act accepting the report of the fiscal agent of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved December 24, 1889.
90A joint resolution approving the fidelity of Hon. Robert L. Owen, fiscal agent of the Nation. Passed and approved December 24, 1889.
91A resolution of December 23, 1889 in reference to the net proceeds commission work. Passed and approved December 24, 1889.
Box 22
1A resolution accepting the report of T.B. Turnbull, district trustee of third district of Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 10, 1890. Passed House and approved October 11, 1890.
2A resolution to adjourn for four days out of respect to the deceased Joseph P. Folsom, P.E. Noel, G.W. Harkins and John Williams. Passed and approved October 15, 1890.
3An act appropriating pay for C.S. Vinson for services to Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 21, 1890.
4A resolution accepting the report of John P. Turnbull, superintendent of public instruction of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 22, 1890.
5A resolution accepting the report of Charles Winston, district trustee of the second district. Passed Senate on October 21, 1890. Passed House and approved October 22, 1890.
6A resolution accepting the report of S.E. Lewis, collector of first district. Passed and approved October 23, 1890.
7A resolution accepting the report of B. Hampton, inspector on M., K., & T. Railway. Passed and approved October 23, 1890.
8A resolution accepting the report of J.F. Smallwood on contingent funds. Passed and approved October 24, 1890.
9An act relating to citizens of the Choctaw Nation taking the oath of allegiance to the United States. Passed House October 23, 1890. Passed Senate October 24, 1890 and approved on October 25, 1890.
10An act granting Lewis Lucas the right to establish a toll gate at the Old Inn Bridge ford on road from Ft. Smith to Eufaula. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1890. Approved October 25, 1890.
11An act making appropriation for taking care of and furnishing repairs for the capitol building. Passed Senate October 24, 1890. Passed House and approved October 25, 1890.
12An act relating to the account of Peter Garland, district trustee, first district. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1890. Approved October 25, 1890.
13A resolution accepting the report of C.J. Ralston, superintendent of Armstrong Orphan School. Passed House and Senate October 25, 1890. Approved October 27, 1890.
14A resolution stating the time for electing superintendents of public schools and district trustees. Passed and approved October 28, 1890. Passed House October 27, 1890.
15An act requesting that certain persons become citizens of the U.S. Passed and approved October 29, 1890.
16An act conferring citizenship on certain persons named. Passed and approved October 30, 1890.
17An amendment to section two of the act of November 1, 1882 in regard to shipping hay. Passed Senate October 29, 1890. Passed House and approved October 30, 1890.
18An act to abolish Good Spring and Cole Spring precincts in Blue County and to establish Jones precinct instead. Passed and approved October 30, 1890.
19A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint a competent person to translate the law from 1886 to 1890. Passed House and Senate October 30, 1890. Approved November 1, 1890.
20An act changing the boundary lines of certain counties. Passed and approved October 31, 1890.
21A resolution accepting the report of Dr. A. Griffith, superintendent of New Hope Seminary. Passed and approved October 31, 1890.
22A resolution accepting the report of Alfred Docking, superintendent of Spencer Academy. Passed and approved October 31, 1890.
23An act regulating the school system of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 31, 1890.
24An act conferring citizenship on Mrs. Trahern and other Mississippi Choctaws. Passed and approved October 31, 1890.
25An act making an appropriation of $1000.00 for benefit on New Hope Seminary. Passed and approved November 3, 1890.
26An act to punish any Choctaw citizen holding office for accepting bribes. Passed Senate October 28, 1890. Approved November 3, 1890.
27An act to change the County court ground of Nashoba County. Passed and approved November 3, 1890.
28act granting a charter to Moses Woolridge. Passed and approved November 3, 1890.
29An act appropriating $7000.00 for the benefit of Armstrong Academy Orphan School. Passed and approved November 3, 1890.
30An act in reference to licensed traders. Passed and approved November 4, 1890.
31act repealing an act in reference to licensed trader. Passed and approved April 6, 1891.
32A resolution requesting the chief to withhold the commission of W.H. McKinney. Passed Senate November 4, 1890. Passed House and approved November 11, 1890.
33An act in reference to the coal and railway company. Passed House November 1, 1890. Passed Senate and approved November 11, 1890.
34An act to authorize D.W. Hodges to construct a railroad switch at Tramway and granting the right of way. Passed senate October 31, 1890. Passed House with amendment November 4, 1890. Repassed Senate and approved November 13, 1890.
35An act giving citizenship to Willis Jackson and family. Passed and approved November 13, 1890.
36A resolution to adjourn. Passed house November 11, 1890. Passed Senate November 13, 1890. Approved the same.
37An act establishing an election precinct in Noshoba County. Passed Senate and approved November 13, 1890. Passed House November 12, 1890.
38An act removing an election precinct in Wade County. Approved November 13, 1890. Passed House November 10, 1890.
39An act for the securing safety election returns of the principal chief and national officers. Passed and approved November 13, 1890. Passed House with amendment October 31, 1890.
40An act to facilitate the detection of larceny of cattle in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 13, 1890.
41An act establishing an additional election precinct in Jack's Fork County. Approved November 13, 1890.
42An act asking the Principal Chief to compel George Oaks, inspector of St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company to give his report. Passed and approved November 14, 1890. Passed House November 13, 1890.
43Report of Green McCurtain is accepted. Passed and approved November 14, 1890
44An act changing the County court ground of Scullyville County. Passed and approved November 14, 1890.
45An act making appropriations for the relief of Matt Sakki. Passed Senate November 13, 1890. Passed House and approved November 14, 1890.
46Dr. R.W. Hills report be accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved November 14, 1890. Passed Senate November 13, 1890.
47A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of T.E. Oaks. Passed and approved November 14, 1890.
48The general council demands that the Principal Chief take necessary steps to cause L.G. Folsom to make final and satisfactory arrangements with the treasurer of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 14, 1890.
49A resolution in reference to A. Docking, superintendent of Spencer Academy. Passed Senate November 13, 1890. Passed House and approved November 14, 1890.
50An act to defray expenses of committee attending funeral of ex-governor Edmund McCurtain. Passed Senate November 13, 1890. Passed House and approved November 14, 1890.
51A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to make an appointment of one or two persons to investigate J.B. Lloyds, accounts. Passed Senate November 13, 1890. Passed House and approved November 14, 1890.
52An act to protect against the building of branch railroads. Passed House November 13, 1890. Passed Senate and approved on November 14, 1890.
53An act for making appropriations for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1891. Passed and approved November 14, 1890.
Box 23
1An act for the relief of certain Mississippi Choctaws. Passed and approved April 4, 1891.
2An act to establish two boarding schools and erect a building in Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved April 4, 1891.
3An act appropriating $2,200.00 for the benefit of Armstrong Orphan School. Passed and approved April 6, 1891.
4An act making an appropriation to pay outstanding school certificates. Passed House and Senate April 8, 1891. Approved April 9, 1891. (Missing)
5An act requiring national contractors to furnish transportation for inspectors. Passed and approved April 6, 1891.
6An act to grant Walton Patterson a toll bridge in Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved April 8, 1891.
7An act in relation to peddlers and other traders. Passed and approved April 8, 1891.
8An act admitting certain Choctaws from Mississippi to citizenship in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved April 8, 1891.
9An act regulating the time and manner of sheriffs making reports to their respective County treasurers for other purposes also. Passed and approved April 8, 1891.
10An act admitting certain Mississippi Indians to citizenship. Passed House and Senate April 7, 1891. Approved April 8, 1891.
11An act providing that the compensation of local trustees shall be continued for the current scholastic year. Passed and approved April 8, 1891.
12A resolution asking pardon for Willis Anderson of Jackson County for assault with intent to kill. Passed House and Senate April 7, 1891. Approved April 8, 1891.
13An act appropriating $3,000.00 for the benefit of Wheelock Orphan Academy. Passed House and Senate April 7, 1891. Approved April 8, 1891
14An act appropriating $500.00 for five additional scholars at Wheelock Seminary. Passed House and Senate April 7, 1891.
15An act making an appropriation for the relief of J.S. Standley. Passed and approved April 9, 1891.
16An act making requisition for the sum of $2,243,578.50 due the Choctaw Nation under an act of Congress. Passed and approved April 9, 1891.
17An act authorizing a release of all the titles and interest that the Choctaws have in the Cheyenne and Arapahoe lands lying south of the Canadian River and west of the 98th degree of west longitude and making conveyances thereof. Passed and approved April 9, 1891.
18An act recognizing the citizenship of certain Mississippi Choctaws. Passed and approved April 9, 1891.
An act for the relief of certain Mississippi Choctaws. Passed and approved April 9, 1891.
19An act for the relief of certain Mississippi Choctaws. Passed and approved April 9, 1891.
20An act making an appropriation to pay outstanding school certificates of the peter Garland lake Trustee of the first district. Approved April 9, 1891.
21An act changing an election precinct in San Bois County to Oak Hill. Passed House and approved April 10, 1891.
22An act authorizing the Principal Chief to purchase carpets and have the roof of the capitol repaired. Passed Senate April 9, 1891. Passed House and approved April 10, 1891.
23An act authorizing the Principal Chief to accompany the special delegation to Washington D.C. Passed and approved April 9, 1891.
24An act authorizing settlement with the delegation for services rendered in the prosecution of the claim of Choctaw Nation in the leased district. Passed Senate April 8, 1891. Passed house April 9, 1891. Approved April 10, 1891.
25Bill No. 27. An act granting to John E. McBrayer a ferry charter on the Arkansas River. Passed Senate April 10, 1891. Passed House and approved April 11, 1891.
26An act for the protection of the interest of orphans in the money arising from the sale of the leased district under an act of Congress. Approved March 3, 1891. Passed and approved April 11, 1891.
27An act making appropriation for expenses of extra session of General Council. Passed and approved April 11, 1891.
28An act authorizing distribution per capita of the money due the Choctaw Nation for the sale of a portion of leased district under act of Congress approved March 3, 1891. Passed and approved April 11, 1891.
29An act appropriating $750.00 for nine additional scholars at Armstrong Orphan School. Passed and approved April 6, 1891.
30resolution of adjournment. Passed and approved April 9, 1891
31An act denying citizenship to a Tucker family presently residing in Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved April 9, 1891. Passed Senate April 8, 1891.
32An act providing for special delegates to Washington D.C. to sign release of the Leased District and make requisition money arising therefrom. Passed and approved April 10, 1891.
33An act establishing a precinct in Gaines County. Passed and approved October 15, 1891.
34An act establishing a precinct in Cedar County. Passed and approved October 15, 1891.
35A resolution accepting the report of Simon T. Dwight, superintendent of public instruction. Passed House and Senate October 14, 1891. Approved October 15, 1891.
36A resolution accepting the report of A. Docking, Superintendent Spencer Academy. Passed House and Senate October 14, 1891. Approved October 16, 1891.
37Resolution in regard to John P. Turnbull, former school superintendent. Passed House October 14, 1891. Passed House and approved October 15, 1891.
38An act establishing an additional election precinct in San Bois County. Passed Senate October 14, 1891. Passed House and approved October 15, 1891.
39A resolution accepting the report of R.C. Robe, superintendent of Wheelock Orphan Seminary. Passed and approved October 15, 1891.
40A resolution in reference to Dr. R.W. Hill, superintendent of public instruction. Passed and approved October 15, 1891. Passed House October 14, 1891.
41A resolution accepting the report of Charles Winston, district trustee of second district. Passed Senate October 14, 1891. Passed House October 14, 1891. Approved October 15, 1891.
42An act for the Interior Department to look into and approve the work of the committee. Passed Senate October 16, 1891. Passed House October 19, 1891. Approved October 19, 1891.
43An act granting to Moses Woolridge the privilege to grade and work the Ft. Smith and Eufaula Road a certain distance in San Bois County. Passed House October 19, 1891. Passed Senate and approved October 20, 1891.
44An act governing district collectors and trustees. Passed Senate October 15, 1891. Passed House October 19, 1891. Approved October 20, 1891.
45An act in relation to appointing commissioners to remove the Choctaws from the state of Mississippi. Passed Senate October 17, 1891. Passed House October 19, 1891. Approved October 20, 1891.
46An act establishing a boarding school for the benefit of the adopted freedmen of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 21, 1891.
47An act for the relief of twenty-six Choctaws lately from Mississippi. Passed Senate October 20, 1891. Passed House and approved October 21, 1891.
48A resolution accepting the report of Aaron Williams, district collector. Passed and approved October 22, 1891.
49A resolution accepting the report of Charles Leflore, inspector on the M., K., and T. Railroad. Passed and approved October 22, 1891.
50An act creating the office inspector on the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad and the Choctaw Road. Passed and approved October 22, 1891.
51An act in relation to district judges. Passed and approved October 22, 1891.
52A resolution accepting the report of H.J. Kayser, inspector of the C.C. Railroad. Passed and approved October 22, 1891.
53An act granting to Robert Benton a ferry on Poteau River. Passed and approved October 22, 1891.
54A resolution accepting the report of Wallace Bond, District Collector. Passed and approved October 22, 1891.
55An act establishing an additional election precinct in Nashoba County. Passed and approved October 27, 1891.
56A resolution accepting a report of Amos Henry, district trustee of first district. Passed and approved October 27, 1891. Passed House October 25, 1891.
57A resolution accepting the report of Turner Brashears, district trustee of third district. Passed House October 23, 1891. Passed Senate and approved October 27, 1891.
58A resolution of adjournment. Passed and approved October 27, 1891.
59An act conferring citizenship on Henry Lewis, a Mississippi Choctaw. Passed and approved October 27, 1891.
60A resolution that the name of Luttie Hailey be stricken from the list and the vacancy be filled by the superintendent of schools with another scholar. Passed and approved October 28, 1891.
61An act to establish an additional election precinct in Jacks Fork County. Passed and approved October 28, 1891.
62An act making an appropriation for the relief of Edward Spring. Passed and approved October 28, 1891.
63An act granting to Maurice Cass the privilege to turnpike the Namih-itte-tekili gap and establish a toll gate thereon. Passed and approved October 29, 1891. Passed and approved October 29, 1891. Passed House October 28, 1891.
64An act appropriating $600.00 for the use of the Spencer Academy. Passed House October 28, 1891. Passed Senate and approved October 29, 1891.
65An act appropriating $600.00 at Wheelock Seminary. Passed and approved October 29, 1891.
66An act appropriating the sum left on hand from the report of the third district trustees. Passed and approved October 29, 1891.
67A resolution accepting the report of C.J. Ralston, superintendent of Armstrong Orphan Academy. Passed Senate October 28, 1891. Passed House and approved October 29, 1891.
68A resolution accepting the report of Dr. A. Griffith, superintendent of New Hope Seminary of Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 28, 1891. Passed Senate and approved October 29, 1891.
69An act in relation to the scholars at the public school. Passed and approved October 29, 1891.
70An act for the relief of H.T. Jackman. Passed House October 28, 1891. Passed Senate and approved October 29, 1891.
71An act changing the court ground of Cedar County. Passed and approved December 3, 1891.
72An act changing the court ground of Gaines County. Passed and approved December 3, 1891.
73An act changing the election precinct of Gaines County to Freeney precinct. Passed and approved December 3, 1891.
74An act to move an election precinct in Sugarloaf County. Passed and approved October 3, 1891. Written in Choctaw.
75An act to change an election precinct in Jackson County. Passed and approved December 3, 1891.
76An act making appropriation for students in the states. Passed and approved November 4, 1891.
77A memorial to the Congress of the United States. Passed Senate December 4, 1891. Passed House and approved December 5, 1891.
78An act to authorize the Board of Education to let contracts for conducting the several new academies and naming the same. Passed and approved December 5, 1891.
79An act for the protection of public monies. Passed and approved December 5, 1891.
80A resolution in reference to the report of Charles Winton, District Trustee of second judicial district. Passed and approved December 5, 1891.
81An act conferring citizenship on certain persons. Passed and approved December 8, 1891.
82An act granting citizen mentioned a charter to open and construct a toll bridge across the Poteau River near Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Passed House December 9, 1891. Approved December 10, 1891.
83An act appropriating $4000.00 for furniture for Jones Academy and Tushkohoma Female Institute. Passed House December 8, 1891. Passed Senate December 9, 1891. Approved December 10, 1891.
84An act to reserve certain lands for the use of the several academies of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House December 8, 1891. Passed Senate December 9, 1891. Approved December 10, 1891.
85An act making appropriations for two additional scholars in the states. Passed House and Senate December 9, 1891. Approved December 10, 1891.
86An act authorizing Principal Chief to appoint delegates to go to Washington D.C. Passed Senate December 10, 1891. Passed House and approved December 11, 1891.
87An act to repeal an act for the removal of the colored people not citizens of the nation. Approved October 22, 1891. Passed and approved December 11, 1891.
88An act authorizing a settlement with the delegation for services rendered in the presentation of the claims of the Choctaw Nation in the leased district. Passed and approved December 11, 1891.
89A resolution in regard to the mileage of the members of this council. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
90An act accepting the report of J.W. Everidge, District Collector, of the third district. Passed and approved December 23, 1891.
91An act changing an election precinct in Red River County of Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate December 11, 1891. Approved December 12, 1891.
92A resolution by the General Council of the Choctaw Nation that E.S. Bowman, Inspector for the north end of the Frisco Railway as required to report to the Treasurer and deliver to him the amount collected by him during the remaining quarter for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1891. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
93An act accepting the report of S.E. Lewis, District Collector of first district. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
94In compliance with your act authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint two men to execute releases and conveyances of the leased district and to procure payment for the same. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
95A resolution accepting the report of T.D. Ainsworth, National Auditor. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
96A resolution accepting the report of T.E. Oaks, District Collector of third District. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
97A resolution requiring R.S. Frazier, district collector of the third District, to make a report to National Treasurer. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
98An act making appropriations for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1892. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
99An act to make an application to pay S.E. Lewis. Passed Senate December 11, 1891. Passed House and approved December 12, 1891.
100Report of M.V. Everidge, Inspector for the South end of the Frisco Railway to be accepted as true and correct. Passed and approved December 122, 1891.
101An act to accept the report of Green McCurtain, National Treasurer, as true and correct. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
102An act in regard to new academies. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
103An act amending the school law of the Choctaw Nation. Approved October 31, 1880. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
104An act to adjourn on December 12, 1891. Passed Senate December 11, 1891. Passed House December 12, 1891.
105Appointment of Willie A. Durant of Blue County to be inspector on the M., K., and T. Railroad as Charles Leflore's time has expired. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
106An act to establish an additional precinct in Tobucksy County. Passed and approved December 12, 1891.
Box 24
1A resolution limiting and designating who should be present during the counting of the votes for Principal Chief. Passed and approved with amendment October 5, 1892.
2Bill No. 3. A proposed act increasing the pay of the National Lighthorsemen while attending council. Passed and approved October 12, 1892.
3Bill No. 21. A proposed act amending Sec. 3 of an act establishing the time of meeting of circuit court of First District. Passed Senate October 11, 1892. Repassed Senate, House, and approved October 12, 1892.
4Bill No. 2. A proposed act appropriating $50.00 per relief of Ellis Bohannan. Passed House October 12, 1892. Passed Senate October 13, 1892
5Bill No. 5. A resolution authorizing the Senate and House of Representatives to meet in joint session to elect certain officers. Passed House October 13, 1892. Passed Senate and approved October 14, 1892.
6Bill No. 4. A resolution of respect to Honorable B.F. Smallwood, Ex-Principal chief of Choctaw Nation.
7Bill No. 6. A proposed act removing an election precinct in Cedar County. Passed Senate October 20, 1892
8Bill No. 7. A proposed act removing an election precinct in Cedar County. Passed Senate October 20, 1892. Passed House and approved October 21, 1892.
9Bill No. 8. A proposed act declaring the last compilation, translation, and publication of the Choctaw Laws from October 1886 and including 1890. Passed House December 11, 1891. Passed Senate and approved October 24, 1892.
10Bill No. 9. A proposed act authorizing the National Agent to bring suit in the U.S. Courts against non-citizens operating within the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 22, 1892. Passed Senate and approved October 24, 1892.
11Bill No. 13. A resolution accepting the report of Chas K. Winston, district trustee, second district. Passed House October 24, 1892. Passed Senate and approved October 25, 1892.
12Bill No. 12. A proposed act removing an election precinct of Eagle County. Passed and approved October 25, 1892.
13Bill No. 10. An act appropriating money for the relief of Edward Spring. Passed and approved October 25, 1892.
14Bill No. 11. An act authorizing the District Trustee to pay certain teachers. Passed House October 24, 1892. Passed Senate and approved October 25, 1892.
15Bill No. 16. A resolution appointing a committee to investigate the claim of General Albert Pike, deceased, against Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 26, 1892.
16Bill No. 15. An act appropriating $8000.00 for the relief of Militia. Passed Senate October 25, 1892. Repassed Senate with amendment October 26, 1892. Passed and approved October 26, 1892.
17Bill No. 14. A resolution providing for a commission to meet a similar commission from the Chickasaw Nation to discuss financial differences. Passed Senate October 25, 1892. Passed House and approved October 26, 1892.
18Bill No. 17. An act appropriating money for the relief of Mrs. J.H. Moore. Passed Senate October 26, 1892. Passed House and repassed Senate and approved with amendment October 27, 1892.
19Bill No. 18. An act relating to the National Agent office concerning contracts made with non-citizens for the manufacture of certain products. Passed House October 26, 1892. Passed Senate and approved October 27, 1892.
20Bill No. 24. A resolution adopting the report of Amos Henry, District Trustee, First District Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 28, 1892.
21Bill No. 22. An act amendatory of the law against hunting on Sunday. Passed and approved October 28, 1892.
22Bill No. 20. An act establishing an election precinct in Cedar County. Passed House October 27, 1892. Passed Senate and approved October 28, 1892.
23Bill No. 19. A resolution of adjournment. Passed House October 26, 1892. Passed Senate and approved October 28, 1892.
24Bill No. 23. An act reestablishing the Militia Law. Passed and approved October 28, 1892.
25Bill No. 26. A resolution adopting the report of J.B. Turnbull, District Trustee, Third District. Passed House October 28, 1892. Passed Senate October 29, 1892. Approved October 31, 1892.
26Bill No. 26. A resolution to accept the report of R.C. Robe, Superintendent of Wheelock Seminary. Passed House October 29, 1892. Passed Senate and approved October 31, 1892.
27Bill No. 27. An act for the relief of Isaac Brown, Deputy Sheriff of Wade County. Passed and approved October 31, 1892.
28Bill No. 28. An act granting G.W. Thompson and G.W. Dukes the privilege to have a toll gate on the road leading to Mineral Spring on Sugar Loaf Mountain. Passed House and Senate November 1, 1892. Approved November 2, 1892.
29Bill No. 30. A resolution accepting the report of W.A. Caldwell, Superintendent of Spencer Academy. Passed House and Senate November 2, 1892. Approved November 3, 1892.
30Bill No. 31. An act to grant a right of way for a coal railway branch on switch to G.W. dukes, R.J. Ward and W. G. Kayser. Passed Senate November 2, 1892. Passed House and approved November 3, 1892.
31Bill No. 29. An act providing for settlement of Royalties due on the construction of the Choctaw Coal and Railroad. Passed and approved November 3, 1892.
32Bill No. 37. An act making appropriation for the relief of J.J. Gardner. Passed House November 3, 1892. Passed Senate and approved November 4, 1892.
33Bill No. 38. An act appropriating money to pay G.W. Dukes and Ryan. Passed and approved November 4, 1892.
34Bill No. 42. An act regulating the granting of certificates to the teachers of Neighborhood School.
35Bill No. 41. A resolution requesting S.J. Dwight and J.P. Turnbull to send in their reports. Passed and approved November 4, 1892.
36Bill No. 39. An act recognizing the citizenship of Tom York, Charley York, Sampson York, Lee Silman and family, late arrivals from Mississippi. Passed Senate November 2, 1892. Passed House and approved November 4, 1892.
37Bill No. 32. A resolution accepting the report of Dr. A Griffith, Superintendent of New Hope Seminary. Passed House November 3, 1892. Passed Senate and approved November 4, 1892.
38Bill No. 35. An act legalizing certain acts, heretofore approved by the President of the Senate. Passed House November 3, 1892. Passed Senate and approved November 4, 1892.
39Bill No. 33. An act for the relief of H.T. Jackman. Passed House November 3, 1892. Passed Senate November 3, 1892. Approved November 4, 1892.
40Bill No. 34. A resolution accepting the report of C.J. Ralston, Superintendent of Armstrong Orphan Academy. Passed House November 2, 1892. Passed Senate and approved November 4, 1892.
41Bill No. 43. An act making appropriation for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1893. Passed and approved November 4, 1892.
42Bill No. 40. An act appropriating money for the relief of Tom York and others. Passed Senate November 2, 1892. Passed house and approved November 4, 1892.
Box 25
1Bill No. 1. An act making appropriation for compensation of the Choctaw and Chickasaws for their interest in the lands lying south of the Canadian River, and occupied under executive order of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians. Passed and approved February 17, 1893.
2Bill No. 2. An act for the relief of Tuskahoma Academy. Passed House February 17, 1893. Passed Senate and approved on February 17, 1893.
3Bill No. 3. An act making appropriation to defray the expense of General Council. Passed and approved February 18, 1893.
4Bill No. 4. An act making appropriation to defray the expense of guarding and boarding the Prisoners at the first district court grounds. Passed House and Senate February 17, 1893. Approved February 18, 1893.
5Bill No. 5. A resolution to adjourn at 3 o' clock P.M. Passed and approved February 18, 1893.
6Bill No. 6. An act appropriating for pay of teacher and superintendent of Tushkalusa Academy. Passed and approved February 18, 1893.
7Bill No. 7. An act designating places for distributing leased district money. Passed House June 28, 1893. Passed Senate and approved June 29, 1893.
8Bill No. 2. Passed and approved June 29, 1893. Written in Choctaw.
9Bill No. 3. An act amendatory of the per capita Act of April 1891. Passed and approved June 29, 1893.
10Bill No. 4. A resolution endorsing E.G. Douglas as applicant for Marshal. Passed and approved June 29, 1893.
11Bill No. 5. (Written in Choctaw) Passed Senate with amendment June 29, 1893. Passed House with amendment and approved June 29, 1893.
12Bill No. 6. An act amendatory of the Per Capita Act of April 11, 1891. Passed House and Senate June 30, 1893. Approved July 1, 1893.
13Bill No. 7. An act making appropriation to defray expense of militia. Passed House June 30, 1893. Passed Senate and House with amendment and approved July 1, 1893.
14Bill No. 8. A resolution accepting report of Green McCurtain, National Treasurer. Passed Senate November 4, 1892. Passed House and approved July 1, 1893.
15Bill No. 9. A resolution accepting the report of J.W. Everidge, collector of third district. Passed Senate November 4, 1892. Passed House and approved July 1, 1893.
16Bill No. 10. An act making appropriation for C.G. Vinson and others. Passed House and Senate June 30, 1893. Approved July 1, 1893.
17Bill No. 11. A resolution in reference to the report of J.H. Miller, inspector for Frisco. Passed Senate November 4, 1892. Passed House and approved July 1, 1893.
18Bill No. 12. A resolution accepting the report of E.S. Bowman, Inspector. Passed Senate November 4, 1892. Passed House and approved July 1, 1893.
19Bill No. 15. An act making appropriation to pay G.W. Dukes and A.R. Durant for legal services rendered. Passed House June 30, 1893. Passed Senate July 1, 1893. Approved July 3, 1893.
20An act for the relief of J.W. Ownby, Esq. Passed House and Senate July 1, 1893. Approved July 3, 1893.
21Bill No. 15. A resolution receiving the report of W.A. Durant, inspector on M., K., and T. Railway. Passed Senate November 4, 1892. Passed House and approved July 1, 1893.
