Peter Pitchlynn Materials
Description:  Choctaw manuscript materials (2).Letters to Messrs. Cunningham & Henry from Wm. R. Guy re. the purchase of a set of saw-mill irons, saws, etc. together with gristmill irons. March 18, 1844.Register of P.P. Pitchlynn's Company by order of Major William Armstrong. Register includes name and numerical totals for the following headings: men, women, male children, and female children. Aug. 12, 1845."Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the General council of the Choctaw Nation assembled that the sum of four thousand and five hundred dollars..." Section 1 through 40 of a bill (11 pages) approved by Chiefs Peter Folsom and Thomas LeFlore. Oct. 8 - Oct. 12, 1849.Letter to the Senate and House of Representatives of the General Council from Tandy Walker providing an assessment of the state of the government and such measures as deemed expedient. Oct. 1858.
Date:  3-18-1844, et al.
Collection:  Pitchlynn, Peter Perkins
Choctaw Nation
Document Location:  Box 7, Folder 6

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