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    • Doyce, Mr. Daniel

    • Doyce, Mr. Daniel

    • circa 1887-1955

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • General, Mrs.

    • General, Mrs.

    • circa 1887-1959

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Hexam, Gaffer

    • Hexam, Gaffer

    • circa 1887-1960

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Meagles, Mr.

    • Meagles, Mr.

    • circa 1887-1962

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Merdle, Mr. M. P.

    • Merdle, Mr. M. P.

    • circa 1887-1963

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Nandy, Mr. John Edward

    • Nandy, Mr. John Edward

    • circa 1887-1964

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Pet

    • Pet

    • circa 1887-1965

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Maggie

    • Maggie

    • circa 1887-1961

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Sparkler, Mr. Edmund

    • Sparkler, Mr. Edmund

    • circa 1887-1967

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Plornish, Mr.

    • Plornish, Mr.

    • circa 1887-1966

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Tip

    • Tip

    • circa 1887-1968

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Dorrit, Mr. Wm.

    • Dorrit, Mr. Wm.

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Casby, Mr. Christ.

    • Casby, Mr. Christ.

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Flintwich, Jeremiah

    • Flintwich, Jeremiah

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Chivery, Young John

    • Chivery, Young John

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • F.'s Aunt, Mr.

    • F.'s Aunt, Mr.

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Pancks, Mr.

    • Pancks, Mr.

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Rigaud

    • Rigaud

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Barnacle, Clarence

    • Barnacle, Clarence

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Meagles, Mr.

    • Meagles, Mr.

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Maggy

    • Maggy

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Plornish, Mr.

    • Plornish, Mr.

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Cavaletto, John Baptist

    • Cavaletto, John Baptist

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Little Dorrit was originally published in 20 parts in 19 monthly installments, with the last two parts published in a double installment. William Dorrit, father of the title character, Amy, has been sent to Marshalsea debtor's prison in London,...
    • Smike

    • Smike

    • circa 1887-1899

    • Nicholas Nickleby, Dickens' third novel, is about social injustice in England. Nicholas Nickleby's father dies and the family, Nicholas, sister Kate, and their mother, are forced to move to London to ask for assistance from their Uncle Ralph...
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