22Bill No. 16. An act making appropriation to defray expense of Guards at Wilburton Jail in first district. Passed and approved July 4, 1893.
23Bill No. 18. An act making appropriation to defray expense of the extra session of council convened in June 1893. Passed and approved July 5, 1893.
24Bill No. 17. An act authorizing the captain of militia to collect fire arms and return to capitol at Tushkahoma. Passed House and Senate July 4, 1893. Approved July 5, 1893.
25Bill No. 2. A resolution showing the final settlement of the Choctaw Nation with J.W. Ownby. Passed House, Senate, and approved October 13, 1893.
26Bill No. 3. An act extending toll bridge privileges to James S. Johnson, to October 31, 1902. Passed Senate October 14, 1893. Passed House and approved October 16, 1893.
27Bill No. 4. A resolution accepting the report of S.T. Dwight, Supt. of Jones Academy. Passed and approved October 16, 1893.
28Bill No. 5. A resolution accepting the report of W.A. Caldwell, Supt. of Spencer Academy. Passed and approved October 16, 1893.
29Bill No. 6. A resolution accepting the report of Amos Henry, District Trustee of third District. Passed House and Senate October 17, 1893. Approved October 18, 1893.
30Bill No. 7. A resolution accepting the report of D.A. Riddle, District Trustee of third district. Passed house and senate October 17, 1893. Approved October 18, 1893.
31Bill No. 8. A resolution accepting report of Ed Wilson, District Trustee, third District. Passed House and Senate October 17, 1893. Approved October 18, 1893.
32Bill No. 11. An act repealing an act passed and approved June 29, 1893, locating the circuit court ground of Masholotubbee District, Gaines County. Passed House October 17, 1893. Passed Senate October 18, 1893. Approved October 19, 1893.
33Bill No. 12. An act creating the office of delegate to the Congress of the U.S. (Prescribing duties etc.) Passed House and Senate October 18, 1893. Approved October 19, 1893.
34Bill No. 13. A resolution accepting the report of C.H. Ellis, Supt. of Wheelock Seminary. Passed October 18, 1893. Approved October 19, 1893.
35Bill No. 14. An act prohibiting the rafting of timber from the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 16, 1893. Referred back to Senate October 18, 1893. Passed House and approved October 19, 1893.
36Bill No. 15. A resolution in regard to the report of C.A. Vinson, T.D. Ainsworth and G.W. Dukes, Commissioners on part of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 19, 1893.
37Bill No. 16. An act for the relief of G.W. Thompson for taking care of the Capitol Building, repainting etc. Passed House October 18, 1893. Passed Senate and approved October 19, 1893.
38Bill No. 9. An act for the relief of J.S. Standley for services rendered in the recovering the interest on light horse fund. Passed House October 16, 1893. Passed Senate on October 18, 1893. Approved October 19, 1893.
39Bill No. 11. A resolution authorizing the national secretary to sell certain law books. Passed House October 17, 1893. Passed Senate October 18, 1893. Approved October 19, 1893.
40Bill No. 17. A resolution accepting the report of Green McCurtain, treasurer for fiscal year ending July 31, 1893. Passed and approved October 20, 1893.
41Bill No. 18. An act abolishing the office of coal weighers. Passed Senate October 19, 1893. Passed house and approved October 20, 1893.
42Bill No. 19. An act in relation to the admission into the boarding schools. Passed Senate and House October 20, 1893. Approved October 21, 1893.
43Bill No. 20. A resolution of adjournment on Friday at 12 o'clock, October 27, 1893. Passed House and Senate October 23, 1893. Approved October 24, 1893.
44Bill No. 21. A resolution accepting report of Wallace Bond, district collector. Passed House October 21, 1893. Passed Senate October 23, 1893. Approved October 24, 1893.
45Bill No. 22. A resolution accepting the report of J.H. Miller, inspector on the H.B.L.S.F. Railroad Company. Passed House and Senate October 23, 1893. Approved October 24, 1893.
46Bill No. 28. A resolution accepting the report of W. W. Wilson, national auditor. Passed October 24, 1893. Approved October 25, 1893.
47Bill No. 23. A resolution accepting the report of T.D. Ainsworth, superintendent of New Hope Seminary. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1893. Approved October 25, 1893.
48Bill No. 24. An act relating to report of Simon McCoy, district collector of second district. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1893. Approved October 25, 1893.
49Bill No. 25. An act appropriating $285.80 to pay P.J. Hudson, Supt. of Tushkahoma Female Institute. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1893. Approved October 25, 1893.
50Bill No. 26. A resolution accepting the report of J.W. Everidge, collector, third district. Passed house and Senate October 24, 1893. Approved October 25, 1893.
51Bill No. 27. A resolution accepting the report of Robert S. Frazier, district collector. Passed House and Senate October 23, 1893. Approved October 25, 1893.
52Bill No. 29. An act for the relief of Thomas Homa of Atoka County. Passed Senate October 23, 1893. Passed House October 24, 1893. Approved October 25, 1893.
53Bill No. 30. Resolution accepting the report of H.J. Kayser, inspector on the C.C. and Railway Company. Passed House and Senate October 23, 1893. Approved October 25, 1893.
54Bill No. 31. A resolution accepting the report of R.C. Robe, Supt. of Wheelock Seminary. Passed and approved October 26, 1893.
55Bill No. 32. A resolution accepting the report of Henry Nail, Supt. of Tushkolusa academy. Passed and approved October 26, 1893.
56Bill No. 33. A resolution accepting the report of S.T. Dwight, ex-superintendent of public schools. Passed and approved October 26, 1893.
57Bill No. 34. An act creating the office of national inspector of coal companies books. Passed House October 25, 1893. Passed Senate and approved October 26, 1893.
58Bill No. 35. An act recognizing the citizenship of Greenwood Leflore and children. Passed Senate October 24, 1893. Passed House October 25, 1893. Approved October 26, 1893.
59Bill No. 36. A resolution accepting the report of E.N. Wright. Passed House October 25, 1893. Passed Senate and approved October 26, 1893.
60Bill No. 37. A resolution accepting the report of E.S. Bowman. Passed house October 25, 1893. Passed Senate and approved October 26, 1893.
61Bill No. 38. A resolution appropriating $13,000.00 for Jones Academy and Tushha Huma Female Institute. Passed house and Senate October 26, 1893. Approved October 27, 1893.
62Bill No. 39. A resolution authorizing the national treasurer to pay W.J.B. Lloyd $650.00. Passed and approved October 27, 1893.
63Bill No. 40. A resolution accepting the report of G.W. Thompson, captain of militia, second district. Passed House October 26, 1893. Passed Senate and approved October 27, 1893.
64Bill No. 41. An act making appropriation for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1894. Passed and approved October 27, 1893.
65Bill No. 42. A resolution respecting J.R. Lawrence, inspector of D.W.V. Railway. Passed House October 26, 1892. Passed Senate and approved October 27, 1893.
66Bill No. 43. An act governing district collectors. Passed Senate October 26, 1893. Passed House and approved October 27, 1893.
67A resolution accepting the report of J.B. Jeter, superintendent of schools. Passed House October 26, 1893. Passed Senate and approved October 27, 1893.
68Bill No. 45. An act authorizing the Principal Chief to have laws of Choctaw Nation compiled, translated, printed, and bound. Passed House October 25, 1893. Passed Senate and approved October 27, 1893.
69Bill No. 46. An act for the relief of H.T. Jackman. Passed House, Senate and was approved October 27, 1893.
70Bill No. 47. An act for the relief of Martin Sexton, student. Passed House and Senate October 26, 1893. Approved October 27, 1893.
71Bill No. 48. An act in relation to neighborhood schools. Passed House October 25, 1893. Passed Senate October 27, 1893. Approved October 27, 1893.
Box 26
1Bill No. 1. An act providing for the appointment of commissioners to the International Council and meet the U.S. Commissioners. Passed Senate January 25, 1894. Passed House and approved January 26, 1894.
2An act requiring dairymen, showmen, and keepers of stallions and jacks to pay permits. Passed and approved January 26, 1894.
3Bill No. 4. An act granting to Lou M. Harris a ferry on the Canadian River. Passed and approved January 26, 1894.
4Bill No. 6. An act for the relief of J.S. Standley. Passed and approved January 26, 1894.
5Bill No. 5. A resolution accepting Green McCurtain's report on the leased district money. Passed Senate January 26, 1894. Passed house and approved January 27, 1894.
6Bill No. 7. A resolution making an appropriation to defray expense of extra session. Passed and approved January 27, 1894.
7Bill No. 8. An act requiring County Judge to take census of Tobexey County for the purpose of re-apportionment of its representatives in council. Passed Senate January 26, 1894. Passed House and approved January 27, 1894.
8Bill No. 9. An act ratifying certain leases made by Chickasaw Legislature. Passed and approved January 27, 1894.
9Bill No. 11. An act to authorize the Choctaw and Chickasaw national railroad company to construct and operate a railway through the Choctaw and Chickasaw nation and for other purposes. Passed House and Senate January 26, 1894. Approved January 27, 1894.
10A resolution of adjournment at 12 o'clock, Saturday, January 27, 1894. Passed and approved January 27, 1894.
11A resolution concerning a paragraph found in the statement made by J.S. Standley before the sub-committee on Indian Territories. Passed and approved April 4, 1894.
12Bill No. 1. An act removing the Philadelphia precinct in Blue County to Bryantville to be known as Bryantville precinct. Passed Senate March 30, 1894. Passed House March 31, 1894. Approved March 31, 1894.
13An act to increase the salary of district attorneys. Passed and approved April 2, 1894, with amendment.
14Bill No. 2. An act appropriating the net proceed balance for general expenses of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate April 2, 1894. Approved April 2, 1894.
15Bill No. 3. An act for the relief of Noel Holson. Passed and approved April 2, 1894.
16Bill No. 5. A resolution in regard to United States Commissioners. Passed and approved April 2, 1894.
17Bill No. 10. An act removing Sardis precinct two miles east of present location. Passed and approved April 2, 1894.
18An act abolishing the election precinct in Scullyville County. Passed Senate April 2, 1894. Passed House April 3, 1894. Approved April 4, 1894.
19A resolution authorizing the appointment of two commissioners to accompany the United States Commissioners. Passed House and Senate April 3, 1894. Approved April 4, 1894.
20Bill No. 6. A resolution of adjournment. Passed House and Senate April 3, 1894. Approved April 4, 1894.
21Bill No. 7. An act for the relief of W.W. Wilson. Passed Senate April 2, 1894. Passed House April 3, 1894. Approved April 4, 1894.
22Bill No. 8. An act appropriating $3,000.00 to pay militiamen. Passed Senate with amendment April 2, 1894. Passed House with amendment April 3, 1894. Approved April 4, 1894.
23Bill No. 11. An act moving the Goodwater precinct from the old church. Passed Senate April 2, 1894. Passed House April 3, 1894. Approved April 4, 1894.
24Bill No. 12. An act making appropriation to pay the expenses of the present extra session. Passed and approved April 4, 1894.
25Bill No. 13. An act prohibiting intoxication among the officers of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House April 3, 1894. Passed Senate with amendment April 4, 1894. Passed House with amendment and approved April 4, 1894.
26Bill No. 1. A resolution that Green McCurtain and his substitute N.B. Ainsworth, make report of their acts at Washington for the past year. Passed and approved October 5, 1894.
27Bill No. 2. An act repealing an act entitled an act to authorize the Choctaw and Chickasaw national Railroad co. to construct and operate a railroad through Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation. Passed and approved October 8, 1894.
28Bill No. 3. A resolution setting the day for the election of Supt. and district trustees. Passed House and Senate October 9, 1894.
29Bill No. 4. A resolution of condolence and sympathy for the death of Cole E. Nelson. Passed and approved October 9, 1894.
30Bill No. 5. An act for the relief of Robert A. Taylor. Passed Senate October 11, 1894. Passed house and approved October 12, 1894.
31An act adopting William Davis and his son, James Davis as citizens of the Choctaw Nation. Passed October 12, 1894. Approved October 13, 1894, with amendment.
32An act entitled an act creating a corps of district light horsemen defining their duties and fixing their pay. Passed House October 16, 1894. Passed Senate and approved October 17, 1894.
33An act for the relief of John Taylor. Passed and approved October 17, 1894.
34Bill No. 8. An act for the relief of G.W. Thompson. Passed and approved October 17, 1894.
35Bill No. 9. An act for the relief of W.J. Holson. Passed and approved October 17, 1894.
36Bill No. 39. A resolution declaring Joseph P. Thompson, Campson Battiest, and Joseph Taylor to be legal officers for Cedar County. Passed House October 12, 1894. Passed Senate and approved October 13, 1894.
37Bill No. 10. A resolution accepting the report of Will Everidge, district collector of third district. Passed and approved October 18, 1894.
38Bill No. 11. A resolution accepting the report of W.G. Kayser, inspector of the St. Louis and Frisco Railway for the first, second, and third quarters from November 1, 1893, to July 31, 1894. Passed and approved October 18, 1894.
39Bill No. 12. An act accepting the report of John O'Toole, inspector of M., K., and T. Railway. Passed and approved October 19, 1894.
40An act accepting the report of E.S. Bowman, collector, first district. Passed and approved October 19, 1894.
41Bill No. 14. An act adopting Sarah Jane Adkins and children as citizens of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 19, 1894.
42Bill No. 15. An act changing location of the Lichanok Chito County court ground in San Bois County and to be called owl Creek County Court Grounds. Passed Senate October 20, 1894. Passed House and approved October 22, 1894.
43Bill No. 16. A resolution of Adjournment. Passed House October 19, 1894. Passed Senate and approved October 22, 1894.
44Bill No 17. An act appropriating money to be paid for publication of an act and for other purposes. Passed House October 17, 1894. Passed Senate and approved October 22. 1894.
45Bill No. 18. An act accepting report of W.A. Caldwell, Superintendent of Spencer. Passed Senate October 23, 1894. Passed House and approved October 24, 1894.
46Bill No. 19. A resolution accepting report of J.B. Jeter, former superintendent of schools. Passed Senate October 23, 1894. Passed House and approved October 24, 1894.
47Bill No. 20. A resolution accepting report of P.J. Hudson, Supt. of Tushkahoma Female Institute. Passed Senate October 23, 1894. Passed House and approved October 24, 1894.
48Bill No. 21. A resolution accepting report of Ed Wilson, trustee of second district. Passed Senate October 23, 1894. Passed House and approved October 24, 1894.
49Bill No. 24. An act granting to J.H. Ward the privilege to turnpike the Gary-Lane road and establish a toll gate. Passed House October 23, 1894. Passed Senate and approved October 24, 1894.
50Bill No. 27. An act reinstating Hugh Hill precinct in Tobucksey County. Passed and approved October 24, 1894.
51Bill No. 28. An act changing an election precinct in San Bois County. Passed and approved October 24, 1894.
52Bill No. 29. An granting W.C. Page privilege to place a ferry on Poteau river. Passed and approved October 24, 1894.
53Bill No. 22. A resolution accepting report of E.W. Everidge, mine inspector. Passed and approved October 25, 1894.
54Bill No. 23. A resolution accepting report of T.E. Oakes, national auditor. Passed and approved October 25, 1894.
55Bill No. 25. A resolution accepting report of W.W. Wilson, Treasurer. Passed and approved October 25, 1894.
56Bill No. 26. A resolution authorizing the national treasury to make full settlement with the Atoka Mining Co. and collect balance due. Passed and approved October 25, 1894.
57Bill No. 30. A resolution asking that the Board of Education examine certain reports herein mentioned. Passed and approved October 25, 1894.
58Bill No. 31. A resolution in regard to neighborhood schools. Passed Senate October 24, 1894. Passed House and approved October 25, 1894.
59Bill No. 32. An act for the relief of Coston Ward. Passed And approved October 25, 1894.
60Bill No. 33. A resolution accepting the report of Amos Henry, first district trustee. Passed and approved October 26, 1894.
61Bill No. 34. An act creating the office of delegate. Passed Senate October 25, 1894. Passed House October 26, 1894. Became law by limitation.
62Bill No. 35. A resolution ordering all public schools to close on January 31, 1895 and reopen in September 1895. Passed Senate October 25, 1894. Passed House and approved October 26, 1894.
63Bill No. 36. A resolution making appropriation to defray the expense of the committee appointed to attend funeral of C.E. Nelson. Passed House October 25, 1894. Passed Senate and approved October 26, 1894.
64Bill No. 37. A resolution accepting the report of E.N. Wright, national agent. Passed and approved October 26, 1894.
65Bill No. 38. An act accepting report of D.A. Riddle, trustee of schools, third district. Senate October 26, 1894. Passed House and approved October 26, 1894.
66Bill No. 40. An act to assist T.R. Wall while he is in school. Passed House and Senate October 25, 1894. Approved October 26, 1894.
67Bill No. 41. A resolution concerning the withdrawal of students now attending schools in the states. Passed Senate October 25, 1894. Passed House and approved October 26, 1894.
68Bill No. 42. An act making appropriation for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1895. Passed Senate and House October 26, 1894.
Box 27
1A proposed act authorizing the removal of the County court of San Bois County from Owl Creek to Saloam Springs. Passed House October 2, 1895. Passed Senate and approved October 5, 1895
2A resolution endorsing William M. Gravens for Judge of the central district of the Indian Territory. Passed Senate October 9, 1895. Passed October 11, 1895. Approved October 11, 1895.
3A proposed act recognizing the citizenship of certain Mississippi Choctaws. Passed Senate October 15, 1895. Passed House and approved October 16, 1895.
4A resolution in relation to citizenship cases. Passed House October 15, 1895. Passed Senate and approved October 16, 1895.
5A proposed act to remove the election district of Red Oak in Atoka County to the church near the house of Austin Weaver. Passed House October 15, 1895. Passed Senate and approved October 16, 1895.
6A proposed act to remove the election precinct of Nonihikia to Pleasant Cove in Jacks Fork County. Passed House October 15, 1895. Passed Senate and approved October 16, 1895.
7A proposed act to collect royalty on stone, ballast, etc. Passed and approved October 17, 1895.
8A proposed act changing an election precinct in Towson County. Passed and approved October 17, 1895.
9A resolution of respect to Graham Anderson. Passed Senate and House October 17, 1895. Passed Senate with amendment October 18, 1895. Passed House with amendment and then approved October 18, 1895.
10A resolution relating to appointing a committee to confer with the Dawes Commission. Passed House October 17, 1895. Passed Senate with amendment October 21, 1895. Passed House with amendment and approved October 21, 1895.
11A proposed act to remove the election precinct from Goodwater to Halfway in the County of Nashoba. Passed and approved on October 21, 1895.
12A proposed act to change an election precinct at Sulphur Springs to Mount Zion Church in Nashoba County. Passed House October 21, 1895. Passed Senate and approved October 22, 1895.
13A proposed act denying eligibility to membership of the Board of Education to appear for superintendency of academies, seminaries, or institutes. Passed and approved October 23, 1895.
14A proposed act to grant to Joseph Colby the privilege to turnpike a portion of the Scullyville and McCalester Road. Passed Senate October 15, 1895. Passed House and approved October 23, 1895.
15A resolution granting rights of a missionary to Rev. H.A. Tucker. Passed and approved October 24, 1895.
16A proposed act granting J.C. Hampton to build a switch. Passed and approved October 24, 1895.
17A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of W.G. Kayser, inspector. Passed and approved October 24, 1895.
18A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of E.E. Dyer, collector. Passed House October 24, 1895. Passed Senate and approved October 25, 1895.
19A proposed act changing an election precinct in San Bois County. Passed Senate October 24, 1895. Passed House and approved October 25, 1895.
20A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of John O'Toole, inspector of M., K., and T. Railway. Passed and approved October 25, 1895.
21A proposed act for the benefit of certain deaf and dumb children.
22A proposed act for the relief of G.W. Thompson to the sum of $100.00 for care of the capitol. Passed House October 25, 1895. Passed Senate and approved October 26, 1895.
23A proposed act admitting certain Choctaws from the state of Louisiana to citizenship in the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 23, 1895. Passed Senate and approved October 28, 1895.
24A proposed act for the relief of S.J. Homer to the amount of $40.00 for services as proxy and for S.S. Bacon to the amount of $40.00. Passed and approved October 28, 1895.
25A proposed act for the relief of proxies, Ben Watkins and H.H. McKinney, to the sum of $55.00 dollars each and for the relief of A.S. Williams, trustee of public schools, Second district. Passed and approved October 28, 1895.
26Bill No. 26. A proposed act authorizing appropriations to be used in expelling intruders. Passed and approved October 29, 1895
27A proposed act asking the appropriation of $125.00 to send Francis Gardner to school. Passed House October 29, 1895. Passed Senate and approved October 30, 1895.
28Bill No. 27. A proposed act authorizing the Principal Chief to employ counsel for special purposes. Passed House October 28, 1895. Passed Senate and approved October 30, 1895
29Bill No. 29. A proposed act granting Thos. J. Wall a charter to build a coal spur railway on his premises. Passed Senate October 31, 1895. Passed House and approved November 1, 1895.
30Bill No. 30. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of A.S. Williams, trustee of public schools. Passed and approved November 1, 1895.
Box 28
1Bill No. 1. A proposed act to appoint commissioners to visit the East and North East and represent the Indian condition. Passed House and Senate September 17, 1896. Approved September 18, 1896.
2Bill No. 2. A proposed bill to pay $800.00 to J.B. Jackson for services rendered and money expended for the nation. Passed and approved September 18, 1896.
3Bill No. 3. A resolution to adjourn September 19, 1896 at eleven o'clock. Passed and approved September 18, 1896.
4Bill No. 4. A proposed act authorizing the appointment of commissioners and fixing their pay. Passed and approved September 18, 1896.
5A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief of the Nation to select one person to prepare all books or rolls and deliver same to the commissioners. Passed and approved September 18, 1896.
6Bill No. 6. A proposed act making an appropriation for expenses of extra session of General Council. Passed Senate and House September 19, 1896. Approved same.
7Bill No. 8. A proposed act authorizing the Principal Chief of the Nation to employ an attorney concerning citizenship claims. Passed house and Senate September 18, 1896. Approved September 19, 1896.
8Bill No. 1. A resolution of October 6, 1896. that there be no persons, other than the members of the General Council, allowed in the hall where the votes for the Principal Chief of the Nation are counted. Passed and approved October 7, 1896.
9Bill No. 2. A resolution for creating clerks for school, finance, and citizenship committees. Passed house October 9, 1896. Passed Senate with amendment October 9, 1896. Passed House with amendment October 10, 1896. Approved October 10, 1896.
10Bill No. 3. A resolution instructing the Principal Chief to call for certain reports. Passed and approved October 13, 1896.
11Bill No. 4. A proposed act defining the time for reports to be made by collectors, inspectors on railroads, and citizens having contracts for lumber etc. Passed Senate October 14, 1896. Passed House and approved October 15, 1896
12Bill No. 5. A proposed act for the relief of G.W. Thompson the sum of $79.20 for care of the capitol building. Passed Senate October 15, 1896. Passed House and approved October 16, 1896.
13Bill No. 10. A proposed act granting Silus B. McKinney the privilege of a turnpike. Passed and approved October 19, 1896.
14Bill No. 11. A proposed act abolishing Tohweli and Luksokla precincts and establishing Cherokee precinct all in Boktukol County. Passed House October 16, 1896. Passed Senate and approved October 19, 1896.
15Bill No. 6. A resolution requiring the Principal chief to notify the auditor not to issue warrants to the different academies. Passed and approved October 21, 1896.
16Bill No. 8. A proposed act changing an election precinct in Atoka County. Passed and approved with amendment October 21, 1896.
17Bill No. 7. A proposed act creating a commission to negotiate with the Dawes Commission. Passed House October 21, 1896. Passed Senate October 22, 1896. Approved October 22, 1896.
18Bill No. 9. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of W.H. Ausley. Passed and approved October 23, 1896.
19Bill No. 12. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of W.G. Kayser. Passed and approved October 23, 1896.
20Bill No. 13. A proposed act changing an election precinct in Tobucksy County. Passed and approved October 23, 1896.
21Bill No. 14. A proposed act to change the San Bois County court grounds. Passed Senate October 23, 1896. Passed House and approved October 24, 1896.
22Bill No. 15. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of W.H. Harrison. Passed and approved October 24, 1896.
23Bill No. 16. A resolution accepting as true and correct the report of A. Williams. Passed Senate October 23, 1896. Passed House and approved October 24, 1896.
24A resolution showing respect for D.B. Roebuck. Approved October 24, 1896. Passed and approved October 24, 1896.
25Bill No. 18. A proposed act for the relief of certain parties. Passed and approved October 24, 1896.
26Bill No. 19. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of James Bowers. Passed Senate October 26, 1896. Passed House and approved October 27, 1896.
27Bill No. 20. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of A. Telle. Passed Senate October 26, 1896. Passed house and approved October 27, 1896.
28Bill No. 21. A proposed act to change East Eagle Town precinct. Passed and approved October 27, 1896.
29Bill No. 22. A proposed act changing Clear Creek precinct in Towson County. Passed House October 24, 1896. Passed Senate October 26, 1896. Approved October 27, 1896.
30Bill No. 23. A resolution accepting as true and correct the report of Tom Hunter. Passed and approved October 27, 1896.
31Bill No. 24. A resolution accepting as true and correct the report of Silas Bacon. Passed and approved October 27, 1896.
32Bill No. 25. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of John O'Toole. Passed Senate October 27, 1896. Passed House and approved October 28, 1896.
33Bill No. 26. A resolution authorizing the appointment of a committee of investigation. Passed Senate October 23, 1896. Passed House and approved October 28, 1896.
34Bill No. 27. A proposed Act amending an act declaring the time when officers shall qualify. Passed and approved October 28, 1896.
35Bill No. 28. A resolution to investigate the National Secretary. Passed Senate October 27, 1896. Passed House and approved October 28, 1896.
36Bill No. 29. A resolution to adjourn the first Wednesday in November at eleven o'clock A.M. Passed Senate and House October 29, 1896. Approved October 30, 1896.
37Bill No. 30. A proposed act creating three commissions to make a complete roll of the citizens of the Choctaw nation. Passed Senate October 28, 1896. Passed House October 29, 1896. Approved October 29, 1896.
38Bill No. 31. A proposed act prohibiting the running of a dance hall within a quarter of a mile of the circuit court grounds. Passed Senate October 29, 1896. Passed house and approved October 30, 1896.
39Bill No. 32. A proposed act appropriating $400.00 to pay Stephen Belvin for services rendered in repairing buildings. Passed Senate October 29, 1896. Passed House October 30, 1896. Approved October 30, 1896.
40Bill No. 65. A proposed act relating to official bonds. Passed House and Senate October 30, 1896. Became a law by limitation.
41Bill No. 67. A proposed act imposing a tax upon certain enterprises. Passed Senate October 29, 1896. Passed house October 30, 1896. It became a law by limitation.
42Bill No. 61. A proposed act for the relief of H.C. Wilson to the sum of $48.00. Passed Senate October 30, 1896. Passed house October 31, 1896. It became a law by limitation.
43Bill No. 62. A proposed act granting to Ben W. Thomas a ferry in Little River. Passed House and Senate October 31, 1896. It became a law by limitation.
44Bill No. 63. A proposed act repealing the law creating the office of delegate. Passed Senate October 29, 1896. Passed house October 31, 1896. It became a law by limitation.
45Bill No. 64. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of Ainsworth. Passed Senate October 30, 1896. Passed House October 31,1896. It became a law by limitation.
46Bill No. 60. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of C.S. Bowman. Passed Senate October 27, 1896. Passed House October 30, 1896. Became a law by limitation.
47Bill No. 33. A proposed act creating the office of inspector in the Chickasaw Nation and defining his duties. Passed Senate November 2, 1896. Passed House November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
48Bill No. 34. A proposed act to pay $599.62 to Solomon H. Mackey for his services as inspector. Passed Senate October 30, 1896. Passed House November 2, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896
49Bill No. 35. A proposed bill to pay $931.85 for indebtedness of the Jones Academy. Passed house and Senate November 2, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
50Bill No. 36. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of S.E. Lewis. Passed house and Senate November 2, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
51Bill No. 37. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of J.B. Jeter, superintendent of Spencer Academy. Passed House and Senate November 2, 1896.
52Bill No. 38. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of the Hon. T.W. Hunter, superintendent of the Armstrong Academy. Passed House and Senate November 2, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
53Bill No. 39. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of J.D. Wilson, national agent. Passed House and Senate November 2, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
55Bill No. 41. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of the National Treasure. Passed Senate November 2, 1896. Passed House November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
56Bill No. 42. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of Mitchell Harrison, district trustee of first district. Passed Senate and House October 30, 1896.
57Bill No. 43. A proposed act to pay $30.00 to Ben Thomas for witness service. Passed and approved November 4, 1896.
58Bill No. 44. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of E.H. Wilson, superintendent of Wheelock Academy. Passed Senate October 31, 1896. Passed House November 2, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
59Bill No. 45. A resolution accepting E.E. Dyer's report, collector of second district. Passed Senate and House November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
60Bill No. 46. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of G.W. Dukes, national auditor. Passed Senate November 2, 1896. Passed House November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
61Bill No. 47. A proposed act to appropriate $500.00 for improvements at Spencer Academy. Passed Senate November 3, 1896. Passed House November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
