Peter Pitchlynn Materials
Description:  Choctaw manuscript materials (3)."Acts and Resolutions passed at the called Session of the General Council of the Choctaw Nation, in June 1861." This document (18 pages) contains numerous acts and resolutions. June 11, 1861 - Oct. 18, 1862."Fellow Citizens of the Senate and the House of Representatives..." Address by P.P. Pitchlynn re. the Confederate cause and the effects of the Civil War on the Choctaw Nation, government, Armstrong Academy, etc.. Jan. 9, 1865."Fellow Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives..." Address by P.P. Pitchlynn to Extra Session re. the cessation of existence of the Government of the Confederate States. June 15, 1865."No. 5 Chahta Tamaha C.N. June 15th 1865. Indian Council. Resolutions of Grand Indian Council held at Chahta Tamaha, C.N.." Resolutions of the Cherokee, Choctaws, Creeks, Chickasaws, Seminoles, Comanches, Caddos, Osages, Cheyennes, Kiowas, Arapahoes, Sipans, northern Caddos, and Annada kos that hostilities among the Indians should cease, that the integrity of the Indian Territory as the present and future home of these Indian tribes should be maintained, and that commissioners be appointed to represent the tribes in their dealings in Washington, D.C.. Approved June 16, 1865."No. 6 Doaksville Ark June 19th 1865." copy of Treaty Stipulations made and entered into on June 19, 1865 at Doaksville, C.N. between Lieutenant Colonel A.C. Mathews and Adjutant William H. Vance, commissioners appointed by military authorities of the U.S., and P.P. Pitchlynn, Principal Chief and Governor of the Choctaw Nation. This document (8 pages) contains a copy of a treaty stipulations (June 19, 1865), copy of Commissioners letter of instructions (June 9, 1865), and proclamation by P.P. Pitchlynn re. calling a Grand Council of all Indians, and cessation of all hostilities between the Indians and the U.S. Government (June 19, 1865)."Executive Department, Choctaw Nation September 1st, 1865. To the Honorable the Grand Council of the Confederated Nations..." Proclamation by P. P. Pitchlynn re. change in meeting of the Grand Council from Armstrong Academy to Fort Smith, urging the tribes to make peace with Government of the U.S., and "that agricultural pursuits will have to be soon adopted as a permanent means of obtaining subsistence..." Sep. 1, 1865.
Date:  6-11-1861, et al.
Collection:  Pitchlynn, Peter Perkins
Choctaw Nation
Document Location:  Box 7, Folder 7

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