Research materials regarding historical accounts by One Bull, and genealogical material for Sitting Bull.
Description:  Research materials regarding historical accounts by One Bull, and genealogical material for Sitting Bull.
a. the genealogical chart of Sitting Bull, n.d.
b. a historical account by One Bull entitled, “Prophesy of Sitting Bull of a Disastrous Year, 1889-1890,” n.d.
c. typescript of “Prophesy of Sitting Bull - of Complete Annihilation of Custer and His Soldiers” as told to One Bull. n.d.
d. an incomplete typescript excerpt from The Book of the American Indian by Hamlin Garland, regarding the Hunkpapa Sioux, n.d.
e. various excerpts and notes regarding the Sioux.
Collection:  Campbell, Walter Stanley (1877-1957)
Document Location:  Box 110, Folder 8

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