62Bill No. 48. A proposed act to allow Charles LeFlore to continue a toll bridge over Limestone Creek. Passed house October 31, 1896. Passed Senate November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
63Bill No. 49. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of V.M. Lock, superintendent of schools. Passed house and Senate November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
64Bill No. 50. A proposed act for the relief of United States Indian Police. Passed House and Senate November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
65Bill No. 51. A proposed act for the relief of M. Thompson to the sum of $30.00. Passed Senate October 31, 1896. Passed House and approved November 4, 1896.
66Bill No. 52. A resolution of instructions to the national agent. Passed Senate November 2, 1896. Passed House November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
67Bill No. 53. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of the national treasurer for 1895. Passed House and Senate November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
68Bill No. 54. A proposed act authorizing the Principal Chief to furnish the census commissioners registration books. Passed House October 31, 1896. Passed Senate with amendment November 2, 1896. Passed House with amendment November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
69Bill No. 55. A resolution authorizing Board of Education to examine the report of Henry Nail. Passed Senate November 2, 1896. Passed House with amendment November 3, 1896. Passed Senate November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
70Bill No. 56. A resolution authorizing the Board of Education to examine the report of J.S. Adams. Passed House and Senate November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
71Bill No. 57. A proposed act regulating the selecting of jurors to the circuit court of the first and third judicial districts. Passed House and Senate November 2, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
72Bill No. 58. A proposed act appropriating the sum of $50.00 to defray the expenses of the committee appointed by the council to attend the funeral of D.B. Roebuck. Passed Senate November 2, 1896. Passed House November 3, 1896. Approved November 4, 1896.
73Bill No. 59. A proposed bill to appropriate money for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1897. Passed and approved November 4, 1896.
Box 29
1Bill No. 1. A resolution creating clerks for school, finance, and citizenship committees. Passed Senate October 11, 1897. Passed House and approved October 13, 1897.
2Bill No. 2. A proposed act authorizing the national auditor to duplicate certain warrants. Passed and approved October 15, 1897.
3A proposed resolution to ask W. McKinley, President of the U.S. to retain A.S. McKennon on the Dawes Commission. Passed Senate October 15, 1897. Passed House October 18, 1897.
4Bill No. 3. A proposed act granting to Jessie Riddle the privilege to turnpike the road crossing the Back Bone Mountain and establish a toll gate thereon. Passed House and Senate October 18, 1987. Approved October 19, 1897.
5An act entitled "An act granting to Jessie Riddle the privilege to turnpike." Passed and approved October 20, 1897.
6Bill No. 5. A resolution to approve the report of J.D. Wilson, district trustee for the second district. Passed House October 19, 1897. Passed Senate and approved October 20, 1897.
7Bill No. 6. A proposed act granting J.D. Surratt a ferry on the Canadian River. Passed and approved October 20, 1897.
8Bill No. 7. A proposed act for the relief of B.J. Spring to the amount of $111.85. Passed and approved October 21, 1897.
9Bill No. 8. A proposed act locating the circuit court grounds of the first Judicial District. Passed Senate October 20, 1897. Passed House and approved October 21, 1897.
10Bill No. 9. A proposed act to appropriate money to furnish a heater for Wheelock Orphan’s Academy. Passed Senate October 20, 1897. Passed House and approved October 21, 1897.
11Bill No. 10. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of G.W. Gardner, district trustee for third district. Passed and approved October 21, 1897.
12Bill No. 11. A proposed act for the relief of Robert Bruton to the amount of $83.00. Passed Senate October 20, 1897. Passed House and approved October 21, 1897.
13Bill No. 12. A resolution to accept the report of S.W. Lewis, inspector for the M., K., and T. Railway. Passed and approved October 21, 1897.
14Bill No. 13. A resolution to accept the report of W.G. Kayser, inspector on the Frisco road. Passed and approved October 21, 1897.
15Bill No. 14. A resolution authorizing the chief to appoint two commissioners. Passed House October 21, 1897. Passed Senate October 22, 1897. Approved October 22, 1897.
16Bill No. 15. A resolution to require coal companies to make settlements. Passed and approved October 22, 1897.
17Bill No. 16. A proposed act to provide free text books for use in the schools of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 20, 1897. Passed House, repassed Senate, and approved on October 22, 1897 with amendment.
18Bill No. 17. A resolution to adjourn until nine o'clock Monday morning, October 25, 1897, in honor of the deceased G.W. Gardner. Passed House and Senate October 22, 1897. Approved October 25, 1897.
19Bill No. 18. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of Mrs. J.F. McCurtain, superintendent of Jones Academy. Passed Senate October 22, 1897. Passed House and approved October 25, 1897.
20Bill No. 19. A proposed act abolishing Cherokee precinct and re-establishing Tohwali and Luksokla precincts in Boktuklo County. Passed Senate October 25, 1897. Passed House and approved October 26, 1897.
21A proposed act to increase the contingent fund of the National Secretary. Passed Senate October 25, 1897. Passed House and approved October 26, 1897.
22Bill No. 20. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of E.H. Wilson, superintendent of Wheelock Seminary. Passed and approved October 26, 1897.
23Bill No. 22. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of T.W. Hunter, superintendent of Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved October 26, 1897.
24Bill No. 23. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of A. Telle. Passed and approved October 26, 1897.
25Bill No. 24. A resolution accepting as true and correct the report of John Harris. Passed Senate October 26, 1897. Passed House and approved October 27, 1897.
26Bill No. 25. A resolution accepting as true and correct the report of P.J. Hudson, superintendent of the Tushkahoma Female Seminary. Passed and approved October 28, 1897.
27Bill No. 26. A proposed act for the relief of certain persons. Passed and approved October 28, 1897.
28Bill No. 27. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of J.P. Thompson, district trustee for the first judicial district. Passed and approved October 29, 1897.
29Bill No. 28. A proposed act to accept as true and correct the report of J.S. Forrest. Passed senate October 28, 1897. Passed House and approved October 29, 1897.
30Bill No. 29. A proposed act to pay $27.50 to pay certain certificates. Passed Senate October 28, 1897. Passed Senate and approved October 29, 1897.
31Bill No. 30. A resolution to allow the chairman of the committee on schools to appoint two accountants to assist the committee. Passed House October 28, 1897. Passed Senate and approved October 29, 1897.
32Bill No. 31. A proposed act to pay $90.00 to Mrs. J.F. McCurtain for money expended for the James Academy. Passed and approved October 29, 1897.
33Bill No. 32. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of J.B. Jeter, superintendent of Spencer Academy. Passed and approved October 29, 1897.
34Bill No. 33. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of Capt. J.W. Everidge, superintendent of public instruction. Passed and approved October 29, 1897.
35Bill No. 34. A proposed act relating to the reports of teachers in neighborhood schools. Passed and approved October 29, 1897.
36Bill No. 35. A proposed act authorizing the Principal Chief to carry out the provisions of a certain contract. Passed and approved October 29, 1897.
37Bill No. 36. A proposed act establishing an election precinct in Wade County. Passed and approved October 29, 1897.
38Bill No. 37. Bill No. 36. A proposed act providing for interpreters to the circuit courts. Passed and approved October 29, 1897.
39Bill No. 38. A proposed act amending certain act regulating royalty. Passed and approved November 2, 1897.
40Bill No. 39. A proposed act amending section 5 of the permit law. Passed and approved November 2, 1897.
41Bill No. 40. A proposed act for the relief of Frank Webb and J.W. LeFlore. Passed and approved November 2, 1897.
42A proposed act ratifying and confirming the agreement between the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations and the U.S. Passed House November 2, 1897. Passed Senate November 3, 1897. Approved November 4, 1897.
43Bill No. 41. A proposed act creating a commission to make the final roll of all of the citizens of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate November 3, 1897. Approved November 4, 1897.
44Bill No. 43. A proposed act accepting the report of J.H. Miller. Passed Senate and House November 3, 1897. Became a law by limitation on November 8, 1897.
45Bill No. 44. A proposed act regulating the number of deputy sheriffs in certain counties. Passed Senate November 3, 1897. Passed House November 4, 1897. Became law by limitation.
46Bill No. 45. A proposed act appropriating money for the benefit of the Baptist Orphan School at Atoka. Passed House and Senate November 3, 1897. It became a law by limitation.
47Bill No. 46. A proposed act providing a punitive clause to the permit law. Passed House November 3, 1897. Passed Senate November 5, 1897. It became a law by limitation.
48Bill No. 49. A proposed act allowing the auditor to issue his duplicate warrant in favor of certain persons. Passed House and Senate November 4, 1897. It became a law by limitation
49Bill No. 47. A proposed act to provide for the repair and improvement of certain buildings, for the purchase of furniture, and for the erection of a building at Armstrong Academy. Passed House November 8, 1897. Passed Senate November 6, 1897. Approved November 9, 1897.
50Bill No. 48. A proposed act for the relief of Henry C. Wilson. Passed House and Senate November 5, 1897. Approved November 9, 1897.
51Bill No. 50. An act for the relief of William Frazier. Passed Senate and House November 5, 1897. Approved November 9, 1897.
52Bill No. 51. A proposed act making an appropriation for Harrel International Institute. Passed Senate November 8, 1897. Passed House and approved November 9, 1897.
53Bill No. 52. A resolution directing the Principal Chief to send a light horseman after the person and papers of E.S. Bowman. Passed and approved November 9, 1897.
54Bill No. 39. A proposed act appointing a special agent and attorney to investigate permit accounts and collect money due for royalty or permits. Passed Senate November 8, 1897. Passed House and approved November 9, 1897.
55Bill No. 54. A proposed act making provision for additions to Tushkahoma Female Seminary. Passed Senate November 9, 1897. Passed and approved November 10, 1897.
56Bill No. 55. A resolution accepting the report of J.R. Phillips, coal inspector. Passed Senate and House November 9, 1897. Approved November 10, 1897.
57Bill No. 56. A proposed act authorizing the Board of Education to repair Jones Academy. Passed House November 9, 1897. Passed Senate and approved November 10, 1897.
58Bill No. 57. A proposed act appointing a commission to pay the claims adjudicated in 1876 against the net proceeds. Passed House November 9, 1897. Passed Senate and approved November 10, 1897.
59Bill No. 58. A proposed act authorizing the Principal Chief and National Treasurer to borrow money. Passed House November 9, 1897. Passed Senate and approved November 10, 1897.
60Bill No. 59. A proposed act to rebuild Spencer Academy. Passed house November 9, 1897. Passed Senate November 10, 1897. Approved November 11, 1897.
61Bill No. 60. A proposed act providing for certain improvements at Jones Academy. Passed Senate November 9, 1897. Passed House and approved November 11, 1897.
62Bill No. 61. A proposed act providing for extra students at Jones Academy. Passed Senate November 9, 1897. Passed House and approved November 11, 1897.
63Bill No. 62. A proposed act appropriating money to pay certain persons for hauling corn. Passed Senate November 9, 1897. Passed House and approved November 11, 1897.
64Bill No. 63. A proposed act for the relief of Mrs. M. Dyer. Passed Senate November 9, 1897. Passed House and approved November 11, 1897.
65Bill No. 64. A resolution accepting the report of Simon H. Woods, National Auditor. Passed Senate November 10, 1897. Passed House and approved November 11, 1897.
66Bill No. 65. A proposed act appropriating money for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1898. Passed House November 9, 1897. Passed Senate and approved November 11, 1897.
67A statement from the Principal Chief of adjournment on November 11, 1897 at eleven o'clock. Passed Senate November 11, 1897. Passed House and adopted November 11, 1897.
Box 30
1Bill No. 1. A resolution creating clerks for schools, finance, and citizenship committees for the October session of 1898, and defining their duties. Passed and approved October 8, 1898.
2Bill No. 2. A resolution calling a joint session of the Senate and representatives for the purpose of election of school superintendents. Passed and approved October 8, 1898.
3Bill No. 3. A resolution accepting the report of W.H. Harrison, collector of third district of Choctaw Nation for the year of 1898. Passed Senate October 11, 1898. Passed House and approved October 12, 1898.
4Bill No. 4. A resolution accepting the report of W.H. Harrison as national agent for 1897. Passed Senate October 11, 1898. Passed House and approved October 12, 1898.
5Bill No. 5. An act to abolish Saw Mill Church Precinct in Kiamitia County. Passed House and Senate October 14, 1898. Approved October 17, 1898.
6Bill No. 6. An act to abolish Choctaw's Academy Precinct in Towson County. Passed Senate October 14, 1898. Passed House and approved October 17, 1898.
7Bill No. 7. A resolution accepting report of J.D. Wilson, trustee. Passed House and approved October 18, 1898.
8Bill No. 8. An act limiting the term of Circuit Courts. Passed House October 18, 1898. Passed Senate and approved October 19, 1898.
9Bill No. 9. Amending an act creating a commission to make the final roll of the citizens of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 18, 1898. Approved October 19, 1898.
10Bill No. 10. An act repealing all laws relating to contracts for cutting timber, ties, running saw mill, etc. Passed and approved October 20, 1898.
11Bill No. 11. A resolution accepting the report of P.J. Hudson, Superintendent of Tushkahoma Institute. Passed House October 20, 1898. Passed Senate and approved October 21, 1898.
12Bill No. 12. A resolution of Mrs. J.T. McCurtain, Superintendent of Jones Academy. Passed House October 20, 1898. Passed Senate and approved October 21, 1898.
13Bill No. 13. A resolution accepting report of J.W. Everidge, Supt. of Public Schools. Passed House October 20, 1898. Passed Senate approved October 21, 1898.
14Bill No. 14. A resolution accepting the report of E.H. Wilson, Supt. of Wheelock Seminary. Passed House October 20, 1898. Passed Senate and approved October 21, 1898.
15Bill No. 15. An act instructing the treasurer to pay the Principal Chief a certain sum. Passed and approved October 21, 1898.
16Bill No. 16. A resolution accepting the report of Henry Willis, Supt. of Tushkalusa Academy. Passed House October 20, 1898. Passed Senate and approved October 21, 1898.
17Bill No. 17. An act abolishing certain offices. Passed House October 20, 1898. Passed Senate and approved October 21, 1898.
18Bill No. 18. A resolution duplicating a lost warrant for D.N. Robb. Passed and approved October 21, 1898.
19Bill No. 19. A resolution accepting report of B.S. Smiser, Trustee of third District of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 22, 1898.
20Bill No. 20. A resolution accepting the report of J.B. Jeter, Supt. of Spencer Academy. Passed and approved October 22, 1898.
21Bill No. 21. A resolution rejecting the claim of Mrs. Moore. Passed House October 20, 1898. Passed Senate October 21, 1898. Operating by limitation.
22Bill No. 23. An act to have inspectors scale and stamp all timber. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1898. Approved October 25, 1898.
23Bill No. 24. An act abolishing certain voting precincts and stating those to remain. Passed Senate October 24, 1898. Passed House and approved October 25, 1898.
24Bill No. 25. An act appropriating money to pay Wesley Anderson. Passed House and Senate October 22, 1898. Approved October 25, 1898.
25Bill No. 26. An act for the relief of J.L. Ward, former Indian Police. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1898. Approved October 25, 1898.
26Bill No. 27. An act for the relief of B.J. Spring. Laid over for further consideration by Senate October 24, 1898. Passed House and approved October 25, 1898.
27Bill No. 28. An act instructing the Board of Education. Passed House October 21, 1898. Passed Senate October 24, 1898. Approved October 25, 1898.
28Bill No. 29. An act fixing the salary of the trustee for coal and asphalt. Passed House October 24, 1898. Passed Senate and approved October 26, 1898.
29Bill No. 30. An act authorizing the Principal Chief to select someone to take care of the capitol. Passed House and Senate October 25, 1898. Approved October 26, 1898.
30An act abolishing certain offices. Passed October 25, 1898. Approved October 26, 1898.
31An act rejecting the application of David W. Weeden, et. al. to citizenship in the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 25, 1898. Approved October 26, 1898. Disapproved January 20, 1899, by President William McKinley.
32Bill No. 35. An act authorizing the Principal Chief to borrow money. Passed House October 26, 1898. Passed Senate October 27, 1898. Approved October 27, 1898.
33Bill No. 36. An act transferring the National Agent's office to the trustee of coal and asphalt. Passed House October 26, 1898. Passed Senate and approved October 27, 1898.
34An act giving the citizenship commission additional authority. Passed House October 25, 1898. Passed Senate October 26, 1898. Approved October 27, 1898.
35Bill No. 37. A resolution accepting the report of J.S. Forrest, collector of first district. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1898. Approved October 28, 1898.
36Bill No. 38. A resolution accepting J.T. Ainsworth as inspector of Oklahoma and Gulf Railway. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1898. Approved October 28, 1898.
37Bill No. 39. A resolution accepting the report of W.G. Kayser, inspector on the Frisco Railway. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1898. Approved October 28, 1898.
38Bill No. 40. A resolution accepting the report of J.H. Miller, collector for third district. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1898. Approved October 28, 1898.
39Bill No. 41. A resolution accepting the report of T.E. Sanguin, National Treasurer. Passed and approved October 28, 1898.
40Bill No. 42. A resolution accepting the report of Simon H. Woods, National Auditor. Passed and approved October 28, 1898.
41Bill No. 43. A resolution accepting the report of W.H. Harrison, National Agent. Passed and approved October 28, 1898.
43Bill No. 45. A resolution accepting the report of John Harris, collector for second district. Passed Senate October 27, 1898. Passed House and approved October 28, 1898.
44Bill No. 47. A resolution accepting the report of E.H. Rishel, Principal of Atoka Baptist Academy. Passed and approved October 28, 1898.
45Bill No. 48. An act repealing and employing and also appointing S. Guerrier, Special Agent and Attorney for the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 28, 1898.
46An act repealing in part an article granting citizenship on Sarah Wilson, Isaac Wilson, Eva Wilson, and Horace Wilson. Passed and approved October 28, 1898. Disapproved by Pres. McKinley January 20, 1899.
48An act repealing an act granting to Nancy Lee Cundiff and family citizenship in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 28, 1898. Disapproved by McKinley January 20, 1899.
49An act repealing an act granting citizenship to Whit W. Hyden and family. Passed and approved October 28, 1898. Disapproved January 20, 1899.
50An act repealing an act conferring citizenship on Richard Coleman, et. al. Passed and approved October 28, 1898. Disapproved January 20, 1899.
51An act repealing the application of W.I. Carter, et. al. for citizenship. Passed and approved October 28, 1898. Disapproved January 20, 1899.
52An act repealing an act granting citizenship to W.F. Foster and family. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1898. Approved October 29, 1898. Disapproved January 20, 1899.
53An act repealing an act granting citizenship to Martha Beals, et. al. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1898. Approved October 29, 1898.
54Bill No. 49. A resolution of respect for the Honorable Lawrence H. Williams. Passed and approved October 29, 1898.
55A resolution authorizing the auditor to issue duplicate warrant to R.C. Freeny. Passed House and senate October 28, 1898. Approved October 29, 1898.
56An act abolishing Iron Bridge Precinct and establishing Stigler in its place. Passed and approved October 29, 1898.
57Bill No. 56. A resolution accepting the report of Henry S. Sanguin, inspector on M., K., and T. Railway. Passed and approved October 29, 1898.
58Bill No. 57. An act to pay Ellis Whistler. Passed and approved October 29, 1898.
59Bill No. 58. An act relating to deputy sheriffs. Passed and approved October 29, 1898.
60Bill No. 59. An act to have the body of S.H. Williams, a member of this Council taken home and appoint persons to attend the same. Passed and approved October 29, 1898.
61Bill No. 60. A resolution accepting the report of W.W. Wilson, Treasurer of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 29, 1898.
62Bill No. 61. An act making appropriations for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1898 and ending September 30, 1898. Passed and approved 29, 1898.
63Bill No. 62. An act making an appropriation to pay deputy sheriffs. Passed and approved October 29, 1898.
64Bill No. 65. A resolution accepting the report of J.P. Thompson, trustee of first district. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1898. Approved October 29, 1898.
65Bill No. 67. An act appropriating $50.00 for the relief of N.J. Holson for services in building the Circuit Court House. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1898. Approved October 29, 1898.
66Bill No. 63. An act to authorize the Principal Chief to appoint a commission to negotiate with the Dawes Commission. Passed and approved October 29, 1898.
67Bill No. 68. A resolution accepting the report of the citizenship committee. Passed House and Senate October 29, 1898.
68Bill No. 69. An act to fund the outstanding warrants of the Choctaw Nation. Passed October 28, 1898. Approved October 29, 1898.
69Bill No. 28. An act for the protection of the Indian Territory. Passed and signed by the Principal Chief October 31, 1898.
70Bill No. 25. An act for the protection of the people of the Indian Territory. Passed and signed by the Principal Chief October 31, 1898.
71A letter from Thomas R. Ryan to Solomon J. Homer, National Secretary, concerning the President's disapproval of an act entitled "An act to transfer the National Agent's Office to the trustee of Coal and Asphalt." December 17, 1898.
72A portion of a letter to Mr. S.J. Homer, National Secretary, concerning the returning of two acts because they were not prepared in the proper manner and defining the proper procedure. December 21, 1898.
73A letter from C.N. Wise to Solomon J. Homer, National Secretary of Choctaw Nation concerning the disapproval of the President to an act entitled "An act repealing all laws relating to contracts, for cutting, timber, ties, running saw mills, etc." December 22, 1898.
74A letter from Thomas R. Ryan to Solomon J. Homer, National Secretary of Choctaw Nation, concerning the disapproval of the President to two acts herein mentioned. December 29, 1898.
75A letter from E.A. Hitchcock to the President recommending his approval of an act "appointing a special agent and attorney to investigate the royalty and permit accounts," approved November 9, 1897.
76An act instructing the Board of Education. Passed House October 21, 1898. Passed Senate October 24, 1898. Approved October 25, 1898. Approved by William McKinley March 1, 1899.
77An act appropriating money to pay Wesley Anderson. Passed House October 22, 1898. Passed Senate October 25, 1898. Approved October 25, 1898. Approved by McKinley February 26, 1898.
78An act repealing an act employing an appointing S. Guerrier special agent and attorney of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 28, 1898. Approved by McKinley March 1, 1899.
Box 31
1A letter specifying that the act repealing an act employing and appointing S. Guerrier, special agent and attorney of the Choctaw Nation was not properly certified and so is being returned. Dated January 2, 1899.
2A letter recommending disapproval of an act repealing an act of November 8, 1889 conferring citizenship on Richard Benjamin Coleman. Dated January 19, 1899.
3A letter recommending disapproval of an act approved October 26, 1898, rejecting the application of David W. Weeden to citizenship. Letter dated January 19, 1899.
4A letter to the President submitting and recommending disapproval of an act approved October 23, 1898, repealing an act granting to Nancy Lee Cundiff citizenship in Choctaw Nation. Dated January 19, 1899.
5A letter to the President submitting and recommending disapproval of an act approved October 28, 1898, repealing in part "an act granting citizenship to Sarah Wilson." Dated January 19, 1899.
6A letter to the President recommending disapproval of the act approved October 29, 1898, repealing an act granting citizenship to Martha Beals. Dated January 19, 1899.
7Letter recommending disapproval of an act approved October 29, 1898, repealing an act granting citizenship to W.F. Foster. Dated January 19, 1899.
8A letter to the President recommending disapproval of the act approved October 28, 1898, repealing an act granting citizenship to Whit H. Hyden. Dated January 19, 1899.
9A letter to the President recommending disapproval of an act approved October 28, 1898, repealing an act granting citizenship to Betty A. Lewis. Dated January 19, 1899.
10A letter from Indian Inspector George Wright to National Secretary S.J. Homer transmitting the repealed acts of the Choctaw Nation. Dated January 10, 1899.
11Reports of commissioners and U.S. Indian Inspector are made from December 6 to February 4. (copy) (missing)
12A letter to Pres. McKinley from Secretary Ethan A. Hitchcock recommending the approval of an act appropriating $2500.00 to Wesley Anderson for services as commissioner to Washington. Letter dated February 25, 1899.
13A letter from the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, J. George Wright, transmitting the act to pay $2500 to Wesley Anderson to the President for action. Dated March 7, 1899.
14A letter to S.J. Homer stating that "an act repealing an act employing and appointing S. Guerrier special agent and attorney of the Choctaw Nation" was "transmitted to the President for executive action." Letter dates March 14, 1899.
15An act designation the manner of preparing the forms of certain acts of the General Council. Passed and approved March 16, 1899.
16A resolution authorizing the appointment of a Committee of investigation. Passed and approved March 17, 1899.
17An act appropriating money to defray the expenses of a special committee. Passed and approved March 17, 1899.
18An act to reimburse S.J. Homer. Passed House and Senate March 21, 1899. Approved March 22, 1899. Approved by President April 11, 1899.
19An act regulating the introduction of foreign cattle into the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate March 21, 1899. Passed House and approved March 22, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley April 11, 1899.
20An act regulating the introduction of foreign cattle into Choctaw Nation.
21An act appropriating money for the payment of Henry Willis. Passed Senate March 20, 1899. Passed House and approved March 22, 1899, with amendment.
22An act delegating certain powers to the Board of Education. Passed and approved March 22, 1899.
23An act to stop the issuance of County script. Passed and approved March 23, 1899.
24A resolution of adjournment. Passed House March 20, 1899. Passed Senate March 21, 1899. Approved March 23, 1899.
25A resolution authorizing the auditor to duplicate certain warrants. Passed and approved March 23, 1899.
26An act authorizing the Principal Chief to employ an attorney for the Nation in citizenship cases and to make an appropriation therefore, and for other purposes. Passed House and Senate March 22, 1899. Approved March 23, 1899. Approved by President April 13, 1899.
27An act authorizing the National Auditor to issue a warrant in favor of the Principal Chief, Green McCurtain. Passed March 22, 1899. Approved March 23, 1899.
28A report on Wheelock Orphan Seminary. Passed Senate March 22, 1899. Passed House and approved March 23, 1899.
29An act creating a commission to accompany the Dawes Commission in making a roll of Choctaw Citizens. Passed Senate March 23, 1899. Passed House and approved March 24, 1899.
30An act creating a commission to accompany the Dawes Commission in making a roll of Choctaw Citizens.
31An act relating to the orphan's academy at Atoka. Passed Senate and House March 24, 1899.
32An act appropriating money for the payment of Stuart, Lewis, and Gordon. Passed House and Senate March 24, 1899. Approved March 25, 1899.
33An act repealing acts authorizing shipment and sale of timber in Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved March 25, 1899.
34An act regulating the granting of permits to non-citizens, farmer, and common laborer. Passed and approved March 25, 1899.
35Appropriation of money for reimbursement of Isaac Garland. Passed House and Senate March 24, 1899. Approved March 25, 1899. Approved by President McKinley April 11, 1899.
36An act authorizing the payment of money to J.W. Everidge, Supt. of public schools. Passed House and Senate March 24, 1899. Approved March 25, 1899.
37An act appropriating money to pay the expenses of the present extra General Council. Passed and approved March 25, 1899.
38An act authorizing the National Auditor to issue a warrant in favor of himself. Passed and approved March 25, 1899.
39An act repealing an act appropriating to defray expenses of a special committee. Passed and approved March 25, 1899.
40A resolution authorizing the National Auditor to duplicate a certain warrant. Passed and approved March 25, 1899.
41An act relating to the Orphan Academy at Atoka. Passed House and Senate March 24, 1899. Approved March 25, 1899. Disapproved by Pres. McKinley April 11, 1899.
42An act repealing acts authorizing the sale and shipment of timber in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved March 25, 1899. Approved by McKinley May 4, 1899.
43Bill No. 16. An act appropriating money for the payment of Stuart, Lewis, and Gordon. Passed House and Senate March 24, 1899. Approved March 25, 1899.
44A letter to S.J. Homer from George Wright asking for a copy of an act appropriating expenses for "students in the states." Letter dated May 22, 1899.
45A letter to S.J. Homer from Mr. J. George Wright, requesting all acts of the national council of different nations of the Indian Territory hereafter be forwarded to the President of the U.S. for executive action, be not folded or rolled. Letter dated July 10, 1899.
46A letter to S.J. Homer from J.G. Wright requesting a printed pamphlet containing the acts of the National Council. Letter dated July 14, 1899.
47A letter to S.J. Homer asking about a Choctaw National Warrant No. 37 for $5000.00 to G. McCurtain. Letter dated August 23, 1899.
48A letter to S.J. Homer from Special Inspector saying that he could not find any reports concerning Warrant No. 37. Dated August 28, 1899.
49A letter to S.J. Homer to examine the Treasurer's Reports and whether or not National Warrant No. 11 dated October 29, 1898, in favor of the American Book Company for $4905.00 has been paid. Dated August 30, 1899.
