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Peter Pitchlynn Materials
Description:  Papers relating to Choctaws' education and the Armstrong Academy.Letter to the Trustees of the Armstrong Academy from Jos. Waller of the Domestic mission of the Southern Baptist Convention re. the Armstrong Academy's passing from under the control of the Baptist denomination by an act of the Choctaw National Council. Dec. 17, 1855. Articles of agreement between the board of School Trustees for the Choctaw Nation and the Domestic Board of the Southern Baptist convention re. certain conditions necessary for the Domestic Board of the Southern Baptist Convention to assume the control and management of Armstrong Academy. Nov. 15, 1855.Letter to Robt. Nail stating that Rev. A.G. Moffat had rejected the 3rd and 6th conditions of the articles of agreement placing Armstrong Academy under the control of the Domestic Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. "We have, therefore, accordingly come to the conclusion to take charge of the institution, and have appointed Allen Wright to teach the school for the remainder of the present session." Nov. 20, 1855.Letter to col. P. P. Pitchlynn from Samuel Worcester, Substitute Clerk of the Pushmataha District, re. register of the names of Choctaw Children, and their parents provided for by a provision in the Choctaw Treaty of 1830. Includes a list of orphans. n.d.Letter to Col. P.P. Pitchlynn from Robert Nail concerning the conduct of the Baptist board in regards to Armstrong Academy. Also, includes a proposition from the Trustees of Public Schools for the districts of Apukshenobe and Pushmataha. Jan. 12, 1855.Letter to Hon. P.P. Pitchlynn from Alfred Wright re. specific conditions in the placing of the Wheelock Female Boarding School under his superintendence as a missionary of the American Board. April 26, 1868.A Bill (School Act of 1853) enacted by the Choctaw Nation to amend various acts in relation to education and for other purposes. Nov 16, 1853.Act by the General council of the Choctaw nation re. the funds granted under the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek (1830) for the education of forty youths. Several other provisions in this act. Nov. 10, 1852.Joint Resolution re. clause in contracts providing for dissolution of connection between Board of Missions and the Choctaw Nation. Nov. 16, 1853.Act by the General Council of the Choctaw Nation re. the interest accrued from the provisions of the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek. Nov. 14 and 16, 1853.Letter to the Trustees of the Public School in the Choctaw Nation accompanying the annual report of the Armstrong Academy re. financial matters. Nov. 6, 1855.
Date:  12-17-1855, et al.
Collection:  Pitchlynn, Peter Perkins
Choctaw Nation
Document Location:  Box 7, Folder 4

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