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    • Miscellaneous Papers

    • Miscellaneous Papers

    • Seven typewritten research reports that were written using the data collected during the Hawthorne study. The papers look at interviewing techniques in general as well as specific examples from the study. It also discusses and outlines their...

    • 1930
    • The Human Factor in Industry

    • The Human Factor in Industry

    • Typewritten report by R. D. Gross written in July 1931. This paper discusses the different experiments conducted at Hawthorne, some of the resulting data that was collected, and analyzes how it might be used.

    • 1931
    • Impact of Hawthorne Studies and Counseling

    • Impact of Hawthorne Studies and Counseling

    • Typewritten research report which presents background information on the company and how it is viewed by the community, analyzes the data collected about personnel counseling, and provides discussion about what impact this study will have on the...

    • 1931
    • Classification of Mica Test Room Operators Comments

    • Classification of Mica Test Room Operators Comments

    • Comments from mica test room operators. The comments were recorded and classified as follows: A. Rest periods, hours, holidays, vacations; B. Production, earnings, repairs, type; C. Supervision and test room environment; D. Attitudes and transient...

    • October 1928-November 1930
    • Study of Employee Reaction to Shortened Working Week

    • Study of Employee Reaction to Shortened Working Week

    • Report compiling data gathered from employee comments on standard hours and steady work during interviews held from 1929-1931. It also includes some information about home conditions which was collected during 1930-1931 and then grouped by mental...

    • August 1931
    • Research for Management and the Worker

    • Research for Management and the Worker

    • Correspondence both handwritten and typed, text drafts, and other materials pertaining to the book which was being written by F.J. Roethlisberger and W.J. Dixon and also their monograph titled Management and the Worker which was based on data...

    • 1939-1950
    • Hawthorne Study Documents

    • Hawthorne Study Documents

    • Collection of miscellaneous documents, both typewritten and handwritten, pertaining to the Hawthorne project and the results obtained from the study. Based on data collected from 1928-1940. Included are transcripts of speeches, summary documents...

    • 1928-1940
    • Rotational Training Study

    • Rotational Training Study

    • Documents include comments from supervisors returning to their jobs after a year of interviewing employees and the different ways they handled employees and various incidents.

    • 1930
    • Plan for Supervisory Development

    • Plan for Supervisory Development

    • Documents concerning research and planning regarding training supervisors in both technical skills and personnel skills. Included are ideas on logistics of the training as well as content.

    • 1931-1932
    • Special interviews II

    • Special interviews II

    • Transcripts of interviews with operating branch employees concerning their working conditions and any other factors that may affect their work. Included at the end of each interview are brief notes from the interviewer

    • 1929
    • Employee Relations Development Study

    • Employee Relations Development Study

    • Report concerning the employee interview program conducted by Hawthorne Works Inspection Branch. Included are the plans for the study with purpose and procedure. Also contained is a summary outline, and interviews with representative employees...

    • 1929
    • Numerical Analysis of Comments Operating Branch Interviews

    • Numerical Analysis of Comments Operating Branch Interviews

    • Substance analysis of employee comments on various subjects taken from 10,300 operating branch interviews. Each subject is listed in a table, with numbers for the total comments analyzed, favorable comments, favorable thought spread, unfavorable...

    • 1929
    • Substance Analysis of Comments on Supervisors

    • Substance Analysis of Comments on Supervisors

    • 10,300 operation branch employee interviews from 1929 are analyzed and categorized between favorable and unfavorable comments on supervisors. Comments are separated and enumerated by gender. Comments are summarized with examples as support....

    • 1929
    • Changes Due to Interviews

    • Changes Due to Interviews

    • The operation branch employee interviews from 1929 are analyzed and discussed and conclusions are made. Contains inter-office memos from 1930 discussing changes made due to the interviews and areas for future analysis

    • 1929-1930
    • Supervisor Meeting Minutes

    • Supervisor Meeting Minutes

    • Minutes of meetings held by the supervisors of the safety and health division from the time period of 1930-1931. The meetings covered complaints from the interviews done in 1930. Supervisors were assigned to follow up on the complaints, and...

    • 1930-1931
    • Index to Hawthorne Study Documents

    • Index to Hawthorne Study Documents

    • Index to administration, public relations, personnel counseling and reference materials, including speeches organized by speaker. The documents listed cover the entire study

    • 1924-1957
    • Counseling in a Group Situation

    • Counseling in a Group Situation

    • Counseling record, entitled: Counseling in a group situation, by Phyllis Dodds. It contains detailed descriptions about the interviews, conversations, observations, as well as counselors own impressions, feelings, etc. which happened during the...

    • 1940
    • Station Apparatus Shop:  Personnel Counseling Experiment

    • Station Apparatus Shop: Personnel Counseling Experiment

    • Comments on interviews in the station apparatus shop and a review of experience in connection with beginning the personnel counseling experiment. The experiment was designed as a more thorough interview process where the interviewer looked at...

    • 1936
    • Personnel Counseling Experiment:  Review

    • Personnel Counseling Experiment: Review

    • Five reports reviewing the personnel counseling experiment from January, 1936 to March, 1937. Included are the appendices about attitudes of short and long service employees, outline and suggestions for discussing the labor situation, and tables...