50A letter to J.S. Homer desiring records as to whether or not Warrant No. 14 and Warrant No. 12 have been paid. September 18, 1899.
51Bill No. 13. Warrant issued the 26th of October to Stuart, Lewis, and Gordon to practice law in the Choctaw Nation. Dated September 26, 1899.
52A resolution creating clerks for finance and school committees for the October session, 1899. Passed and approved October 6, 1899.
53A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint a commission to investigate and report upon the condition of affairs in Jones County. Passed and approved October 7, 1899, with amendment.
54A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint a commission to confer with the authorities of the Chickasaw Nation. Passed and approved October 7, 1899.
55A resolution instructing the Board of Education. Passed and approved October 11, 1899.
56A resolution requesting the Secretary of Interior to make a report. Passed and approved October 12, 1899.
57An act creating the office of Delegate to the Congress of the U.S. and prescribing his duties and providing his compensation. Passed Senate October 18, 1899. Passed House and approved October 19, 1899.
58An appropriation to pay Mrs. McCurtain, Supt. of Jones Academy, for relief for the actual amount of interest paid by her. Dated October 13, 1899.
59An act for the relief of Mrs. Jane F. McCurtain. Approved October 19, 1899.
60The Principal Chief is authorizing to employ a competent attorney as attorney and chancellor for the Nation. Passed House and Senate October 17, 1899. Approved October 19, 1899.
61Resolved that the General Council shall adjourn the 1st of November, 1899. Passed House and Senate October 21, 1899. Approved October 23, 1899.
62An amendment to act repealing acts authorizing the shipment and sale of timber in Choctaw Nation.
63An amendment to the sale of timber in Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 20, 1899. Approved October 24, 1899.
65An act changing the election precinct in Mashoba County of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 23, 1899. Passed Senate October 24, 1899. Approved October 15, 1899.
66An act entitled an act removing the Circuit Court of Pushmataha District of the Choctaw Nation in Mayhaw, Jackson County. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1899. Approved October 25, 1899.
67A report of the Committee regarding T.K. Walker, collector on the railroad. Passed and approved October 25, 1899.
68An act that the Principal Chief shall appoint a commission of three competent persons of Choctaw blood to meet a like commission from the Chickasaw Nation for the purpose of making a final and satisfactory settlement of all or any royalties that may be due from one nation to the other. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1899. Approved October 25, 1899.
69An act fixing the salary of the Trustee under the Atoka Agreement. Passed House October 24, 1899. Passed Senate and approved October 25, 1899.
70An act authorizing the foreman of the Grand Jury to administer oaths. Passed and approved October 25, 1899.
71An act regarding the report of E.R. Cheadle, Special Commissioner. Passed and approved October 26, 1899.
72Resolved to accept the report of W.G. Kayser, Inspector and collector for the third district of Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 26, 1899.
73A resolution accepting the report of Dr. Miller, District Collector for the third district of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 26, 1899.
74An act authorizing the national trustee to borrow money. Passed and approved October 26, 1899.
75A resolution accepting the report of Thomas W. Hunter, Supt. of Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved October 27, 1899.
76The accepted report of W.G. Kayser which was approved is hereby repealed and the report shall be referred back to the Financial Committee for a thorough investigation. Passed and approved October 27, 1899.
77A resolution accepting the report of Amos Henry, Trustee of First District of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 27, 1899.
78Accepting a report and rejecting citizenship to certain persons mentioned. Dated October 27, 1899.
79A resolution accepting the report of E.H. Wilson, ex-superintendent of Wheelock Seminary. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
80A resolution accepting the report of J.S. Harris, collector for the third district of Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
81A resolution accepting the report of Henry S. Sanguin, Inspector on the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railway. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
82A resolution accepting the report of S.B. Spring, Trustee of third district. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
83An act for the relief of George W. Bell. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
84A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to send for Robert Benton. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
85A resolution accepting the report of Peter J. Hudson, Supt. of Tushkahoma Institute. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899.
86A resolution accepting the report of C.J. Anderson, Trustee of Second district. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
87A resolution accepting the report of Henry Willis, Superintendent of Tuskaloosa Academy. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
88An act amending an act authorizing the appointment of commissioners to negotiate with a like commission from the Chickasaw Nation passed at the regular session of the General Council, 1899, and approved October 25, 1899. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
89An act putting County funds into a national fund. Passed House October 26, 1899. Passed Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
90An act to reimburse H.P. Wood and Thomas Hunter. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
91An act for the relief of Peter Hudson, Supt. of Tushkahoma Seminary of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
92An act for the relief of Thomas W. Hunter, Supt. of Armstrong's Orphans Academy. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
93An act for the relief of Henry Willis, Supt. of Tushkahoma Academy, of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
94An act to reimburse D.C. McCurtain for services rendered as commissioner to the Chickasaw Nation to confer with the authorities of said Nation and for expenses incurred in the discharge of said commissioners duties and by him defrayed. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
101Bill No. 50. An act appropriating money as salary for delegate to Washington. Approved October 31, 1899.
Box 32
95An appropriation for the removal of intruders within the limits of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 28, 1899. Passed Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
96An appropriation to defray expenses of three commissioners. Passed Senate October 27, 1899. Passed House October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899.
97An act to appropriate $2470.00 to reimburse George W. Bell for services and repairs for the Capitol. Passed House and Senate October 30, 1899. Approved October 31, 1899.
98Proposed act in reference to paying witnesses. Passed House October 30, 1899. Passed Senate and approved October 31, 1899.
99Resolution accepting the report of Smedley Forrest, district Collector for the first district. Passed Senate October 28, 1899. Passed House October 30, 1899. Approved October 31, 1899.
100An act stating duties of District Collector. Passed House October 30, 1899. Passed Senate and approved October 31, 1899.
102A proposed act accepting the agreement submitted by E.R. Cheadle, Special Commissioner of Choctaw and Chickasaw and Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes, on September 5, 1899. Passed House, Senate, and approved October 31, 1899.
103A memorial to Congress of the U.S. regarding Atoka Agreement, concerning royalties arising from the sale of coal and management of coal, interested in Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
104A memorial to Congress of U.S. asking its consideration of the recommendations of the U.S. Indian Inspector for Indian Territory, have for claims set forth in Section 29 of the acts of Congress, approved June 28, 1898. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
105Resolution adopting the report of T.S. Sanguin, National Treasurer. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
106Resolution adopting the report of J.T. Ainsworth, Inspector of the Choctaw, Oklahoma, and Gulf Railway. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
107Resolution accepting the report of J.B. Jeter. Passed House, Senate, and was approved October 31, 1899.
108Resolution accepting the report of W.G. Kayser, Inspector and collector of St. Louis and San Francisco Railway and Kansas City, Pittsburgh and Gulf Railroad. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
109Resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to make demands of the U.S. for interest accumulated on School fund. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
110A resolution for the protection against the spread of smallpox among non-citizen elements. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
111An act for relief of Ellis W. Whistler for four militia certificates issued by Robert Benton, Militia Captain. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
112An act to defray expense by the Board of Health in preventing the spread of smallpox. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
113An act for the relief of J.B. Jeter. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
114An act appropriating $3500.00 for delegate to Washington. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
115An act for the relief of Thomas W. Hunter. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
116An act appropriating $1,000.00 for making certain additions and repairs at Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
117An act appropriating $584.00 for payment of account of the American Book Co. Passed and approved October 31, 1899.
118Resolution accepting the report of Simon H. Woods, National Auditor.
119A resolution authorizing the National Secretary to furnish the Chickasaw Authorities a copy of the action of the Choctaw Council relative to the Special Agreement made September 5, 1899. Passed and approved November 1, 1899.
120An act re-enacting the General Appropriation Bill for 1898-1899 and eliminating the salary of coal trustee, thereupon. Passed House with amendment November 1, 1899. Passed Senate with amendment and approved November 1, 1899.
121A resolution locating a land office for the Choctaw Nation at Tushkahoma. November 1, 1899.
122An act appropriating school funds from the coal and asphalt funds in the U.S. Treasury for school year of 1899-1900. Passed and approved November 1, 1899.
123A resolution directing the National Secretary of the Nation to supply the Chickasaw Authority with a copy of the action of the General Council respecting a strip of land subject to the action of said Nations jointly. Passed and approved November 1, 1899.
124A resolution accepting the report of the Citizenship Commission of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 1, 1899.
125A resolution for adjournment Wednesday November 1, 1899, at 4 o'clock. Passed and approved November 1, 1899.
126An act making appropriation for repairs to Capitol Building. Passed House October 31, 1899. Passed House and approved November 1, 1899.
127An act appropriating $250.00 for payment of services rendered by J.C. Hodge in defending Thomas Watson, Abner Clay, and Simon Taylor. Passed Senate October 31, 1899. Passed House and approved November 1, 1899.
128An act amending the present medical law and defining the duties of the Board of Health. Passed Senate October 31, 1899. Passed House and approved November 1, 1899.
129An act appropriating $4,000.00 to pay N.B. Ainsworth, coal and asphalt trustee for services and expenses for the year beginning November 23, 1898 and ending November 23, 1899. Passed and approved November 1, 1899.
130An act making appropriations for the regular and necessary expense of the government for the fiscal year from October 1, 1899 to September 30, 1900. Passed and approved November 1, 1899.
131An act authorizing the sale of the property and site of New Hope Seminary. Passed House and Senate with amendment October 31, 1899. Approved November 1, 1899.
132An act appropriating a sum of money to defray to expense of taking testimony in M., K., and T. Railroad land claims. Passed House October 31, 1899. Passed Senate and approved November 1, 1899.
133An act authorizing the sheriff of Jackson County to construct court house at Mayhew. Passed House October 30, 1899. Passed Senate with amendment October 30, 1899. Passed House with amendment and approved November 1, 1899.
134Bill No. 73. An act appropriating money for the salary of the Coal Trustee. Passed and approved November 1, 1899. Approved by Pres. William McKinley on December 28, 1899.
135An act authorizing the payment of the account of Rogers Wade Furniture Co. Passed and approved November 1, 1899.
136An act authorizing the townsite commissioner of the Choctaw Nation to survey, appraise, and sell the land lying between the city of Ft. Smith, Arkansas and the Arkansas River and extending to the mouth of Mill Creek. Passed Senate and House October 31, 1899. Approved November 1, 1899.
137A resolution to adjourn on November 2, 1899. Passed and approved November 1, 1899.
138An act appropriating money for removal of intruders from Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 30, 1899.
139A resolution of respect for Judge H.C. Harris. Passed Senate with amendment November 1, 1899. Approved November 2, 1899.
140A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, concerning the receipt of a number of acts of the National Council, without the impression of the National Seal. Dated November 4, 1899.
141A letter from George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, concerning the receipt of "an act authorizing the payment of Rogers Wade Furniture Co." without impression of the National Seal. Dated November 29, 1899.
142A resolution to authorize the National Auditor to duplicate Warrant No. 183 to J.W. Everidge, Supt. of Public Instruction for William Le Flore in college. Passed House October 27, 1899. Passed Senate November 30, 1899, with amendment. Approved October 31, 1899.
143Bill No. 6. An act for the relief of Mrs. Jane F. McCurtain. Passed House and Senate October 31, 1899. Approved by Pres. William McKinley December 8, 1899.
144Bill No. 12. An act granting Jackson Burns the right to establish a ferry on Sans Bois River. Passed House October 25, 1899. Passed Senate October 24, 1899. Approved October 25, 1899. Approved by Pres. William McKinley December 8, 1899.
145Bill No. 17. An act fixing the salary of the trustee under the Atoka Agreement. Passed House October 24, 1899. Passed Senate and approved October 25, 1899. Approved by McKinley December 8, 1899.
146Bill No. 24. An act to reimburse D.C. McCurtain. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899. Approved by Pres. William McKinley December 8, 1899.
147Bill No. 25. An act for the relief of Henry Willis. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899. Approved by McKinley December 8, 1899.
148Bill No. 33. An act to reimburse H.P. Ward and T.W. Hunter. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899. Approved by McKinley December 8, 1899.
149Bill No. 38. An act appropriating money for the removal of intruders. Passed Senate October 27, 1899. Passed House October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899. Approved by McKinley December 8, 1899.
150Bill No. 40. An act for the relief of Peter Hudson. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 8, 1899.
151Bill No. 41. An act appropriating money to defray the three Commissioners. Passed Senate October 27, 1899. Passed House October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 8, 1899.
152Bill No. 42. An act to reimburse T.W. Hunter. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 8, 1899.
153Bill No. 43. An act for the relief of George W. Bell. Passed House and Senate October 30, 1899. Approved October 31, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 8, 1899.
154Bill No. 48. An act for the relief of Ellis Whistler. Passed and approved October 31, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 8, 1899.
155Bill No. 51. An act for the relief of J.B. Jeter. Passed and approved October 31, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 8, 1899.
156Bill No. 52. An act to defray the expenses of the Board of Health. Passed and approved October 31, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 8, 1899.
157Bill No. 55. An act for the relief of the American Book Co. Passed and approved October 31, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 8, 1899.
158Bill No. 58. An act for the relief of Thomas W. Hunter. Passed and approved October 31, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 8, 1899.
159Bill No. 78. An act for the relief of Col. J.C. Hodges. Passed and approved November 1, 1899. Approved by McKinley December 8, 1899.
160A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to Mr. S. J. Homer, concerning "an act for the relief of Ellis Whistler." Dated December 19, 1899.
161A letter from George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer, concerning "an act appropriating money to defray the expenses of three commissioners." Dated December 19, 1899.
162A letter from J. George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act for the relief of Peter Hudson." Dated December 19, 1899.
163A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector to Mr. S.J. Homer, concerning "an act for the relief of George W. Bell." Dated December 19, 1899.
164A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act to reimburse D.C. McCurtain." Dated December 19, 1899.
165A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act to reimburse D.C. McCurtain." Dated December 19, 1899.
166A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector to Mr. S.J. Homer, National Secretary of Choctaw Nation, concerning "an act for the relief of Thomas W. Hunter." Dated December 19, 1899.
167A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector to Mr. S.J. Homer, National Secretary of Choctaw Nation, concerning "an act for the relief of Henry Willis." Dated December 19, 1899.
168A letter from J. George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act for the relief of Col. J.C. Hodges." Dated December 19, 1899.
169A letter from J. George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act for the relief of the American Book Co." Dated December 19, 1899.
170A letter from J. George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act granting Jackson Burns the right to establish a ferry on Sans Bois River." Dated December 19, 1899.
171A letter from J. George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act for the relief of J.B. Jeter." Dated December 19, 1899.
172A letter from J. George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning " an act fixing the salary of the Trustee under the Atoka agreement." Dated December 19, 1899.
173A letter from J. George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act for the relief of Mrs. F. McCurtain." Dated December 19, 1899.
174A letter from J. George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act to defray expenses of the Board of Health." Dated December 19, 1899.
175A letter from J. George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act to reimburse T.W. Hunter." Dated December 19, 1899.
176A letter from J. George Wright to Mr. S.J. Homer concerning "an act to reimburse H.P. Ward and T.W. Hunter. Dated December 19, 1899.
177Bill No. 8. An act creating the office of Delegates to attend the city of Washington, D.C. and prescribing their duties. Passed and approved October 19, 1899. Approved by President McKinley December 22, 1899.
178Bill No. 26. An act amending an act authorizing the appointment of commissioners to negotiate with a like commission from the Chickasaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 28, 1899. Approved October 30, 1899. Approved by President McKinley December 22, 1899.
179Bill No. 50. An act appropriating money as salary for delegate to Washington, D.C. Passed and approved October 31,1899. Approved by President McKinley December 22, 1899.
180Bill No. 13. An act authorizing the appointment of a Commission from the Chickasaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 22, 1899.
181Bill No. 65. An act appropriating money to defray the expense of taking testimony in the M., K., and T. Railway law claim. Passed and approved November 1, 1899. Approved by Pres. McKinley December 28, 1899.
182A letter from John D Benedict, Supt. of Schools in I.T. to Mr. Solomon J. Homer, National Secretary, Choctaw Nation, concerning a bill appropriating $350.00 to Rogers Wade Furniture Co. Dated December 28, 1899.
183A letter from National Secretary to John D. Benedict, Supt. of Schools in Indian Territory, concerning the act of the Choctaw Council appropriating $350.00 to Roger Wade Furniture Co. Dated December 31, 1899.
184A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to Hon. Green McCurtain, Principal Chief, Choctaw Nation, concerning the submitting of the General appropriation. Acts to the department for executive action." Dated December 29, 1899.
Box 33
1A letter from John D. Benedict to Solomon J. Homer, recognizing the receipt of a letter containing information concerning the claim of Rodger Wades Furniture Co. January 8, 1900.
2Bill No. 53. An act appropriating money for repairs and improvements at Armstrong Orphan Academy. Passed and approved October 31, 1900. Approved by Pres. McKinley January 6, 1900.
3A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector to S.J. Homer, concerning the President's disapproval of the "act amending an act authorizing the appointment of commissioners to negotiate with a like commissioner from the Chickasaw Nation." Dated January 6, 1900.
4A letter from J. George Wright, Indian Inspector, to S.J. Homer advising the approval of the President on December 16, 1899 of the act entitled "An act creating the office of delegate to attend the city of Washington, D.C. and prescribing his duties. Dated January 6, 1900.
5A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the approval of the President on December 22, 1899 of the act entitled "An act appropriating money as salary for the delegate to Washington, D.C." Dated January 6, 1900.
6A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the approval of the President on December 16, 1899 of the act entitled "An act authorizing the appointment of a commission to negotiate with a like commission from the Chickasaw Nation." Dated January 6, 1900.
7Bill No. 7. An act authorizing the Principal Chief to employ an attorney for the Choctaw Nation in citizenship cases. Passed House and Senate October 17, 1899. Approved October 19, 1899. Approved by McKinley January 10, 1900.
8A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's approval of an act entitled "An act appropriating money to defray the expense of taking testimony in the M., K., and T. Railway claim." Dated January 10, 1900.
9A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's approval on December 28, 1899 of the act entitled "An act appropriating money for salary of the coal trustees." Dated January 10, 1900.
10A letter from Homer to Wright enclosing all of the acts relating to the appropriation of money. Dated January 13, 1900.
11A letter from J.G. Wright to S.J. Homer returning acts Nos. 80, 81, 39, and 76 having made copies of the same. Dated January 15, 1900.
12A letter from J.G. Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's approval on January 10, 1900 of the act entitled "An act to authorize the Principal Chief to employ an attorney for the Choctaw Nation in citizenship cases." Dated January 17, 1900.
13A letter from J.G. Wright to S.J. Homer advising the approval of the President on January 8, 1900 of an act entitled "An act appropriating money for repairs and improvements at Armstrong Academy." Dated January 17, 1900.
14Bill No. 10. An act relating to the timber of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 20, 1899. Passed Senate and approved October 24, 1899. Disapproved by President McKinley on April 4, 1900.
15A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the disapproval of the President on April 4, 1900 of an act entitled "An act relating to the timber of the Choctaw Nation." April 13, 1900.
16Bill No. 80. An act authorizing the payment of the account of Rodger Wades Furniture Co. Passed House November 1, 1899. Passed Senate November 1, 1899. Becomes a law by constitutional limitation. Approved by President McKinley on April 17, 1900.
17Bill No. 69. An act amending the Medical Law and defining the duties of the Board of Health. Passed House November 1, 1899. Passed Senate October 31, 1899. Approved November 1, 1899. Approved by McKinley April 18, 1900.
18A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer returning an original act. Dated April 18, 1900.
19A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President to approve on April 17, 1900 an act entitled "An act authorizing the payment of the account of Rodgers Wade Furniture Co." April 26, 1900.
20A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President to approve on April 18, 1900 the act entitled "An act amending the Medical law and defining the duties of the Board of Health." April 26, 1900.
21Bill No. 19. An act authorizing the National Treasurer to borrow money. Passed and approved October 26, 1899. Approved by McKinley April 27, 1900.
22A letter from J.G. Wright to S.J. Homer asking that the original or copy of the act mentioned be returned. May 5, 1900.
23A letter from J.G. Wright to S.J. Homer acknowledging the receipt of copies of laws for years 1897, 1898, and 1899. May 15, 1900.
24Bill No. 2. An act granting to John E. McBrayer a charter for a ferry on the Arkansas River. Passed Senate October 5, 1900. Passed House October 15, 1900. Disapproved by President.
25Bill No. 6. An act for the pardon of Johnson Jacob. Passed Senate and House October 9, 1900. Approved October 10, 1900.
26Bill No. 3. A resolution creating clerk for Finance Committee for October session 1900. Passed and approved October 8, 1900.
27Bill No. 4. A resolution accepting report of J.W. Everidge, Supt. of Public Instruction. Passed House and Senate October 9, 1900. Approved October 10, 1900.
28Bill No. 5. An act granting W.G. Ward the right and privilege to build a bridge across Clear Boggy Creek. Passed House and Senate October 1900. Approved October 10, 1900.
29Bill No. ?. A resolution calling a joint session of the Senate and Representatives to elect Supreme Judges, School Supt., and other officers. Passed and approved October 5, 1900. (missing)
30Bill No. 9. A resolution accepting the report of J.S. Forrest, Dist. Collector for first district for five quarters ending September 30, 1900. Passed and approved October 10, 1900.
31Bill No. 7. An act for the relief of Mrs. L.C. Jackson, Passed and approved October 12, 1900.
32An act for the release of Wm. Harrison. Passed Senate October 11, 1900. Passed House and approved October 12, 1900.
33Bill No. 10. An act to increase the contingent fund of the Principal Chief. Passed House and Senate October 11, 1900. Becomes operative by constitutional limitation of three days.
34An act to abolish Albion Precinct in Wade Co. Approved October 16, 1900.
35Bill No. 12. An act requesting the U.S. Indian Agent to pay Prof. E.H. Rishell for services rendered in examining school teachers in July 1898. Passed House and Senate October 18, 1900. Approved October 22, 1900.
36Bill No. 13. An act to increase the salary of the Private Secretary of the Principal Chief. Passed House and Senate October 17, 1900. Approved October 22, 1900. Approved by McKinley December 7, 1900. Amendment enclosed.
37Bill No. 14. An act to amend an act creating a commission to accompany and assist the Dawes Commission in making a roll of the Choctaw Citizens. Passed and approved October 22, 1900.
38Bill No. 15. A resolution authorizing the Finance Commission to collect and destroy all cancelled Choctaw Warrants. Passed House and Senate October 17, 1900. Approved October 22, 1900.
39Bill No. 16. A resolution accepting report of Hansfield McMurry and Cornish Attorneys in citizenship cases. Passed House and Senate October 17, 1900. Approved October 22, 1900.
40Bill No. 17. An act requiring the County Treasurer to make and publish quarterly reports. Passed House and Senate October 17, 1900. Passed Senate with amendment October 23, 1900.
41Bill No. 18. An act to amend an act relating to the school system of the Choctaw Nation. Passed October 23, 1900. Approved October 31, 1900.
42Bill No. 19. An act granting Robert Benton and Jerry Folsom the privilege to turnpike the road leading from Wister Junction to Howe and establish a toll gate thereon. Passed Senate October 23, 1900. Passed House and approved October 24, 1900.
43Bill No. 20. An act granting Robert Benton and Jerry Folsom a ferry on the Poteau River at the mouth of Caston Creek known as Clear Lake Crossing. Passed Senate October 23, 1900. Passed House and approved October 24, 1900.
44Bill No. 22. A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to investigate the case of Barton Jones et. al. at Paris, Texas. Passed and approved October 24, 1900.
45Bill No. 23. An act appropriating money to pay W.H. Sherwood. Passed House and Senate October 24, 1900.
46Bill No. 24. An act appropriating money to pay school certificates, 2nd District. Passed and approved October 24, 1900.
47Bill No. 26. A resolution of adjournment. Passed House October 22, 1900. Passed Senate and approved October 24, 1900.
48Bill No. 21. A resolution accepting the report of J.H. Miller, Collector for 3rd District. Passed and approved October 25, 1900.
49Bill No. 25. An act to appropriate money to reimburse Frank B. Yates, Supt. of Deaf Mute Institute, Little Rock, Arkansas. Passed House and Senate October 25, 1900, and approved.
50Bill No. 31. A memorial to the Secretary of the Interior concerning the injustice of allowing persons of questionable citizenship to attend school at the expense of Choctaw Nation and other privileges. Passed Senate October 24, 1900. Passed House with amendment October 25, 1900. Passed Senate with amendment and approved October 25, 1900.
51Bill No. 27. An act appropriating money to defray the expense of two blind children in school at the International School for the Blind, Fort Gibson, Indian Territory. Passed Senate October 25, 1900. Passed House and approved October 26, 1900.
52Bill No. 30. An act appropriating money for revising and printing the New Testament in Choctaw Language. Passed and approved October 26, 1900.
53Bill No. 32. An act for the relief of Dr. J.W. McClendon. Passed and approved October 26, 1900.
54Bill No. 33. A resolution calling upon the Secretary of the interior to reimburse the Treasury of the Choctaw Nation for moneys deducted from the invested funds. Passed and approved October 26, 1900.
55Bill No. 56. A resolution requesting the Dawes Commission to enroll certain persons therein named. Passed House and Senate October 26, 1900. Approved October 27, 1900.
56Bill No. 34. A resolution accepting the annual report of George W. Scott, National Treasurer. Passed Senate October 27, 1900. Passed House and approved October 29, 1900.
57Bill No. 35. An act for the relief of Thomas Watson. Passed House and Senate October 26, 1900. Approved October 29, 1900.
58Bill No. 36. An act providing for the payment of certain contingent expenses necessary to protect the interest of the Nation, and increasing the contingent fund of the Principal Chief therefore. Passed and approved October 29, 1900.
59Bill No. 29. A resolution refusing to accept the sum of $50.00 per mile from the Arkansas and Choctaw Railway Co., as compensation for right-of-way through the Choctaw Nation, and informing the Secretary of the Interior thereof. Passed and approved October 30, 1900.
60Bill No. 38. A resolution that the messages of Green McCurtain, retiring Principal Chief, and G.W. Dukes, present Principal Chief, in so far as they relate to citizenship matters be adopted. Passed and approved October 30, 1900.
61Bill No. 39. An act in regard to the schools of Choctaw nation. Passed and approved October 30, 1900.
62Bill No. 37. An act for the relief of J.A. Williams. Passed House and Senate October 30, 1900. Disapproved by President.
63Bill No. 40. A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation to carry out the contract made with Messers Hill and Brizzolara. Passed Senate October 29, 1900. Passed House October 30, 1900. Approved October 31, 1900.
64Bill No. 41. A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to make a demand of J.W. Ellis for payment of money due the Choctaw Nation for royalties collected by him on lumber and etc. Passed Senate October 30, 1900. Passed House and approved October 31, 1900.
65Bill No. 42. An act in relation to certain school property and funds of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 30, 1900. Passed House and approved October 31, 1900.
66Bill No. 43. A resolution accepting the annual report of the Citizenship Commission of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate and House October 26, 1900. Approved October 31, 1900.
67Bill No. 44. A resolution declining the petition of Robert Benton. Passed Senate October 30, 1900. Passed House and approved October 31, 1900.
68Bill No. 45. An act for the relief of certain physicians for the vaccination of Choctaw Citizens. Passed Senate October 30, 1900. Passed House and approved October 31, 1900.
69Bill No. 47. A resolution authorizing the sale of the site of Spencer Academy and all property belonging there. Passed and approved October 31, 1900. Disapproved by the President.
70Bill No. 28. An act making appropriation for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1900, and ending September 30, 1900. Passed Senate October 31, 1900. Passed House and approved November 1, 1900.
71An act authorizing the appointment of a Commission to negotiate with a like commission from the Chickasaw Nation. Passed House October 31, 1900. Passed Senate and approved November 1, 1900.
72A letter from George Wright, Indian Inspector, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, returning an act approved November 1, 1900, making an appropriation to pay Reynolds, Davis, and Co. Dated November 15, 1900.
Box 34
72Bill No. 48. An act for the relief of William Bryant and Ellis Bohannon. Passed and approved November 1, 1900.
73Bill No. 49. An act for the relief of G.W. Dukes and James Harkins. Passed House and Senate October 31, 1900. Approved November 1, 1900.
74Bill No. 50. An act for the relief of S.H. Woods. Passed House and Senate October 31, 1900. Approved November 1, 1900.
75Bill No. 52. An act to prevent non-citizens from cutting hay on the public domain. Passed and approved November 1, 1900.
76Bill No. 53. An act making appropriation to pay Reynolds, Davis, and Co. Passed Senate October 31, 1900. Passed House October 31, 1900. Approved November 1, 1900.
77Bill No. 54. A resolution declining to accept the report of Tandy K. Walker, inspector on the Kansas City, Pittsburgh, and Gulf Railroad. Passed House and Senate October 31, 1900. Approved November 1, 1900.
78Bill No. 55. An act for the relief of M.A. McClendon for services rendered during the small pox epidemic. Passed Senate October 31, 1900. Passed House October 31, 1900. Approved November 1, 1900.
79Bill No. 57. A resolution accepting the report of T.W. Hunter. Passed Senate October 30, 1900. Passed House October 31, 1900. Approved November 1, 1900.
80Bill No. 58. An act appropriating money to defray the expenses of certain improvements. Passed and approved November 1, 1900.
81Bill No. 59. An act for the relief of Ben Watkins. Passed and approved November 1, 1900.
82A voucher certifying Bill No. 25 has been submitted to the President. Signed by S.J. Homer, November 5, 1900. Disapproved by the President.
83Bill No. 2. An act granting to John E. McBrayer a charter for a ferry on the Arkansas River. Passed House October 5, 1900. Passed Senate and approved October 8, 1900. Disapproved by President William McKinley, December 7, 1900.
84Bill No. 14. An act amending an act entitled "An act creating a commission to accompany and assist the Dawes Commission in making a roll of the Choctaw Citizens. Passed and approved October 22, 1900. Approved by McKinley December 7, 1900.
85Bill No. 30. An act appropriating money to release and print the New Testament in the Choctaw Language. Passed and approved October 26, 1900. Approved by McKinley December 7, 1900.
86Bill No. 35. An act for the relief of Thomas Watson. Passed House and Senate October 26, 1900. Approved October 29, 1900. Approved by McKinley December 7, 1900.
87Bill No. 50. An act for the relief of S.H. Woods. Passed House and Senate October 31, 1900. Approved November 1, 1900. Approved by McKinley December 7, 1900.
88A letter form J. George Wright, Indian Inspector, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, concerning an "act for the relief of Dr. J.W. McClendon. Dated December 10, 1900.
89A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's approval of the act entitled "An act for the relief of Thomas Watson" on December 7, 1900. December 18, 1900.
90A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the disapproval of the President of the act entitled " An act granting to John E. McBrayer a charter for a ferry on the Arkansas River on December 7, 1900." December 18, 1900.
91A letter from J. George Wright, Indian Inspector, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, advising the approval of the President of the act entitled "An act amending an act creating a commission to accompany and assist the Dawes Commission in making a roll of the Choctaw Citizens." December 19, 1900.
92A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer, advising the approval of the President on December 7, 1900 of the act entitled "An act to increase the salary of the Private Secretary of the Principal Chief." December 19, 1900.
93A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the approval of the act entitled "An act appropriating money to revise and reprint the New Testament in Choctaw Language." December 19, 1900.
94A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's approval on December 7, 1900 of the act entitled "An act for the relief of S.H. Woods." December 19, 1900.
95Bill No. 12. An act requesting the U.S. Indian Agent to pay Prof. E.H. Rishel for services rendered in examining school teachers in July 1898. Passed House and Senate October 18, 1900. Approved October 22, 1900. Disapproved by Pres. William McKinley December 20, 1900.
97Bill No. 24. An act appropriating money to pay school certificates in the Second District, Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 24, 1900. Disapproved by McKinley December 20, 1900.
98Bill No. 46. An act providing for a Board for children in neighborhood schools. Passed and approved October 31, 1900. Disapproved by Pres. McKinley December 20, 1900.
99Bill No. 53. An act making appropriation to Reynolds Davis and Co. Passed House and Senate October 31, 1900. Approved November 1, 1900.
100Bill No. 59. An act for the relief of Ben Watkins. Passed and approved November 1, 1900. Disapproved by Pres. McKinley December 20, 1900.
101Bill No. 27. An act appropriating money to defray the expenses of two blind children. Passed Senate October 25, 1900. Passed House and approved October 26, 1900. Disapproved by Pres. McKinley December 24, 1900.
102Bill No. 25. An act to appropriate money to reimburse Frank B Yates, Supt. of Deaf and Mute Institute, Little Rock, Arkansas. Passed House, Senate, and approved October 25, 1900. Disapproved by Pres. McKinley December 27, 1900.
Box 35
1Notification from G.W. Dukes, Principal Chief to members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Choctaw Nation in General Council Assembled, concerning the amount to be paid per mile for railway right-of-ways. Also two letters from W.A. Jones, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to G.W. Dukes, Principal Chief, concerning the same. Read and interpreted and referred to Senate and then Chief, January 4, 1901.
2Bill No. 1. An act providing for a commission to meet with U.S. Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes relative to closing the citizenship rolls. Passed and approved January 4, 1901.(two copies)
3Bill No. 2. An act regulating the operation of ferries on border streams. Passed and approved January 4, 1901.
4Bill No. 4. A resolution refusing to accept the sum of $50.00 per mile from the Denison and Northern Railway Co. for right-of-way through the Choctaw Nation and informing the Secretary of the Interior thereof. Passed and approved January 5, 1901.
5Bill No. 5. An act to provide for the protection of the Choctaw and Chickasaw from the citizenship claims of those persons known as "Court Claimants." Passed Senate January 5, 1901. Passed House and approved January 7, 1901.
6Bill No. 6. A resolution of adjournment Tuesday, 10 o'clock A.M., January 8, 1901. Passed and approved January 7, 1901.
7Bill No. 7. An act appropriating money to pay the expenses of the present extra session of council. Passed and approved January 7, 1901.
8Bill No. 8. An act appropriating money for deaf-mutes. Passed and approved January 7, 1901. Disapproved by the President.
9A memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States concerning the "Leased Lands" of the Choctaw and Chickasaw. Passed and approved January 7, 1901.
10Bill No. 10. An act authorizing and declaring the sale of Tuskalusa Academy property. Passed and approved January 8, 1901. Disapproved by the President.
11Bill No. 11. An act for the relief of Thomas W. Hunter. Passed and approved January 8, 1901.
12A letter from J. George Wright, Indian Inspector to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, advising the disapproval of the President on December 27, 1900 of an act entitled "An act appropriating money to reimburse Frank B. Yates, Supt of Deaf and Mute Institution, Little Rock, Arkansas." January 12, 1901.
13Bill No. 5. An act granting to W.G. Ward the right to build a bridge across the Clear Boggy Creek. Passed House and Senate October 9, 1900. Approved October 10, 1900. Approved by Pres. McKinley January 14, 1901.
14Bill No. 19. An act granting to Robert Benton and Jerry Folsom the privilege to turnpike the road leading from Wister Junction to Howe. Passed Senate October 23, 1900. Passed House and approved October 24, 1900. Approved by Pres. McKinley January 14, 1901.
15Bill No. 20. An act granting to Robert Benton and Jerry Folsom a ferry on Poteau River. Passed Senate October 23, 1900. Passed House and approved October 24, 1900. Approved by Pres. McKinley January 14, 1901.
16A letter from J. George Wright, Indian Inspector, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, advising the President's disapproval on December 20, 1900 of the act entitled "An act providing board for children in neighborhood schools." January 15, 1901.
17A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's disapproval on December 20, 1900 of the act entitled "An act requesting the U.S. Indian Agent to pay Prof. E.H. Rishel for services rendered in examining school teachers in July 1898." January 15, 1901.
18A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's approval on December 20, 1900 of the act entitled "An act making appropriation to pay Reynolds, Davis, and Co. et. al." January 15, 1901.
19A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's disapproval on December 20, 1900 of the act entitled "An act appropriating money to pay W.H. Isherwood." January 15, 1901.
20A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's disapproval on December 24, 1900 of the act entitled "An act appropriating money to defray the expenses of two blind children." January 15, 1901.
21A letter from J.G. Wright to S.J. Homer advising the disapproval of the President on December 20, 1900 of an act entitled "An act appropriating money to pay school certificates in second district." January 15, 1901.
22A letter from J.G. Wright to S.J. Homer advising approval by the President on January 14, 1901 of the act entitled "An act granting Robert Benton and Jerry Folsom a ferry on the Poteau River." January 26, 1901.
23A letter from J. George Wright, Indian Inspector, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, advising the President's approval on January 14, 1901 of the act entitled, "An act granting to W.G. Ward the right to build a bridge across Clear Boggy River." January 26, 1901.
24A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's approval on January 14, 1901 of the act entitled "An act granting to Robert Benton and Jerry Folsom the right to turnpike the road leading from Wister Junction to Howe." January 26, 1901.
25A letter from Thomas Ryan, act Secretary, to S.J. Homer acknowledging the receipt of the letters concerning the resolution refusing the sum of $50.00 per mile from Denison and Northern Railway co. for right-of-way through the Choctaw Nation. January 29, 1901.
26A letter from Thomas Ryan to S.J. Homer recognizing the receipt of the letter concerning the resolution of refusing $50.00 a mile for railway right-of-ways from the Choctaw, Oklahoma, and Gulf Railway Co. January 29, 1901.
27Bill No. 36. An act providing for the payment of certain contingent expenses necessary to protect the interests of the Nation and increasing the contingent fund of the Principal Chief therefore. Passed and approved October 29, 1900. Disapproved by President McKinley January 30, 1901.
28Bill No. 1. An act providing for a commission to treat with U.S. Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes relative to closing the citizenship rolls. Passed and approved January 4, 1901. Approved by President McKinley February 5, 1901.
29Bill No. 2. An act regulating the operation of ferries on border streams. Passed and approved January 4, 1901. Approved by Pres. McKinley February 5, 1901.
30Bill No. 8. An act appropriating money for deaf mutes. Passed and approved January 7, 1901. Disapproved by President McKinley February 5, 1901.
31A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the disapproval of the President January 30, 1901 of the act entitled "An act providing for the payment of certain contingent expenses necessary to protect the interest of the Nation and increase the contingent fund of the Principal Chief." February 9, 1901.
32A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's disapproval on February 5, 1901 of an act entitled "An act regulating the operation of ferries on border streams." February 18, 1901.
33A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's disapproval on February 5, 1901 of the act entitled "An act appropriating money for deaf mutes." February 18, 1901.
34A letter from Tams Bixby to S.J. Homer asking for the commission to be supplied with the names and post-office addresses of the County sheriffs. June 10, 1901.
35Bill No. 1. A resolution providing for the appointment of a clerk for the finance committee and defining his duties. Passed and approved October 9, 1901.
36Bill No. 5. An act changing an election precinct in Wade County. Passed and approved October 10, 1901.
37Bill No. 3. A resolution creating a clerk for school committees. Passed and approved October 11, 1901.
38Bill No. 4. A resolution creating clerk for committee on Chief's message. Passed and approved October 12, 1901.
39Bill No. 19. A resolution of condolence to the family of President Wm. McKinley. Passed and approved October 12, 1901.
40A resolution creating a clerk for the committee on petitions for October term 1901. Passed and approved October 12, 1901.
41Bill No. 10. A resolution of condolence to the families of the parties mentioned herein. Passed and approved October 14, 1901.
42Bill No. 6. A resolution accepting the report of Amos Henry showing the disbursements made by him out of the contingent fund allowed school trustee of first district. Passed and approved October 15, 1901.
43Bill No. 7. A resolution accepting the report of George W. Scott showing the disbursements made by him out of the contingent fund allowed school trustees of first district. Passed and approved October 15, 1901.
44Bill No. 9. An act changing an election precinct in Gaines County. Passed and approved October 22, 1901.
45Bill No. 11. A resolution rejecting the claim of Willie Jones. Passed and approved October 23, 1901.
46Bill No. 12. A resolution rejecting the claims of Isham Walker. Passed House and Senate October 22, 1901. Approved October 23, 1901.
47Bill No. 13. A resolution asking for the relief of Mother M. Virginia. Passed House and Senate October 22, 1901. Approved October 23, 1901.
48Bill No. 15. A resolution accepting the report of Jeff Fulton showing the expenditures made out of the contingent fund allowed him as school trustee for the Third District of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 25, 1901. Approved October 29, 1901.
49Bill No. 16. A resolution accepting the report of C.J. Anderson showing expenditures made out of the contingent fund allowed him as school trustee for Second District of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved October 25, 1901.
50Bill No. 18. An act for the relief of J.A. Williams. Passed Senate October 28, 1901. Passed House and approved on October 29, 1901.
51Bill No. 34. An act for the relief of Simpson Colbert. Passed House and Senate October 25, 1901. Approved October 29, 1901.
52Bill No. 17. A resolution accepting the annual report of William Bryant, Collector for the Second District. Passed Senate October 29, 1901. Passed House and approved October 30, 1901.
53Bill No. 20. An act authorizing the sale of the Tushkulusa Academy Property. Passed Senate October 29, 1901. Passed House and approved October 30, 1901.
54Bill No. 21. An act granting Frank Lewis the right to ferry on the Poteau River. Passed Senate October 29, 1901. Passed House and approved October 30, 1901.
55Bill No. 25. A resolution authorizing the finance committee to collect and destroy all cancelled Choctaw warrants. Passed and approved November 2, 1901.
56Bill No. 23. A resolution refusing to accept the statutory allowance of $50.00 per mile for right-of-way from the Fort Smith and Western Railway Company through Choctaw Nation (30 Statute, 1368). Passed and approved November 4, 1901.
57Bill No. 24. A resolution declining the petition of Thomas Watson. Passed House and Senate November 2, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901.
58Bill No. 26. A resolution accepting the annual report S.H. Woods, National Auditor, for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1900. Passed House and Senate November 2, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901.
59Bill No. 27. An act governing district collectors. Passed House and Senate November 2, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901.
60Bill No. 28. A resolution to adjourn Wednesday, November 6, at 11 o'clock A.M. Passed Senate October 29, 1901. Passed House October 31, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901.
61Bill No. 29. An act amending the law relating to the Judicial Dept. Passed House October 30, 1901. Passed Senate October 31, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901.
62Bill No. 30. A resolution rejecting the petition of Williamson Mamby. Passed House and Senate October 31, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901.
63Bill No. 30. An act authorizing the circuit judges to instruct the several County sheriffs to hold all persons charged with crimes, felonies, misdemeanors, who fail to give satisfactory bond. Passed House and Senate November 1, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901.
64Bill No. 31. A resolution accepting the report of D.C. McCurtain, delegate to Washington D.C. Passed House and Senate October 31, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901.
65Bill No. 33. An act for the relief of Mrs. J.F. McCurtain for books brought and paid for by her for Jones Academy. Passed Senate November 1, 1901. Passed House November 2, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901.
66Bill No. 46. An act authorizing the sale of Spencer Academy and all property belonging thereto. Passed Senate October 31, 1901. Passed House with amendment November 1, 1901. Senate rejected the amendment November 2, 1901. Passed House November 4, 1901. Vetoed by the Gov. Dukes and sustained by the Senate November 4, 1901.
67Bill No. 48. An act amending the school laws of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 4, 1901
68Bill No. 35. A resolution providing for compensation of certain attorneys named herein for services rendered in each case rather than a yearly salary. Passed Senate and House November 4, 1901. Vetoed by Principal Chief. The veto defeated and the resolution repassed the Senate by unanimous vote, November 5, 1901.
69Bill No. 36. A resolution rejecting the petition of Robert Benton. Passed House and Senate November 5, 1901. Approved November 6, 1901.
70Bill No. 37. A resolution accepting the report of George W. Scott, National Treasurer. Passed November 5, 1901. Approved November 6, 1901.
71Bill No. 39. An act making appropriation for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1901, and ending September 30, 1902. Passed House and Senate November 5, 1901. Approved November 6, 1901.
72Bill No. 40. An act for the relief of interpreters in the three district courts during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1901. Passed House and Senate November 5, 1901. Approved November 6, 1901.
73Bill No. 43. An act for the relief of Drs. LeRoy Long and W.P. Hailey for services rendered in connection with the suppression of small pox. Passed House and Senate November 5, 1901. Approved November 6, 1901.
74Bill No. 44. Resolution accepting the report of Hill and Brizzolara. Passed House and Senate November 5, 1901. Approved November 6, 1901.
75Bill No. 49. An act declining to accept the report of S.H. Woods, National Auditor, for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1901, and also authorizing the National Treasurer to make demands on S.H. Woods for the amount of $13,153.26 and to report at the next General Council. Passed Senate and House November 5, 1901. Vetoed by the Principal Chief. Resolution repassed Senate by unanimous vote on November 6, 1901. Passed House over veto November 6, 1901.
Box 36
76An act making provision for twenty-five orphan children in addition to the fifty already in the Atoka Baptist Academy. Passed Senate November 6, 1901.
77A resolution dissenting from the statutory allowance of $50.00 per mile as compensation for right-of-way of the Gainesville, McAlester and St. Louis Railway Co. through the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations under the act of Congress. Approved March 1, 1893 (27 Stat. 524). Passed House and Senate November 5, 1901. Approved November 6, 1901.
78A letter from J. Blair Skoenbil, Indian Agent, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, stating he had sent a copy of the resolution refusing to accept the statutory allowance to $50.00 per mile for right-of-way of the Fort Smith and Western Railway Co. to commissioner of Indian Affairs. November 13, 1901.
79A certificate of the approval of the Principal Chief October 12, 1901, of Bill No. 19 entitled "An act for the protection of the people of the Indian Territory and for other purposes." November 11, 1901.
80An act requiring the national officers to render accounts of expenditures out of contingent funds allowed by law. Passed Senate on November 6, 1901.
81A resolution declining to accept the report of J.S. Forrest, collector of First District. Passed House and Senate November 6, 1901. Operative by Constitutional Limitation November 14, 1901.
82A letter from Edward M. Dowson, Chief Clerk to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, stating he had forwarded the resolution refusing $50.00 per mile for right-of-way of the Ft. Smith and Western Railway Co. to commissioner of Indian Affairs. November 16, 1901.
83A letter from E.A. Hitchcock, Secretary to U.S. Indian Inspector, acknowledging the receipt of the resolution of condolence in the matter of the death and assassination of the late President William McKinley and stating a copy had been sent to the family. November 26, 1901.
84Bill No. 18. An act for the relief of J.A. Williams. Passed Senate October 28, 1901. Passed House and approved October 29, 1901. Approved by T. Roosevelt December 3, 1901.
85Bill No. 20. An act authorizing the sale of Tushkalusa Academy property. Passed Senate October 29, 1901. Passed House and approved October 30, 1901. Approved by T. Roosevelt on December 3, 1901.
86Bill No. 21. An act granting to Frank Lewis a ferry on Poteau River. Passed Senate October 29, 1901. Passed House and approved October 30, 1901. Approved by T. Roosevelt December 2, 1901.
87Bill No. 27. An act governing District Collectors. Passed Senate and House November 2, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901. Approved by T. Roosevelt December 3, 1901.
88A letter from J. George Wright, Indian Inspector, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, in regard to the forwarding of the resolution of condolence in matter of death and assassination of the late Pres. William McKinley. December 5, 1901.
A letter from J. George Wright, Indian Inspector, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, in regard to the forwarding of the resolution of condolence in matter of death and assassination of the late Pres. William McKinley. December 5, 1901.
89Bill No. 14. A resolution asking for the relief of Mother M. Virginia. Passed Senate October 22, 1901. Passed House and approved October 23, 1901. Disapproved by T. Roosevelt December 12, 1901.
90Bill No. 33. An act for the relief of Mrs. J.F. McCurtain. Passed Senate November 1, 1901. Passed House November 2, 1901. Approved November 4, 1901. Disapproved by T. Roosevelt December 12, 1901.
91A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's approval on December 3, 1901 of an act entitled "An act authorizing the sale of Tushkalusa Academy property." December 14, 1901.
92A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's approval on December 3, 1901, of an act entitled "An act governing District Collectors." December 14, 1901.
93A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's approval of an act entitled "An act for the relief of J.A. Williams." December 14, 1901.
94A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's disapproval on December 12, 1901 of the act entitled "An act for the relief of Mrs. J.F. McCurtain." December 24, 1901.
95A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer advising the President's disapproval on December 12, 1901 of the act entitled "An act for the relief of Mother M. Virginia." December 24, 1901.
Box 37
1Bill No. 46. A proposed act granting a charter to the Raymond, Sans Bois Telephone Company. Passed House November 5, 1901. Approved November 6, 1901. Disapproved by the President of the United States January 22, 1902.
2A letter from Thos. Ryan to Soloman J. Homer, National Secretary of the Choctaw Nation stating that the resolution concerning the right of way of the Gainsville, McAlester, and St. Louis Railway Company had been referred to the commissioner of Indian Affairs.
3Bill No. 42. A proposed act to provide for the payment of expenses of the removal of intruders and their property from the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate November 5, 1901. Approved November 6, 1901. approved by President January 30, 1902.
4Bill No. 50. A proposed act authorizing the sale of Spencer Academy. Passed and approved November 6, 1901. Approved by the President of the united States February 5, 1902.
5Bill No. 8. A proposed act creating a commission to negotiate an agreement with the commission to the Five Civilized Tribes to close the citizenship rolls. Passed Senate October 12, 1901. Passed House and approved October 14, 1901. Approved by the President February 6, 1902.
6Bill No. 45. A proposed act amending an act entitled "An act creating a commission to accompany and assist the Dawes Commission in making a roll of the Choctaw Citizens." Passed and approved November 6, 1901. Disapproved by the President of the United States on February 6, 1902.
7Bill No. 41. A proposed act to pay J.W. Ownsby and A.P. Park for defending Jackson Billy, et al. Passed and approved November 4, 1901. Approved by the President on February 14, 1902.
8A letter from J. George Wright, United States Indian Inspector for Indian Territory, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, returning the act and stating the President's approval of the act creating a commission to negotiate an agreement with the commission to the Five Civilized to negotiate an agreement with the commission to the Five Civilized Tribes to close the citizenship rolls. February 17, 1902.
9A letter from J. George Wright to S.J. Homer returning and stating the President's approval of an act making appropriation to pay the American Book Co. for books furnished the Choctaw Nation. February 17, 1902.
10A letter from J. George Wright, United States Indian Inspector for Indian Territory, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary of the Choctaw Nation, returning the act and stating the President's approval of the act entitled "An act creating a commission to accompany and assist the Dawes commission in making a roll of the Choctaw Citizens." February 17, 1902.
11A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to S.J. Homer, National Secretary, returning an act and stating the President's approval of the act entitled "An act authorizing the sale of Spencer Academy." February 17, 1902.
12A letter from J.G. Wright to S.J. Homer returning the act and stating the President's disapproval of the act granting a charter to the Raymond, San Bois Telephone Co. February 3, 1902.
13A letter from J.G. Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector to S.J. Homer, National Secretary of the Choctaw Nation, returning an act and stating the President's approval of the act entitled "An act to pay J.W. Ownsby and A.B. Park for defending Jackson Dilly." February 27, 1902.
14Bill No. 1. A proposed act amending the law relating to the appointment of National Lighthorsemen. Passed and approved October 13, 1902. Disapproved by President Roosevelt January 8, 1903.
15An act amending the law relating to the appointment of National Lighthorsemen. Passed and approved October 13, 1902.
16Bill No. 5. A resolution for the chairman of the committees on petitions to appoint a clerk for the said commission. Passed House and Senate October 14, 1902. Became a law by limitation.
17Bill No. 2. A resolution that the chairman of the finance committee shall appoint a clerk for the said committee. Passed and approved October 14, 1902.
18Bill No. 5. A resolution creating a clerk for the committee on petitions for October session, 1902. Passed House and Senate October 14, 1902. Became a law by limitation.
19Same as previous Bill No. 5, except this bill was approved on October 14, 1902.
20Bill No. 3. A resolution declaring that C.S. Vincent is not entitled to the office of County judge of Atoka County. Passed and approved October 15, 1902.
21Bill No. 4. Resolution of adjournment. Passed and approved October 16, 1902.
22Bill No. 6. A resolution electing a superintendent of public instruction. Passed House October 15, 1902. Passed Senate October 16, 1902. Became a law by limitation.
23Articles of impeachment. Passed House October 17, 1902. Passed Senate and approved October 21, 1902.
24Bill No. 7. A proposed act authorizing the national auditor to duplicate a certain warrant. Passed House October 16, 1902. Passed Senate October 17, 1902. Became a law without approval of Chief.
25A proposed act changing the San Bois County court ground. Passed House and Senate October 18, 1902. Approved October 20, 1902.
26Bill No. 9. A resolution accepting the report of T.E. Sanguin, collection of third district. Passed Senate October 17, 1902. Passed House October 17, 1902. Approved October 21, 1902.
27Bill No. 10. A proposed act removing the Gains County court ground. Passed House and Senate October 18, 1902. Approved October 21, 1902.
28Bill No. 11. A resolution authorizing the chairman of the finance committee to appoint an assistant clerk. Passed Senate October 17, 1902. Passed House October 17, 1902 and approved October 21, 1902.
29Bill No. 12. A proposed act authorizing the finance committee to collect and destroy all cancelled warrants. Passed and approved October 21, 1902.
30Bill No. 13. A proposed act changing an election precinct in San Bois County. Passed House and Senate October 18, 1902. Approved October 21, 1902.
31Bill No. 14. A proposed act appropriating money to pay the expense of the special election on the supplementary agreement. Passed house and Senate October 18, 1902. Approved October 21, 1902.
32Bill No. 15. A resolution authorizing the appointment of a clerk for the Chief's message committee. Passed House October 14, 1902. Passed Senate October 20, 1902. Approved October 21, 1902.