    • January 1936-March 1937
    • Counseling:  Defined

    • Counseling: Defined

    • Document defining counseling for the purposes of the personnel counseling experiment and explains the methodology and purpose of the experiment

    • 1949
    • Social Relationships Among Departments at Hawthorne

    • Social Relationships Among Departments at Hawthorne

    • Report, entitled: Notation of the points of view and social interrelationships of departments at Hawthorne that are directly concerned with wage problems, by E. C. Tessman. This report includes the information and impressions gained during a two...

    • 1936
    • Organization and Operation

    • Organization and Operation

    • Report containing the general information on the organization and operation of the wage incentives, time standards and labor grades departments

    • 1936
    • Individual Case Study, Mica Splitting Operator 1

    • Individual Case Study, Mica Splitting Operator 1

    • Records regarding mica-splitting operator 1. Informal notes and recommendations, both hand written and type written, concerning this operator are included. Also included is a summary of absences is given for the entire period of employment from...

    • 1921-1929
    • Individual Case Study, Mica Splitting Operator 5

    • Individual Case Study, Mica Splitting Operator 5

    • Records regarding mica-splitting operator fives performance. Included are a formal summary, a list of comments, and a log of favorable and unfavorable comments. The favorable and unfavorable comment log is for the period from 1928 to 1930. Also...

    • 1928-1930
    • Individual Case Study, Mica Group

    • Individual Case Study, Mica Group

    • Two page form/questionnaire used for personal data collection and observation. A narrative case history for each of the 5 mica splitting operators follows. The case histories give marital status and age. There is a discussion of living...

    • 1931
    • Reactions to Layoffs

    • Reactions to Layoffs

    • Summary of why layoffs had to occur and how employees were chosen for layoff. Also included are the employee and supervisor comments regarding the layoffs

    • 1938
    • An Analysis of a Counselors Three Months Activity

    • An Analysis of a Counselors Three Months Activity

    • Report addressing the work of a counselor during the three month period of January through March, 1943. It stated what she did on a daily basis and showed how her work was valuable to the company by increasing employee morale, providing proof...

    • 1943
    • Case Study:  Group Dynamics

    • Case Study: Group Dynamics

    • Case study of a group of young female employees. This group of young female employees formed cliques, talked, and was a problem for their supervisors. The girls claimed they did not know how to do their jobs, they needed more supervision, they...

    • 1945
    • Personnel Counseling Activity

    • Personnel Counseling Activity

    • Report describing multiple cases where the counselor was able to interview employees who were undergoing stressful situations, some of a personal nature, some related to their jobs, and how the counselor was able to lessen tensions and enable the...

    • November 1949
    • Results of Changes to Pay Structure

    • Results of Changes to Pay Structure

    • Description of work behavior related to incentives and of the relationship between the supervisors and employees in the station apparatus shop. Included are observations of employee work and analysis of interviews. The purpose is to outline what...

    • 1938
    • Personnel Counseling Methods

    • Personnel Counseling Methods

    • Report discussing some of the characteristics of a good counselor and his use of the interview as a tool to adjust the employees thoughts and emotions

    • Unknown
    • Orientation Program For Personnel Counselors

    • Orientation Program For Personnel Counselors

    • Syllabus for personnel counselors during their orientation period. It includes a weekly reading list along with a list of management with whom they need to speak to gain additional perspectives from their reading and essay assignments

    • 1940
    • Experience in Personnel Counseling

    • Experience in Personnel Counseling

    • Study of a counselors work. It lists numerous employees, their problems, results from speaking with the counselor, whether they improved as a result of counseling, and their supervisors feelings about their improvement. It also lists employees who...

    • 1944
    • Effects of Counseling Program:  Conveyor Assembly Group

    • Effects of Counseling Program: Conveyor Assembly Group

    • Report about supervisor difficulties. There are reports from both the supervisor and the counselor. A line supervisor reported several conversations with group members and with the counselor. His report includes his observation of positive...

    • 1944
    • Western Electric People

    • Western Electric People

    • Various pieces of correspondence from 1929-1932 among Western Electric administrators. The earlier pieces of correspondence, including letters to Dr. Elton B. Mayo, Professor of Industrial Research, Graduate School of Business Administration,...

    • 1929-1932
    • Letters: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    • Letters: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    • C.E. Turner of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology and Public Health wrote G.A. Pennock and M.L. Putnam. The letters discuss testing causes for increased output, analyzing output by 15 minute intervals, testing vascular skin...

    • February 1929-December 1930
    • Investigator Correspondence

    • Investigator Correspondence

    • Correspondence passed among investigators from September 1928 to February 1934. Letters to G.A. Pennock from Dr. Elton Mayo examined blood pressure, visits, generalizing mind for administration and societal changes; biological measures needs,...

    • 1928-1934
    • Outside concerns: Educational Institutions and Publishers

    • Outside concerns: Educational Institutions and Publishers

    • The reports of the experiments at the Hawthorne Plant generated a great deal of interest. Directors of various companies requested further information for use in their company. Several university professors requested information for use in their...

    • 1928-1931
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