33Bill No. 16. A proposed bill changing the election precinct in Gains County. Passed House and Senate October 17, 1902. Approved October 21, 1902.
34Bill No. 19. A proposed act changing the location of the court ground in Towson County. Passed House October 20, 1902. Passed Senate and approved October 21, 1902.
35Bill No. 17. A proposed act in relation to the Great Seal of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House October 22, 1902. Passed Senate and approved October 22, 1902.
36Bill No. 18. A proposed act changing an election precinct in Blue County. Passed House and Senate October 21, 1902. Approved October 22, 1902.
37Bill No. 20. A proposed act removing act removing an election precinct from Doaksville, Towson County. Passed and approved October 22, 1902.
38Bill No. 21. A resolution accepting the annual report of George W. Scott, National Treasurer, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1902. Passed and approved October 22, 1902.
39Bill. No. 21. A resolution refusing to accept the annual report of Peter J. Hudson, National Auditor, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1902. Passed and approved October 22, 1902.
40Bill No. 22. A proposed act authorizing final settlement with Henry Willis as superintendent and custodian of Tushkaloosa Academy. Passed and approved October 22, 1902.
41Bill No. 23. A proposed act for the care and protection of the capitol building. Passed House October 22, 1902. Passed Senate and approved October 23, 1902.
42Bill No. 24. A proposed act for the relief of Mother Virginia. Passed Senate October 21, 1902. Passed House October 22, 1902. Approved October 23, 1902.
43Bill No. 25. A proposed act amending an act to increase the contingent fund of the Principal Chief. Passed House and Senate October 22, 1902. Approved October 23, 1902.
44Bill No. 26. A proposed act for the relief of Mrs. J.F. McCurtain. Passed House and Senate October 22, 1902. Approved October 23, 1902.
45An act for the relief of certain Indian police of the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 23, 1902. Approved October 24, 1902.
46Bill No. 28. A proposed act for the relief of certain Indian police. Passed House and Senate October 23, 1902. Approved October 24, 1902.
47Bill No. 29. General appropriation bill. Passed House and Senate October 23, 1902. Approved October 24, 1902.
48Bill No. 30. A memorial asking for the removal of Benjamin F. Hackett as U.S. Marshal for the Central District of the Indian Territory. Passed House and Senate October 23, 1902. Approved October 24, 1902.
49Bill No. 1. A proposed act changing and removing an election precinct in Boktuklo County to Glover. Passed House December 10, 1902. Passed Senate and approved December 11, 1902.
50Bill No. 2. A proposed act granting to Cooper Surratt a ferry on South Canadian River. Passed House and Senate December 10, 1902. Approved December 11, 1902.
52Bill No. 4. A proposed act creating an allotting commission. Passed House December 10, 1902. Passed Senate December 11, 1902. Approved December 12, 1902.
53Bill No. 5. A resolution of adjournment. Passed and approved December 12, 1902.
54Bill No. 6. An act changing the location of the Skullyville County Court ground. Passed and approved December 12, 1902.
55Bill No. 7. A proposed act changing the court ground of Jackson County. Passed House and Senate December 12, 1902. Approved December 13, 1902.
56Bill No. 8. A resolution condemning the action of Thomas W. Hunter, as townsite commissioner, and requesting his removal from office. Passed Senate December 12, 1902. Passed House December 13, 1902.
57Bill No. 9. A proposed act authorizing the County judge of Skullyville County to sell the Skullyville County Court House. Passed and approved December 13, 1902.
58Bill No. 10. Memorial to the Secretary of the Interior to secure lands that have been segregated against intrusion. Passed Senate December 12, 1902. Passed house and approved December 13, 1902.
59Bill No. 11. Memorial to the Secretary of the Interior in reference to segregating of coal land. Passed and approved December 13, 1902.
Box 38
60Bill No. 12. A resolution for an appropriation for the relief of E.S. Bowman, Captain of the Light Horsemen. Passed and approved December 13, 1902. Approved by T. Roosevelt January 31, 1903.
61Bill No. 13. A resolution memorializing the commission for the Five Civilized Tribes to establish a branch of land office in the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved December 13, 1902.
62Bill No. 14. A proposed act for the relief of Wesley Anderson. Passed and approved December 13, 1902.
63Bill No. 15. A proposed act granting to Jonas Taylor a ferry on Little River. Passed and approved December 13, 1902.
64Be it resolved by the General Council of the Choctaw Nation that we most respectfully request the Hon. Secretary of the Interior to take charge of these lands when segregated and in cooperation with the Principal Chief lease them whenever possible and place the proceeds therefrom to the credit of the respective tribes, except that where lands are occupied by citizens for farming, they will not be required to remove therefrom until growing crops are gathered. Passed House December 12, 1902. Passed Senate and approved December 13, 1902.
65Roll No. 16. An act changing and removing an election precinct in San Bois County. Passed House and Senate December 13, 1902. Approved December 15, 1902.
66Bill No. 17. A resolution that the national auditor shall issue warrants due witnesses. Passed December 16, 1902. Approved December 17, 1902.
67Bill No. 18. A proposed act for the relief of the delegates who attended the international convention at Eufaula on November 28, 1902. Passed and approved December 17, 1902.
68A resolution memorializing the Secretary of the Interior to make a per capita payment of the townsite fund to the Choctaw citizens. Passed December 18, 1902.
69Bill No. 19. A proposed act granting to T.L. Griggs a ferry on Boggy. Passed and approved December 18, 1902
70A proposed act appropriating money to defray expenses of the special session council 1902. Passed and approved December 18, 1902.
71Bill No. 20. An act granting to Robert Morris a ferry on Poteau River. Passed House, Senate, and approved on December 18, 1902.
72Bill No. 21. A resolution denying the claim of S.W. Peel. Passed House, Senate, and approved December 18, 1902.
73Bill No. 22. A proposed act granting to Robert Morris a ferry on Poteau River. Passed and approved December 18, 1902.
74Bill No. 23. A proposed act changing and removing the election precinct in Kiamitia County. Passed Senate December 18, 1902. Passed House and approved December 18, 1902.
75Bill No. 24. A resolution accepting the report of George W. Scott, treasure, for the fiscal year ending October 1902. Passed Senate December 18, 1902. Passed House and approved December 19, 1902.
76Bill No. 25. A proposed act amending an act changing the County court ground in Jackson County. Passed House December 18, 1902. Passed Senate December 19, 1902. Approved December 19, 1902.
77Bill No. 26. The Principal Chief is authorized to communicate with said prisoners in the various United States prisons to the end that said prisoners may select suitable persons to represent them in the selection of their allotments and in drawing of the money due them. Passed House, Senate, and approved December 19, 1902.
78Bill No. 27. A resolution to appropriate $350.00 to build an iron fence around the grave of ex-chief Jack McCurtain. Passed Senate December 18, 1902. Passed House and approved December 19, 1902.
79Bill No. 28. A proposed act changing the County court ground in Kiamichia County. Passed and approved December 19, 1902.
80Bill No. 29. A proposed act to provide for the payment of general expenses necessary to protect the interests of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved December 19, 1902.
81Bill No. 30. An act authorizing the County judge to dispose of court house at Goodland. Passed and approved December 19, 1902.
82Bill No. 31. A proposed act for the relief of S.B. Spring. Passed December 19, 1902.
83Bill No. 32. A resolution to have the townsite money paid out per capita to the Choctaw people.
84Bill No. 33. A proposed act taxing non-citizens residing in Choctaw Nation and holding more livestock than the law allows them. Passed December 20, 1902.
Box 39
1A letter from acting U.S. Inspector to E.H. Wilson informing him that the act relative to leasing the unleased coal and asphalt lands in the Choctaw Nation was disapproved by the President on January 6, 1903. Dated January 15, 1903.
2An act granting to Cooper Surratt a ferry on South Canadian River. Passed House and Senate December 10, 1902. Approved by T. Roosevelt on January 23, 1903.
3An act granting to Jonas Taylor a ferry on Little River. Passed and approved December 13, 1902. Approved by T. Roosevelt January 23, 1903.
4A letter from U.S. Indian Inspector to National Secretary informing him that it is not necessary to submit the resolution entitled "A resolution memorializing the Honorable Commission to establish branch land office in the Choctaw Nation" to the President. Dated January 24, 1903.
5A letter from U.S. Indian Inspector to National Secretary informing him that it is not necessary to submit the resolution entitled "A resolution endorsing the action of the convention of the Five Civilized Tribes held at Eufaula, Indian Territory" to the President for approval. Dated January 24, 1903.
6An act for the relief of Wesley Anderson. Passed and approved December 13, 1902. Approved by T. Roosevelt on January 26, 1903.
7A letter from Acting Indian Inspector to National Secretary informing him that the act entitled "A resolution condemning the action of Thomas W. Hunter and requesting his removal from office" was not necessary to submit for approval from the President. Dated January 27, 1903.
8A letter from Acting Indian Inspector to National Secretary informing him that it was not necessary to submit the resolution denying the claim of S.W. Peel for services claimed to the President for approval. Dated February 10, 1903.
9A letter from Acting Indian Inspector to National Secretary stating that it was not necessary to obtain the President's approval on the act entitled "A resolution memorializing the Honorable Secretary of the Interior to make a per capita payment of townsite funds to Choctaw citizens." Dated February 27, 1903.
10A letter from Acting Indian Inspector to National Secretary informing him of the disapproval of the President on an act entitled "An act taxing non-citizens holding more live stock than allotted by law" on February 21, 1903. Dated March 4, 1903.
11A letter from the Acting U.S. Indian Inspector to the National Inspector informing him that the act creating an allotting commission was disapproved by the President on February 28, 1903. Dated March 10, 1903.
12A resolution appointing a clerk for the Finance Committee to keep a full record of its work. Passed and approved October 6, 1903.
13A resolution appointing a clerk for the Committee on Chief's Message. Passed and approved October 6, 1903.
14A resolution appointing a clerk of the Commission on Petitions. Passed and approved October 6, 1903.
15An act for the relief of Doctor J.R. Jones and wife. Passed Senate October 13, 1903. Passed House and approved October 14, 1903.
16An act authorizing George Dillard to establish a ferry on Kiamichi River. Passed House and Senate October 13, 1903. Approved October 14, 1903.
17An act granting to Jackson James a ferry on Gaines Creek. Passed House and Senate October 13, 1903. Approved October 14, 1903.
18A resolution of adjournment. Passed House and Senate October 14, 1903. Approved October 15, 1903.
19A resolution accepting the report of I.S. Lowrey, District Collector for the First District. Passed and approved October 15, 1903.
20A memorial to the Honorable Secretary of the Interior. Passed House and Senate October 20, 1903. Approved October 22, 1903.
Box 40
1A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, stating that no executive action was deemed necessary on the "Resolution denying further compensation to S.W. Peel for legal services rendered." January 5, 1904.
2Bill No. 10. An act abolishing the office of Choctaw Citizenship Commission and the office of Custodian of Records and ex-officers clerk of said commission and repealing law creating same. Passed House and Senate October 20, 1903. Approved October 22, 1903. Approved by T. Roosevelt January 5, 1904.
3Bill No. 35. Resolution directing the disposition of the land adjacent to Ft. Smith, Arkansas and the land for the court houses and for other purposes. Passed Senate November 2, 1903. Passed House and approved November 4, 1903. Approved by T. Roosevelt January 12, 1904.
4Bill No. 37. A resolution asking the enrollment of delinquent Choctaws. Passed and approved November 5, 1903. Disapproved by T. Roosevelt January 13, 1904.
5A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to Green McCurtain, Principal Chief, concerning some legislature for relief of distressed Choctaws. January 14, 1904.
6A letter from J. George Wright to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, stating that a copy of his letter had been sent to the Principal Chief with respect to the relief of distressed Choctaws. January 14, 1904.
7Bill No. 44. An act providing for the defense of the Nation in Mississippi Choctaw cases pending before the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes and the Department of the Interior. Passed and approved November 5, 1903. Approved by T. Roosevelt February 8, 1904.
8Bill No. 22. An act to prescribe privilege or permit taxes and defining the manner of their collection. Passed and approved October 23, 1903. Approved March 12, 1904.
9A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, in regard to the allotment of Pine Lands. May 9, 1904.
10Bill No. 1. A resolution authorizing the Chairman of Chief Message to appoint a clerk and define his duties. Passed House and Senate October 6, 1904.
11Bill No. 2. A resolution authorizing the Chairman of Committee of Finance to appoint a clerk. Passed house and Senate October 6, 1904. Filed in office of National Secretary October 13, 1904.
12Bill No. 3. A resolution authorizing the Chairman of Committee of Petitions to appoint a clerk. Passed House and Senate October 6, 1904.
13Bill No. 4. A resolution accepting report of I.S. Lowery, collector of first district. Passed Senate October 15, 1904. Passed House and approved October 14, 1904.
14A recommendation from Green McCurtain, Principal Chief, to the President of Senate recommending the appointment of I.S. Lowery, collector of first district. Confirmed by Senate October 14, 1904.
15Bill No. 6. A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief, to appoint committee to attend the funeral of Captain J.S. Standley. Passed and approved October 20, 1904.
16Bill No. 5. A resolution to defray the expenses of the committee appointed to attend the funeral of Captain J.S. Standley. Passed and approved October 25, 1904.
17A recommendation from Green McCurtain to President of Senate recommending the appointment of Henry Sanguin as collector of third district. Confirmed by Senate October 18, 1904.
18Bill No. 8. A resolution accepting the report of Henry L. Sanguin, District Collector for third district, beginning July 1, 1903, and ending June 30, 1904. Approved October 27, 1904.
19Bill No. 9. A resolution to adjourn Thursday at 10 o'clock A.M. November 3, 1904. Passed and approved October 27, 1904.
20Bill No. 10. A resolution endorsing the administration of Hon. George K. Pritchard as U.S. Marshal for the Central District, Indian Territory. Passed House and Senate October 26, 1904. Approved October 27, 1904.
21Bill No. 12. An act validating certain warrants. Passed and approved with amendment October 27, 1904.
22Bill No. 14. A memorial requesting continuance of present Choctaw Townsite Commission until its work is completed. Passed Senate October 27, 1904. Passed house and approved October 28, 1904.
23Bill No. 15. A resolution accepting the report of George W. Scott, National Treasurer. Passed House and Senate October 31, 1904. Approved November 1, 1904.
24Bill No. 16. A resolution accepting the report of George W. Scott, National Secretary, relative to his contingent fund.
25A recommendation from Green McCurtain to appoint Calvin Clay as Collector of second district. Confirmed by Senate November 1, 1904.
26An act to authorize, empower, and direct the Governor of the Chickasaw Nation to appoint and commission two competent and well fitted citizens as commissioners on the part of the Chickasaw Nation to negotiate with the Choctaw People relative to the different reservations of lands specified in existing treaties. Passed House and Senate October 26, 1904.
27Bill No. 19. An act amending the low relative to County and probate courts and reducing the amount of funds held by County treasurers from $500.00 to $50.00. Passed Senate October 31, 1904. Passed House and approved November 1, 1904.
28Bill No. 20. An act for the relief of Mrs. Annie T. Arnote. Passed and approved November 1, 1904.
29Bill No. 21. A resolution accepting the report of Peter J. Hudson as National Auditor. Passed Senate, House, and approved November 1, 1904.
30Bill No. 22. An appeal to T. Roosevelt for the protection of the rights of the Five Civilized Tribes as given them by former treaties. Passed and approved November 1, 1904.
31Bill No. 23. An act abolishing the office of Board of Health. Passed and approved November 1, 1904.
32A resolution thanking Honorable Green McCurtain, Principal Chief. Approved November 1, 1904.
33Bill No. 24. A resolution for the protection of game and fish in Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved November 2, 1904.
34Bill No. 25. A resolution accepting the report of G.W. Dukes, Green McCurtain and George W. Scott. Passed Senate November 1, 1904. Passed House and approved November 2, 1904.
35Bill No. 26. A resolution authorizing the auditor to issue warrant for the sum of $50.00 payable to Silverman and Zimmerman. Passed and approved November 2, 1904.
36Bill No. 27. An act making appropriation for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1904, and ending September 20, 1905. Passed and approved November 2, 1904.
37Bill No. 29. A memorial to the Secretary of Interior to instruct the appraisers to estimate the number of acres of cleared land owned by citizens on lands segregated for coal purposes and to allow said citizens reasonable compensation. Passed and approved November 2, 1904.
38Bill No. 30. A memorial to Theodore Roosevelt to right the evils of recent legislation of Congress. Passed and approved November 2, 1904.
39An act submitting W.H. Ansley, Esquire, as Choctaw Delegate to Washington D.C. Approved November 2, 1904.
Box 41
1Bill No. 1. An act to ratify an agreement by and between the adjusting commission on the part of the Choctaw Nation and a like commission on the part of the Chickasaw Nation. Passed Senate June 27, 1905. Passed House and approved on June 30, 1905.
2Bill No. 2. An act for the relief of G.W. Scott. Passed Senate June 30, 1905. Passed House and approved June 30, 1905.
3Bill No. 4. A resolution authorizing the national auditor to issue a duplicate Warrant No. 54 in place of the original, lost or misplaced. Passed Senate June 30, 1905. Passed House July 1, 1905. Approved July 3, 1905.
4Bill No. 5. An act favorable to vesting authority in the Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation to make final disposition of all tribal affairs after the expiration of the tribal government. Passed Senate June 31, 1905. Passed House and approved July 3, 1905.
5An act appropriating money to defray the expenses of extra session. Passed and approved July 4, 1905.
6Bill No. 7. An act declaring certain script illegal and fixing penalty for further violation of the law in this respect. Passed Senate July 3, 1905. Passed and approved July 4, 1905.
7Bill No. 9. A resolution to adjourn Tuesday, July 4, 1905, at ten o'clock A.M. Passed Senate and House July 3, 1905. Approved July 4, 1905.
8Bill No. 3. An act for the relief of Matilda Harrell and others. Passed and approved June 30, 1905. Approved by T. Roosevelt September 23, 1905.
9Bill No. 3. An act for the relief of Matilda Harrell and others. Passed and approved June 30, 1905. Approved by T. Roosevelt September 23, 1905.
10Bill No. 1. A resolution that the chairman of the finance committee shall appoint a clerk for said committee. Passed and approved October 4, 1905.
11Bill No. 2. A resolution authorizing the chairman of the committee of chief message shall appoint a clerk and define his duties. Passed and approved October 4, 1905.
12Bill No. 3. A resolution authorizing the chairman of the committee on petitions to appoint a clerk. Passed and approved October 4, 1905.
13Bill No. 4. A resolution authorizing or requiring the officers of certain counties to submit their records for the inspector of the judiciary committee. Passed and approved October 4, 1905.
14Bill No. 5. A resolution of adjournment in respect to the memory of Chief Justice, Joseph Garland, deceased. Passed and approved October 4, 1905.
15Bill No. 7. A resolution appointing a committee to attend separate statehood meeting at South McAlester on October 13, 1905. Passed Senate October 10, 1905. Passed House October 11, 1905. Approved October 12, 1905.
16Bill No. 6. A resolution repealing the impeachment of Solomon J. Homer. Passed House October 10, 1905. Passed Senate October 11, 1905. Approved October 24, 1905.
17Bill No. 8. A resolution endorsing Hon. James E. Gresham for U.S. District Attorney for the central district of the Indian Territory and requesting his appointment. Passed House and Senate October 11, 1905. Approved October 24, 1905.
18Bill No. 9. A resolution endorsing the action of the Principal Chief relative to the constitutional convention. Passed Senate October 10, 1905. Passed House October 11, 1905. Approved October 24, 1905.
19Bill No. 10. A resolution accepting report of I.S. Lowrey, collector for the first district for quarters ended June 30, 1905. Passed Senate October 11, 1905. Passed House October 12, 1905. Approved October 24, 1905.
20Bill No. 11. A resolution accepting the report of H.L. Sanquin, collector for the third district of the Choctaw Nation for the quarters ended June 30, 1905. Passed Senate October 11, 1905. Passed House October 12, 1905. Approved October 24, 1905.
21Bill No. 13. An act to defray the expenses of the committee appointed to attend the funeral of Judge Garland. Passed Senate October 17, 1905. Passed House October 18, 1905. Approved October 24, 1905.
22Bill No. 14. An act empowering the district judges to select and empanel jurors. Passed and approved October 24, 1905.
23Bill No. 15. A resolution that council take a recess until November 14, 1905 and that this shall take effect from Saturday ten o'clock A.M., October 28, 1905. Passed and approved October 24, 1905.
24Bill No. 12. An act to defray the expenses of the committee appointed to attend the separate statehood meeting at McAlester, October 13, 1905. Passed Senate October 17, 1905. Passed House October 18, 1905. Approved October 24, 1905.
25Bill No. 16. A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to take legal steps to receive the value of timber unlawfully cut from public domain of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 25, 1905. Passed House and approved October 26, 1905.
26Bill No. 17. A resolution empowering the Principal Chief to take proper action relative to the reestablishment of the boundary line between Choctaw Nation and state of Texas. Passed Senate October 25, 1905. Passed House and approved October 26, 1905.
27Bill No. 28. An act appropriating the sum necessary to defray the expenses of General Council. Passed and approved October 26, 1905.
28Bill No. 18. An act for the relief of T.D. Hibben. Passed and approved October 27, 1905.
29Bill No. 19. A resolution accepting the report of George W. Scott, national treasurer, relative to his contingent fund for the fiscal year ending October 1, 1905. Passed Senate and House October 27, 1905. Approved October 30, 1905.
30Bill No. 20. A resolution accepting the report of McCurtain and Hill, probate attorneys for the Choctaw Nation. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1905. Approved October 30, 1905.
31Bill No. 21. A memorial respectfully requesting the Department of the Interior to order the payment of funds belonging to certain allottees. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1905. Approved October 30, 1905.
32Bill No. 22. An act for the relief of Clydas Harvey. Passed Senate and House October 27, 1905. Approved October 30, 1905.
33Bill No. 24. An act for the relief of Richard Crowder and others. Passed and approved November 16, 1905.
34Bill No. 25. An act appropriating $16,003.97 to be paid to the Chickasaws as agreed upon. Passed and approved November 16, 1905.
35Bill No. 26. A resolution accepting the report of S.J. Herndon, collector for second district. Passed and approved November 16, 1905.
36Bill No. 27. A resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to take definite action to insure the delivery of the patents to the allottees under the treaties. Passed and approved November 21, 1905.
37Bill No. 29. An act in relation to securing compensation from the government of the U.S. for the leased district lands. Passed Senate November 21, 1905. Passed House and approved November 22, 1905.
38Bill No. 30. A resolution requesting congress to enroll Choctaw infants and delinquent Choctaws. Passed and approved November 22, 1905.
39Bill No. 31. A memorial to the Congress of the U.S. in regard to the Goodland Presbyterian Missionary. Passed Senate and House November 23, 1905. Approved November 24, 1905.
41Bill No. 33. A resolution asking that the land office at Atoka and Ardmore when consolidated be located at Coalgate Indian Territory. Passed Senate November 22, 1905. Passed the House November 23, 1905. Approved November 24, 1905.
42Bill No. 34. A memorial to the Congress of the U.S. relating to legislation in behalf of the tribal schools. Passed Senate November 22, 1905. Passed house November 23, 1905. Approved November 24, 1905.
43Bill No. 35. A resolution recommending that the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations be permitted to sell to Jack Gordon and his associates one hundred thousand acres of land for a game reserve. Passed House and Senate November 24, 1905. Approved November 25, 1905.
44Bill No. 39. A resolution endorsing Hon. George Pritchard, U.S. Marshal for the central district of Indian Territory. Passed House and Senate November 23, 1905. Approved November 25, 1905.
45Bill No. 40. A resolution endorsing Judge Thomas C. Humphrey. Passed House and Senate November 23, 1905. Approved November 25, 1905.
46Bill No. 46. A resolution responding to a special message from the Principal Chief concerning the sale of coal and asphalt lands of the Nations. Passed Senate November 23, 1905. Passed House November 24, 1905. Approved November 25, 1905.
47Bill No. 45. An act creating a Board of Commissioners with the authority to represent the Choctaw people in all matters affecting their interests as a tribe after the expiration of the tribal government. Passed House and Senate November 23, 1905. Approved November 26, 1905.
48Bill No. 41. A resolution responding to a special message of the Principal Chief concerning the sale of the coal and asphalt lands and deposits of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations. Passed Senate November 23, 1905. Passed House November 24, 1905. Approved November 25, 1905.
49Bill No. 50. A resolution repealing the resolution of adjournment designating December 1, 1905. Passed and approved November 25, 1905.
50Bill No. 37. An act appropriating $40.00 to Mrs. J.F. McCurtain for cleaning up the capitol building. Passed and approved November 25, 1905.
51Bill No. 23. A resolution accepting the report of G.W. Scott, National Treasurer for the fiscal year ending October 1, 1905. Passed Senate and House November 25, 1905.
52Bill No. 38. A resolution accepting the report of J. Hudson, National Auditor. Passed Senate and House November 23, 1905. Approved November 27, 1905.
53Bill No. 44. A resolution taking recess of council until January 29, 1906. Passed and approved November 27, 1905.
Box 42
54Bill No. 43. A memorial to the Secretary of the Interior relative to the payment of allotments due Choctaws and Chickasaws. Passed and approved November 28, 1905.
55Bill No. 42. A memorial asking Congress to enact a game law effective in Indian Territory. Passed Senate November 29, 1905. Approved November 28, 1905.
56Bill No. 48. An act repealing an act entitled "An act for the relief of Mrs. J.F. McCurtain for cleaning the capitol." Passed and approved November 29, 1905.
57Bill No. 46. An act for the relief of Daisy Fisher Muldrow and others. Passed Senate November 28, 1905. Passed House and approved November 29, 1905.
58Bill No. 47. An act creating an auditing board and for other purposes. Passed and approved November 30, 1905.
59Bill No. 49. An act repealing an act entitled "An act to defray the expenses of the committee appointed to attend the funeral of Chief Justice Garland. Passed and approved November 29, 1905.
60Bill No. 36. An act making an appropriation to defray the regular and necessary expenses for the first half of the fiscal year ending March 4, 1906. Passed and approved November 30, 1905.
61Bill No. 45. An act creating a board of commissioners with authority to represent the Choctaw people in matters affecting their interests as a tribe after the expiration of the tribal government. Passed Senate November 23, 1905. Passed House and approved November 25, 1905. Disapproved by T. Roosevelt December 13, 1905.
62Bill No. 29. An act in relation to securing compensation from the government of the United States for leased district lands. Passed Senate November 21, 1905. Passed House and approved November 22, 1905. Disapproved by T. Roosevelt December 20, 1905.
63A letter from J. George Wright to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, advising that executive action on the resolution concerning sale of coal asphalt lands and etc. December 21, 1905.
64A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, advising a resolution commending Hon. Thomas Humphrey, U.S. judge for his judicial actions was forwarded for information of the department. December 22, 1905.
65A letter from J. George Wright to E.H. Wilson referring to the act of the National Council of the Choctaw Nation approved by the Principal Chief November 25, 1905, creating a number of commissioners to represent the Choctaw people in matters effecting their interests. Disapproved December 13, 1905, by T. Roosevelt. December 22, 1905.
66A letter from J. George Wright To E.H. Wilson advising that a copy of the resolution relative to constitutional convention, has been forwarded to chairman of the committee on territories. December 26, 1905.
67A letter from Wright to Wilson advising that executive action on the resolution concerning delivery of patents was not required. December 26, 1905.
68A letter from J.G. Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, concerning the approval of an act endorsing Hon. George K. Pritchard. December 26, 1905.
69A letter from Wright to Wilson advising that executive action on the resolution regarding the consolidation of land was not necessary. December 26, 1905.
70A letter from Wright to Wilson advising that further legislation in regard to game laws was not deemed advisable. December 26, 1905.
71A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, concerning the memorial requesting the department to order payment of funds belonging to certain allottees. December 26, 1905.
72A letter from Wright to Wilson, advising that executive action was not required on the resolution "requesting Congress to enroll Choctaw Indians and delinquent Chickasaws." December 30, 1905.
73A letter from Wright to Wilson advising that executive action is not required on the resolution concerning the boundary line between Choctaw Nation and the state of Texas. December 30, 1905.
74A letter to the Senate from Green McCurtain regarding the patent controversy. No date.
Box 43
1A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, advising that executive action on the memorial asking that per capita payment be made after tribal property is disposed of is not required. January 2, 1906.
2A letter from Wright to Wilson advising executive action on the Bill No. 34, asking that legislation be enacted continuing tribal schools until the end of the scholastic term in May 1906, is not required. January 11, 1906.
3Bill No. 24. An act for the relief of Richard Crowder and others. Passed and approved November 16, 1905. Approved by T. Roosevelt January 18, 1906. Also a letter from Wright to Wilson on same bill.
4Bill No. 46. An act for the relief of Daisy Fisher Muldrow and others. Passed Senate November 28, 1905. Passed House and approved November 29, 1905. Approved by T. Roosevelt January 18, 1906.
5A letter from J. George Wright, U.S. Indian Inspector, to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, advising the President's approval of Bill No. 46. January 26, 1906.
6Bill No. 60. A resolution condemning the act of the Secretary of the Interior in payment of townsite money to Mississippi Choctaws and authorizing the Principal Chief to take steps to cover the same. Passed House and Senate February 1, 1906. Approved February 2, 1906.
7Bill No. 52. A resolution authorizing the chairman of finance committee to destroy cancelled warrants. Passed Senate February 2, 1906. Passed House and approved February 3, 1906.
8Bill No. 16. Resolution authorizing the Principal Chief to take legal steps to recover the value of timber unlawfully cut from the public domain of the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate October 25, 1905. Disapproved by T. Roosevelt February 9, 1906.
9Bill No. 54. A resolution asking the early disposition of the coal and asphalt land. Passed House and Senate February 7, 1906. Approved February 9, 1906.
10Bill No. 55. A memorial to the Congress of the U.S. urging them to remove the restrictions upon surplus lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaws. Passed Senate February 3, 1906. Passed House February 5, 1906. Approved February 9, 1906.
11Bill No. 56. A resolution to take a recess until Wednesday morning February 14, 1906. Passed House and Senate February 7, 1906. Approved February 9, 1906.
12Bill No. 57. A request to the chairman of the committee on Indian affairs requesting the committee to recommend a change in the proposed "Curtis Bill." Passed and approved February 15, 1906.
13An act conferring citizenship on certain persons. Referred to House January 31, 1906, referred to committee on finance February 1, 1906, tabled by committee on February 15, 1906.
14Bill No. 59. A petition to the President of the U.S. for the pardon of Austin Moore. Passed and approved February 16, 1906.
15Bill No. 60. A resolution condemning the action of the Interior Department relating to the office of National Treasurer. Passed and approved February 16, 1906.
16Bill No. 61. A memorial to Congress relating to the Goodland Indian Industrial School. Passed and approved February 16, 1906.
17Bill No. 62. An act for the relief of E.H. Wilson, and others, to defray their expenses to Washington D.C. Passed and approved February 16, 1906.
18Bill No. 61, a memorial to Congress regarding a land appropriation for the Goodland Indian Industrial School, 1906.
19Bill No. 25. An act appropriating $16,003.97 to be paid to the Chickasaws as agreed upon. Passed and approved February 16, 1905. Approved by T. Roosevelt February 19, 1906.
20A letter from Wright to Wilson advising the President's disapproval of the act to take legal steps to recover the value of timber illegally cut from the public domain of the Choctaw Nation. Dated February 20, 1906. Also a copy of Indian office letter of February 3, 1906, enclosed February 20, 1906.
21Bill No. 63. An act making appropriation to pay expenses of council from December 2, 1905 to February 28, 1906. Passed House and Senate February 23, 1906.
22Bill No. 64. A resolution to adjourn February 28, 1906. Passed House and Senate February 23, 1906.
23Bill No. 67. A resolution accepting the report of I.S. Lowrey for the first district of Choctaw Nation, for the quarters ending September 30 and December 31, 1905. Passed and approved February 27, 1906.
24Bill No. 68. A petition to the President requesting an investigation of the facts in connection with the trial of parties mentioned. Passed and approved February 27, 1906.
25Bill No. 72. An act repealing the general appropriation Bill No. 63. Passed House and Senate February 28, 1906. Approved March 1, 1906.
26Bill No. 69. An act amending Bill No. 45, approved by Principal Chief November 30, 1905. Passed and approved March 1, 1906.
27Bill No. 70. An act making appropriation to defray the expenses of General Council and others. Passed Senate and House February 28, 1906. Also a statement of disapproval of part of appropriation in above act by Principal Chief. Veto sustained. Passed House, Senate, and approved March 1, 1906.
28Bill No. 73. A resolution accepting the report of Henry L. Sanguin, collector for third district. Passed and approved March 2, 1906.
29Bill No. 74. A resolution accepting the report of George W. Scott, National Treasurer, relative to his contingent fund for the period beginning October 1, 1905, and ending February 28, 1906. Passed and approved March 2, 1906.
30Bill No. 75. A resolution accepting the report of George W. Scott, National Treasurer of Choctaw Nation, for period ending March 3, 1906. Passed and approved March 3, 1906.
31Bill No. 76. A resolution accepting the report of S. Herndon, district collector for second district. Passed and approved March 3, 1906.
32Bill No. 77. A resolution accepting the report of Peter J. Hudson, national auditor. Passed and approved March 3, 1906.
33Bill No. 22. An act for the relief of Clydas Harvey. Passed House and Senate October 27, 1905. Approved October 30, 1905. Approved by T. Roosevelt March 24, 1906.
34Bill No. 2. An act for the relief of Harrison Nohio. Passed and approved October 3, 1906.
36Bill No. 4. An act making appropriation to defray the regular and necessary expenses of government for fiscal year ending September 30, 1907. Passed and approved October 3, 1906.
37Bill No. 5. A resolution to adjourn October 3, 1906. Passed and approved October 3, 1906.
38Bill No. 1. An act authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint a committee to confer with the Senate Committee. Passed and approved October 3, 1906. Approved by T. Roosevelt October 29, 1906.
39An affidavit of citizenship and rights of prorate of leased district payment made in 1893 of the parties mentioned. Sworn before Notary Public November 25, 1906.
Box 44
1A resolution of the Choctaw Council endorsing Hon. W.H. Clayton for appointment as U.S. Judge for the eastern district of the state of Oklahoma. Passed and approved February 21, 1907.
2Bill No. 2. Be it enacted by the General Council of the Choctaw Nation that an appropriation shall be provided to take care of the regular and necessary expenses of the Choctaw government commencing October 1, 1906, and ending September 30, 1907. Passed and approved February 21, 1907.
3Proposed a memorial to the Congress of the U.S. Passed and approved February 21, 1907.
4An act for the relief of Robb Harrison, clerk of Atoka County. Passed House and Senate February 21, 1907.
5An act for the relief of H.P. Ward, County Judge. Passed and approved February 21, 1907.
6Bill No. 1. An appropriation shall be made to provide for funds necessary to defray the regular and other expenses of the Choctaw government commencing October 1, 1906, and ending September 30, 1907, for the Five Civilized Tribes. Passed and approved February 21, 1907.
7A resolution accepting the report of the National Treasurer, George W. Scott as true and correct. Passed and approved February 21, 1907.
8An act making an appropriation for the district and County officers of the Choctaw Nation. Passed and approved February 21, 1907. Also a letter enclosed dealing with same.
9An act making an appropriation for the regular and necessary expenses of the Choctaw Government. Passed and approved February 21, 1907.
10An act for the relief of H.P. Ward, County Judge of Atoka. Passed and approved February 21, 1907.
11An act for the relief of Robert Harrison, County Clerk, Atoka County. Passed and approved February 21, 1907.
12A resolution accepting the report of the National Treasurer. Passed and approved February 21, 1907. Disapproved by T. Roosevelt May 10, 1907.
13A letter to E.H. Wilson enclosing an act appropriation of $25.00 in favor of Robert Harrison. Dated May 7, 1907. Approved April 29, 1907.
14A letter to E.H. Wilson enclosing an act of the National Council of Choctaw Nation making an appropriation for $62.50 for the relief of H.P. Ward. Dated May 7, 1907. Approved April 29, 1907.
15A letter to E.H. Wilson, national secretary of Choctaw Nation, enclosing an act of the National Council to appropriate $20,272.60 for the necessary expenses of tribal government for the year ending September 30, 1907. Dated May 7, 1907.
16A letter to E.H. Wilson referring to the memorial of the National Council of Choctaw Nation in reference to the action of the Secretary of the Interior segregating certain land for a timber reserve. Dated May 7, 1907.
17Bill No. 11. An act to ratify and confirm the employment of McCurtain and Hill as counsel in guardianship and administration by the Principal Chief. Passed and approved October 27, 1907. Authorized by Theodore Roosevelt August 1, 1907.
18A letter to E.H. Wilson enclosing Bill No. 11 passed by the Choctaw National Council October 27, 1907, and was approved by the President August 1, 1907.
19An act protesting against the proposed timber reservation. Passed and approved October 15, 1907.
20A resolution to raise the sum of $5,000.00 to provide for the affairs of the Five Civilized Tribes and for other purposes. Passed and approved October 15, 1907.
21A resolution of adjournment. Passed and approved October 15, 1907.
22A resolution asking that information be furnished the tribes respecting the collection of coal and asphalt royalties and the disbursement of the same for school purposes. Passed and approved October 15, 1907.
23An act for the relief of M.V. Everidge. Passed and approved October 15, 1907.
24A memorial to the President, the Secretary of the Interior and the Congress of the U.S. Passed and approved October 15, 1907.
25Bill No. 7. An act authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint a special delegate to Washington D.C. to assist and act in conjunction with the regular delegate in representing the interests of the Choctaw tribe of Indians before the Department of the Interior and the Committees on Congress. Passed and approved October 15, 1907.
26Bill No. 7. An act authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint a special delegate to Washington D.C. to assist and act in conjunction with the regular delegate in representing the interests of the Choctaw tribe of Indians before the Department of the Interior and the Committees on Congress. Passed and approved October 15, 1907.
27Bill No. 8. An act for the relief of Dan Folsom. Passed and approved October 16, 1907.
28Bill No. 9. A general appropriation bill to defray the expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1908. Approved October 16, 1907.
29Bill No. 9. A general appropriation bill to defray the expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1908. Approved October 16, 1907.
30Bill No. 2. An act providing for the compensation and expenses of McCurtain and Hill, as General Council, for the Choctaw Nation employed under section 28 of the act of congress, approved April 26, 1906. Passed House and Senate October 15, 1907. Approved October 16, 1907.
31Bill No. 8. An act for the relief of Dan Folsom.
32Bill No. 5. An act for the relief of M.V. Everidge. Passed and approved November 15, 1907.
33A letter to E.H. Wilson referring to the act approved by the Principal Chief October 16, 1907, making an appropriation to defray expenses of tribal government for the year commencing October 1, 1907. This act was approved by the President, November 21, 1907. December 9, 1907.
34A letter to E.H. Wilson referring to the resolution approved by the Principal Chief October 15, 1907, requesting information as to the amount of coal and asphalt royalties collected and the disbursement of the same for school purposes. Dated December 9, 1907.
35A letter to E.H. Wilson stating that the act providing for compensation and expenses of McCurtain and Hill was approved by the President on November 23, 1907. Dated December 9, 1907.
36A letter to E.H. Wilson authorizing the Principal Chief to appoint a special delegation to Washington which was approved by the President December 6, 1907. Dated December 21, 1907.
Box 45
1A letter from Thomas Ryan, acting commissioner to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, advising the President's approval on January 19, 1910 of the act amending the act providing for the officers of regular and special delegates. Dated February 1, 1910.
2Bill No. 1. Report of finance committee recommending the adoption of a resolution in relation to certain warrants. Passed and approved October 8, 1910.
3Bill No. 2. A memorial of the Choctaw Council requesting the government of the U.S. to purchase the undivided property of Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes. Passed and approved October 8, 1909.
4Bill No. 3. A report of finance committee recommending the adoption of a resolution in relation to certain warrants. Passed and approved October 8, 1909.
5Bill No. 9. A memorial of the Choctaw Council protesting against the use of tribal funds in the administration of Indian affairs by the government. Passed and approved October 11, 1909.
6Bill No. 4. A resolution protesting against recognition of J.F. McMurray. Passed House October 11, 1909. Passed Senate and approved October 12, 1909.
7Bill No. 10. An act making appropriation to defray regular and necessary expenses for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1910. Passed Senate October 11, 1909. Passed House and Senate with amendment October 12, 1909. Approved October 12, 1909.
8Bill No. 7. An act making an appropriation to repair the capitol building at Tushkahoma. Passed House and Senate October 11, 1909. Approved October 12, 1909.
9A letter from Ryan, acting commissioner, to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, advising the President's approval on November 23, 1909, of an appropriation made for salaries of trained tribal officers. Dated December 2, 1909.
10A letter from Thomas Ryan, acting commissioner to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, advising the President's approval on December 6, 1909 of the act for the relief of Mrs. J.F. McCurtain. Dated December 14, 1909.
11A letter from Thomas Ryan, acting commissioner, to E.H. Wilson, National Secretary, advising the President's approval on December 2, 1909 of the appropriation of $1,500,000.00 to be used by Principal Chief for certain purposes. Dated December 14, 1909.
12A letter from Thomas Ryan advising executive action was not necessary on the act disallowing claims mentioned therein. Dated January 25, 1910.
13Senate rules approved by Senate October 3, 1910.
14An act providing for the general appropriation. Passed and approved October 6, 1910.
15A resolution of the Choctaw Council requesting the Congress of the U.S. to authorize the payment to proper authorities of the Old Goodland Indian Industrial School the sum of $6,000.00 to be used in the erection of a building from the coal and asphalt royalty fund belonging to the Choctaws. Passed House October 6, 1910.
16A resolution of the Choctaw Council protesting against the act of Congress approved April 26, 1906, conferring upon the Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen a preference right to purchase additional lands at the allotment appraisement values. Passed and approved October 6, 1910.
17A memorial of the Choctaw people asking for the sale of the Unallotted lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaws in accordance with the supplementary agreement and petitioning the Congress of the U.S. to provide for the distribution of the funds arising therefrom immediately upon sale thereof. Passed Senate October 15, 1910. Passed House and approved October 6, 1910.
Box 46
1Letter of James Thompson to Allen Wright, August 18, 1868; regarding disputed election involving Edmond McCurtain as judge of San Bois County.
2Cherokee Advocate June 27, 1874; editorial on Senate Bill regarding granting of citizenship to freemen and their participation in per capita payments.
3Star-Vindicator January 27, 1877; general article regarding growth of McAlester and economic conditions of the Choctaw area.
4Star-Vindicator February 17, 1877; Choctaw claim against U.S. for 3,000,000 dollars by Albert Pike (lawyer)
5Star-Vindicator April 28, 1877; regarding survey of boundary line between Choctaw Nation and Arkansas.
6Star-Vindicator June 16, 1877; regarding survey of boundary line between Choctaw Nation and Arkansas.
7Star-Vindicator September 1, 1877; copy of letter from S.W. Marston Indian Agent to James J. McAlester, August 28, 1877 regarding an order concerning tribal citizenship for intermarried whites.
8Star-Vindicator September 1, 1877; letter of T.R. Madden regarding the hiring of teachers for Choctaw schools (qualifications, testing, etc.).
9Star-Vindicator September 15, 1877; editorial on taxes in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations.
10Star-Vindicator January 12, 1878; notice of T.R. Madden regarding the revocation of his teaching license.
11Star-Vindicator Nov. 23, 1878; humorous story regarding preachers and drunkenness.
12The Purcell Register September 15, 1893; editorial on election of Thomas W. Hunter, Jacob Jackson, et al to Choctaw House of Representatives.
13The Purcell Register Oct 6, 1893; editorial on Choctaw Council, selection of officers, factionalism, etc.
14The Purcell Register February 2, 1894; editorial on Choctaw Council and general accomplishments of it.
15Minco Minstrel August 17, 1894; editorial on election in the Choctaw Nation, election of certain members to Council, gives names and number of votes.
16The Caddo Banner Oct 5, 1894; regarding meeting of Choctaw Council, seating of officers, prospective legislation, etc.
17The Talihina News July 11, 1895; allotment of land.
18The Marlow Magnet July 18, 1895; editorial on Choctaw allotment.
19Minco Minstrel July 19, 1895; resolution by Choctaws to act apart from the Cherokees, Creeks, and Seminoles in dealing with the U.S. on the issues of tribal government, allotment, etc.
20Minco Minstrel February 28, 1896; editorial on Choctaw and Chickasaw claims against the U.S. (see folder 4 also)
21David Progress September 3, 1896; lists delegates and attorneys to represent Choctaw Nation before the Dawes Commission.
22The Daily Capitol December 17, 1896; an appeal of J.J. McAlester to Green McCurtain; gives good general history of coal mining in the Choctaw Nation, leases and laws pertaining to coal, etc.
23The Daily Capitol December 22, 1896; an agreement between the Dawes Commission and the Choctaw Nation, gives terms of agreement, provisions, etc.
24South McAlester Capital January 28, 1897; Choctaw Treaty opposition presumably over the Dawes Commission agreements.
25The Indian Citizen February 18, 1897; letter of C.S. Vinson to Green McCurtain regarding borrowing money to save starving Choctaws.
26The Indian Citizen March 18, 1897; letter of C.S. Vinson to Green McCurtain regarding the legality of specific legislation dealing with coal mine leases.
27The Marietta Monitor August 19, 1898; editorial on Choctaw proclamation by Governor McCurtain which disenfranchised freedmen.
28The Claremore Progress September 24, 1898; Indian Territory statistics giving tribal population, number of freedmen, intermarried citizens, etc.
29The Indian Citizen February 16, 1899; letter W.G. Ward to the editor regarding Ward's disagreement with McCurtain over the method in which land titles should be established for allottees.
30The Indian Citizen July 6, 1899; letter of Blair J. Shoenfelt to Green McCurtain regarding violation of laws concerning ownership of livestock in Choctaw Nation by noncitizens.
31The Indian Citizen August 17, 1899; letter of Blair Shoenfelt to McCurtain regarding a royalty on hay
32The South McAlester Capital September 21, 1899; editorial on enrollment of Choctaws and Chickasaws, gives enrollment figures by town.
33The South McAlester Capital Oct 12, 1899; editorial on Choctaw Council, proposed legislation, etc.
34The South McAlester Capital Oct 26, 1899; an appeal to Green McCurtain to intervene on behalf of the citizens of Atoka; they were upset over the work of the townsite commissioners (designating allotments)
35South McAlester News March 2, 1900; town lot patents of Choctaw and Chickasaw towns.
36South McAlester Capital November 8, 1900; editorial on Choctaw and Chickasaw suit involving lands and other property and the citizenship claims of 4,000 people. A second article has more details.
37South McAlester News January 11, 1901; editorial on E.A. Hitchcock and schools -decision to bar court-declared citizen's children from attending Choctaw schools.
38South McAlester Capital June 13, 1901; editorial on lawsuit regarding claims against the U.S.
39South McAlester Capital July 4, 1901; editorial regarding the meeting of the Tuskahoma Party at San Bois and their selection of candidates.
40South McAlester Capital July 11, 1901; editorial on the work of the Choctaw townsite commission.
41South McAlester Capital August 29, 1901; editorial on the work of the Choctaw townsite commission.
42South McAlester Capital March 6, 1902; regarding treaty with Dawes Commission, closing of tribal rolls.
43South McAlester Capital April 3, 1902; copy of the agreement with the Dawes Commission.
44South McAlester Capital June 12, 1902; editorial on election of governors.
45South McAlester Capital June 19, 1902; editorial on Tuskahoma Party convention nominating candidates for governor.
46The Coalgate Courier July 10, 1902; editorial on Choctaw politics.
47The Coalgate Courier August 7, 1902; article regarding the victory of T.W. Hunter as governor over Green McCurtain; has vote tallies by town.
48South McAlester Capital Oct 2, 1902; regarding the ratification on the Dawes agreement by the Choctaw people; gives vote count by County.
49South McAlester News Oct 9, 1902; has all the details about the disputed governor's election.
50Tahlequah Arrow Oct 25, 1902; regarding the seating of McCurtain as governor.
51South McAlester Capital February 19, 1903; general political news.
Box 47
1The Indian Citizen June 13, 1903; letter of L.W. Oakes to Green McCurtain regarding the dispossession of valuable timber and agricultural lands from Indians.
2The Indian Citizen June 18, 1903; letter of L.W. Oakes to Green McCurtain regarding the dispossession of valuable timber and agricultural lands from Indians.
3The Indian Citizen June 18, 1903; platform of the Tuskahoma Party.
4The Indian Citizen July 9, 1903; letter of L.W. Oakes to Green McCurtain regarding the dispossession of valuable timber and agricultural lands from Indians.
5The Indian Citizen July 16, 1903; editorial on the Choctaw Protective Party (opposition party to Tuskahoma Party).
6The Indian Citizen July 23, 1903; letter of John Proviso to Green McCurtain and G.W. Dukes; regarding public debate between McCurtain and former governor Dukes over corruption, tribal politics, etc.
7South McAlester Capital July 7, 1904; laws and explanations concerning the alienation of tribal and individual land titles.
8The Wapanucka Press July 28, 1904; satirical comparison of Greenwood Leflore and Green McCurtain and the "theft" of Choctaw lands.
9The Madill News August 12, 1904; editorial on the Tuskahoma Party.
10The Coalgate Courier Oct 20, 1904; regarding the final case to be heard by the Choctaw-Chickasaw Citizenship Court.
11Marietta Monitor January 6, 1905; regarding issuing of deeds to allotments.
12The Claremore Progress January 21, 1905; regarding payment of attorney fees for prosecution of fraudulent citizenship claims.
13The Sulphur Post April 27, 1905; regarding dispute over proper approval of allotment patents.
14The Durant Weekly News May 19, 1905; regarding dispute over proper approval of allotment patents.
15South McAlester Capital May 25, 1905; regarding dispute over proper approval of allotment patents.
16Coalgate Courier June 22, 1905; Notice of the M.K. & T. Railroad requesting referees to determine compensation for damages, claims, etc. against the line in the Coalgate area.
17The Indian Citizen June 29, 1905; letter E.A. Hitchcock to Green McCurtain citing proper procedure for issuing allotment patents.
18The Mannesville News August 18, 1905; editorial by Thomas W. Hunter on the disposition of coal lands in Choctaw Nation.
19Perry, Mrs. A.E. "History of Choctaw and Chickasaw." Sturm's Oklahoma Magazine 1, no. 3 (November 1905): 92-96. has an account of the origins of the Choctaws, brief biographical sketches of Greenwood Leflore and Green McCurtain, and general information.
20Holdenville Times January 12, 1906; editorial on enrollment of Choctaw and Chickasaw children of an intermarried white citizen.
21Mannesville News March 9, 1906; editorial on alienation of homestead titles by heirs of Indian land.
22The Indian Citizen June 7, 1906; general interest story on Sophia Pitchlynn.
23Holdenville Times August 17, 1906; editorial on Indian slaveholders.
24The Indian Citizen August 23, 1906; "letter to the editor" which criticizes Green McCurtain and his efforts to allow the freedmen to be adopted by the tribe. cites Chickasaw refusal to do so.
25The New State Tribune September 6, 1906; address by Thomas W. Hunter to Choctaws urging them to support the Democratic Party, since the Republicans were pushing for joint statehood (discusses the Sequoyah movement, political dispossession of Indians, etc.)
26The Ardmore Statesman September 21, 1906; announcing sale of unallotted Choctaw and Chickasaw lands at public auction.
27The Indian Citizen November 1, 1906; letter of J.G. Ralls to editor, regarding failure of Green McCurtain to call for elections for governor and national council as required by the constitution.
28Lehigh Leader November 15, 1906; lists Choctaw and Chickasaw delegates who were to meet with U.S. Senators visiting Indian Territory.
29The Welch Watchman February 7, 1907; editorial on Choctaw-Chickasaw freedmen.
30The Welch Watchman May 23, 1907; announces release of attorneys who had served to enroll Choctaw tribal members.
31The Muldrow Press November 15, 1907; regarding legality of Secretary Hitchcock's removal of 1,100 people from the Choctaw-Chickasaw rolls.
32The Union Review July 9, 1908; regarding the theft of Indian land by corruption.
33The Dewey World September 10, 1908; regarding commissioners obtaining proof verifying that Mississippi Choctaws and Chickasaws were living on their allotments.
34Johnston County Democrat January 28, 1910; regarding settlement of claims involving land allotted to freedmen.
35The Ardmore Statesman February 5, 1910; supplemental enrollment of tribal members.
36The Ardmore Statesman March 19, 1910; supplemental enrollment of tribal members.
37The Ardmore Statesman November 11, 1911; regarding per capita payments to Choctaws and Chickasaws.
38Johnston County Capital-Democrat January 2, 1913; final report on the sale of unallotted land (see also Box 47, folder 26)
39The Tishomingo Leader May 29, 1914; editorial on the re-opening of the tribal rolls.
40Johnston County Capital-Democrat May 25, 1916; regarding work of the competency commission in determining if Indians were competent, and therefore able to have full control of their property.
41The Ardmore Statesman December 18, 1919; regarding settlement of mineral rights
42Capital-Democrat July 21, 1921; per capita payments for Choctaws and Chickasaws (amount).
43Ardmore Statesman February 14, 1924; per capita payments for Choctaws and Chickasaws (amount).
44Johnston County Democrat June 10, 1926; organization of the Choctaw-Chickasaw Protective Association.
45The Daily Oklahoman March 20, 1927; regarding Choctaw law enforcement and the old court at Mayhew (Mayhew court ground).
46The Daily Oklahoman January 28, 1934; regarding John Collier and the new process of selecting tribal leaders.
47The Daily Oklahoman n.d.; article by Muriel Wright entitled "The Old Choctaw Indian Capitol at Tuskahoma, Oklahoma."
48The Daily Oklahoman March 22, 1936; Ghost Towns of the Choctaw Nation by W.B. Morrison. discusses Armstrong Academy (Chahta Tamaha)
49"A Story of Choctaw Chiefs" by Peter J. Hudson, original copy in F.S. Barde Collection at Oklahoma Historical Society, discusses political makeup of tribe, also traces the history of each chief.
50"Editorial on Choctaws and Chickasaws" from original in the F.S. Barde Collection at Oklahoma Historical Society. discusses tribal dispute over governor's office by rival claimants (after death of Green McCurtain), per capita payments, etc.
51"Memorial in Honor of Allen Wright, Basil Le Flore and J.F. McCurtain" from an original in the possession of Muriel Wright; generally praises their accomplishments.
Box 48
1File contains several documents relative to the survey of the boundary between the Choctaw Nation and Arkansas, most notably the field notes of the 1825 survey.
2Resolution by the Choctaw Council requesting the governor to write a letter to the President to empower a delegation to petition Choctaw requests in Washington, to give the agent supervisory control over the Leased District, etc. November 4, 1857.
3Finance committee report recommending the appointment of a special delegate to Washington D.C. to represent Choctaw interests. Oct 14, 1908. An act providing for the same, Oct 14, 1908. (Signed by Theodore Roosevelt)
4An act to appropriate money for the cleaning of the Choctaw capitol building; Oct 14, 1908. (Signed by Theodore Roosevelt)
5Several miscellaneous laws of the Choctaw Nation from 1908.
6A list and brief description of the laws, acts, resolutions, etc. Passed from 1857-1858.
7Bound index to the laws of the Choctaw National Council from 1869-1910.
8Six letters from the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes to the National Secretary of the Choctaws (E.H. Wilson) accounting for the laws which were approved or disapproved by the President, March 1908 - April 1909 (incomplete)
9Letter of William Bryant, P.C.C.N., to William Robuck, July 22, 1873; covers a variety of topics; intruders in Indian Territory, freedmen question, forbidding of Douglas H. Cooper from representing the Choctaws, etc.
10Letter by Richard J. McCloskey of the Indian Health Service to the Choctaw people, letter is also endorsed by Hollis E. Roberts, P.C.C.N., January 29, 1981; letter cites proposed changes in eligibility for IHS services.
11Printed copy of the constitution of the Choctaw-Chickasaw League in English (and another copy in Choctaw)
12Proclamation by the Governor of Texas announcing a reward for the capture of Ben Fuller. Oct 3, 1887.
13Certificate commissioning James Usray as sheriff of Kiamichi County, Choctaw Nation, September 10, 1896.
14Petition to the President and Congress, n.d., from the Choctaw people requesting allotment of their lands and the establishment of an Indian State.
15Several miscellaneous laws of the Choctaw Nation from 1910-1911.
16Letter from L.P. Walker to Douglas H. Cooper regarding cultivating friendly relations and the closest alliance with the Choctaw Nation and the U.S. Government. Dated May 13, 1861. Original and copy.
Box 49
11857--Resolution regarding General Douglas A. Cooper, agent for the Choctaw Nation, aiding the Choctaw Delegation in Washington. Passed.
21857--Resolution retaining the translators of the laws in the employment of the Nation. Alfred Wade & Tandy Walker.
31857--Resolutions: Electing School Trustees, Instruction to Delegation, Name changing, etc.
41858--Bill admitting McGilbery family and others as citizens.
51861--Case of Moses Tekabi vs. Choctaw Nation. Testimony in Choctaw language.
61861--Receipt. Awarded Choctaw members due fees for services.
71861--Warrant. Samuel Folsom--Service rendered Committee of Confederate States.
81861--Warrant of L.P. Pitchlynn. Service rendered the Nation.
91868--Choctaw Census roll--Cedar County. Choctaws, Freedmen, and one white family.
101870--Expenses of Delegates and printing costs.
111871--Agreement with the Presbyterian Board on opening the Spencer Academy.
121885--J.W. Everidge Jr. appointment as Senator for deceased Wm. Robuck.
141866--Letter: To Rev. Allen Wright from Couley, Commissioner, Office of Indian Affairs.
151899--History and missions.
161887--Letter: To Hon. L.Q.C. Lamar, Secretary of the Interior from G.W. Harkins, et al, Chickasaw and Cherokee Delegates. Re: mining contracts of the Choctaw Nation with the Osage Coal and Mining Company.
171825--Address from the Choctaw Delegation of Indians. Relative to their condition in common with other tribes and praying that the same may be improved.
Box 50
1An act defining the duties and salary of the National Treasurer, 1857.

An act defining the duties and salary of the National Secretary, 1857.

An act setting up a Special Contingency Fund, 1857.
2An act defining the organization and pay of General Counsel, 1857.

An act defining the duties and salary of National Attorney, 1857.

An act defining the duties and salary of Governor of Choctaw Nation, 1857.
3An act defining the duties and salary of Clerk of Supreme Court, 1857.

An act defining the duties and salary of National Auditor, 1857.

An act defining the duties and salary of District Attorney, 1857.
4An act establishing a Circuit Court, 1857.

An act creating a Corps of Lighthorsemen, 1857.

An act defining the duties of Clerk of Circuit Court, 1857.
5An act defining the Governor's power to swear in officials, 1857.

An act defining the duties of Clerk of Probate Court, 1857.

An act establishing a Probate Court and duties of the Judges, 1857.
6An act defining the duties of Sheriff, 1857.

An act defining the duties of Constable, 1857.

An act defining the duties of Justice of the Peace, 1857.
7An act defining the duties of County Treasure, 1857.

An act defining the powers of Board of Police, 1857.

An act repealing two former acts and making appropriations for a building, 1857.
8An act defining the duties of Coroner, 1857.

An act filling vacancies in public office, 1857.

An act establishing the fees of certain officers, 1857.

A resolution giving Executives extra pay, 1857.
9An act providing for the taking of a census, 1857.

A resolution calling for the printing and distribution of the acts and resolutions, 1857.

An act repealing certain acts and making appropriations, 1857.

An act appropriating funds for neighborhood schools, 1857.
10An act amending the new Constitution (term of office) in Choctaw language and translation, 1857.

Account statements regarding Commissioners on the part of the Choctaw Nation and the Commissioner of Confederate States of America, 1861.

Resolution of instruction to the Choctaw delegation, 1857.

Resolution retaining the translators of the laws, 1857.

Resolution to declare legitimate the children of John Johnston, Sr., 1857.

Resolution regarding elections of Trustees (school), 1857.

Resolution regarding payment to Commissioners that met the Chickasaw Commission, 1857.

Resolution regarding school funds, 1857.

Resolution to settle treaty business regarding other tribes on land claimed by Choctaws, 1857.
12A resolution to appoint Commissioners to confer with the Chickasaw Indians, 1858.

An act concerning the removal of Creek Indians, 1858.

A petition to colonize leased (?) territory, 1858.

An act calling for a vote on amendments to the Constitution, 1858.
13An act to define the Office of District Chief and to increase the number of Lighthorsemen, 1858.

An act to allot funds for schools, 1858.

An act to erect a toll bridge, 1858.

An act to allot funds for schools, 1858.
14An act authorizing payment of a $1000 claim, 1858.

An act to appropriate $11,000 for the delegation in Washington, 1858.

An act to grant to William Holloway the privilege to turnpike the narrows and establish a toll gate, 1858.
15An act setting compensation for services rendered by persons, 1858.

An act defining kidnapping and setting its punishment, 1858.

An act defining cruelty to livestock and setting its punishment, 1858.

An act defining the location of the seat of Justice in several counties, 1858.
16An act defining the crimes and punishments of treason and murder, 1858.

An act defining the crime and punishment of manslaughter, 1858.

An act authorizing payment to John Joshua's widow, 1858.
17A resolution requesting the U.S. Government provide funds for a missionary school, 1858.

An act defining the crime and punishment of libel and slander, 1858.

An act defining the crime and punishment of mayhem, 1858.
18An act defining the crime and punishment of incest, 1858.

An act defining the crime and punishment of larceny, 1858.

An act granting to D. Davis the privilege to erect a toll bridge, 1858.
19An act granting to the heirs of W.R. Gay the privilege to erect a toll bridge, 1858.

An act to increase the salary of the Captain of the Lighthorsemen, 1858.

A resolution for the submission to a vote of the people the question of a Convention, 1858.
20An act fixing the County site of the counties of Kiamichi and Blue, 1858.

A resolution complimentary to General Douglas Cooper, 1858.

An act granting to Jon Riddle the privilege to erect a toll bridge, 1858.

An act authorizing the translation and printing of the Choctaw laws, 1858.
21An act granting to Washington McDaniel and Charles James the privilege to erect a toll bridge, 1858.

An act to constitute and pay jurors, 1858.

An act to apportion the representation of counties, 1858.

A resolution directing the Choctaw Delegation to bring about a settlement of boundary questions, 1858.

A partial list of 1858 acts.
22An act admitting ninety-four people as full citizens of the Choctaw Nation, 1858.

An act admitting the McGilbery family as citizens, 1858.
23Trial record regarding horse ownership, 1860.
24Receipt for services rendered sent from Choctaw Nation to L.P. Pitchlynn (warrants regarding Confederate States, memo of money for Cherokee Nation), 1861.

Receipt of a Treasury Draft of the United States for the sum of $112,000.00, 1861.
25Case of Moses Tekabi vs. Choctaw Nation, includes testimony in the Choctaw language, 1861.
26Warrant for the arrest of an African American for horse stealing, written in Choctaw language, 1862.

Choctaw Treasury warrants, 1863.
27Census roll of Whites, Freedmen, and Indians in Cedar County, 1868.

Letter from E.S. Parker to Capt. Geo. T. Olmsted, Jr. regarding "Wright Property" Boggy Depot and the purchase of a building for the use of the Agent for the Choctaws & Chickasaws, 1869.
28Special message from Choctaw Nation to U.S. Congress, 1870.

Letter from W.T. Otto to Wm. Bryant regarding railroads in Choctaw and Chickasaw country, 1870.

Letter from P.P. Pitchlynn to Wm. Bryant regarding expenses of Delegates and printing costs, 1870.
29Agreement between Choctaw Nation and Presbyterian Board on Spencer Academy, 1871.

Senate document, memorial of I.L. Garvin, Principal Chief of Choctaw Nation, 1878.

Appointment of J.W. Everidge, Jr. as Senator of Kiamitia County, 1885.
30Warrants for attorney's salary for citizenship cases, 1900.

Report of the Leased District Delegation concerning Leased District vs. Wichitas and the U.S. Government, 1901.

Letter regarding the appointment of a Secretary to the Principal Chief and amount of salary, 1901.
31Farmer permits (2), 1897.
32Choctaw-Chickasaw Commissions (8), appointments to various positions, 1900-1902 and 1904.
33Brochure "Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma: Programs and Services" 1997.

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